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Last active May 4, 2020 20:38
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python memoization decorator
# Memoize result from `myfunction1` depending on the arg1 and arg3 parameters.
@memoize('arg1', 'arg3')
def myfunction1(arg1, arg2, arg3):
res = myfunction1('key1', 'meh', 7)
# Memoize result from `myfunction2` depending on 'prop' attribute from "argobject" parameter.
class myobject(object):
prop = 'hi'
def myfunction2(blah, argobject):
x = myobject()
x.prop = 'heh'
res = myfunction2('whee', x)
# Memoize result from `myfunction3` depending on sum of the "list_of_numbers" parameter
@memoize(list_of_numbers=lambda list: sum(list))
def myfunction3(blargh, list_of_numbers):
res = myfunction3(None, [1,3,5,7])
# memoization decorator for arbitrary parameters #
def memoize(*kargs, **kattrs):
'''Converts a function into a memoized callable
kargs = a list of positional arguments to use as a key
kattrs = a keyword-value pair describing attributes to use as a key
if key='string', use kattrs[key].string as a key
if key=callable(n)', pass kattrs[key] to callable, and use the returned value as key
if no memoize arguments were provided, try keying the function's result by _all_ of it's arguments.
F_VARARG = 0x4
F_VARKWD = 0x8
F_VARGEN = 0x20
kargs = list(kargs)
kattrs = tuple((o, a) for o, a in sorted(kattrs.items()))
# Define some utility functions for interacting with a function object in a portable manner
has_function = (lambda F: hasattr(F, 'im_func')) if sys.version_info.major < 3 else (lambda F: hasattr(F, '__func__'))
get_function = (lambda F: F.im_func) if sys.version_info.major < 3 else (lambda F: F.__func__)
def prepare_callable(fn, kargs=kargs, kattrs=kattrs):
if has_function(fn):
fn = get_function(fn)
if not isinstance(fn, memoize.__class__):
raise AssertionError("Callable {!r} is not of a function type".format(fn))
cache = {}
co = fn.__code__
flags, varnames = co.co_flags, iter(co.co_varnames)
if (flags & F_VARGEN) != 0:
raise AssertionEerror("Not able to memoize {!r} generator function".format(fn))
argnames = itertools.islice(varnames, co.co_argcount)
c_positional = tuple(argnames)
c_attribute = kattrs
c_var = ( if flags & F_VARARG else None, if flags & F_VARKWD else None)
if not kargs and not kattrs:
kargs[:] = itertools.chain(c_positional, filter(None, c_var))
def key(*args, **kwds):
res = iter(args)
p = dict(zip(c_positional, res))
a, k = c_var
if a is not None: p[a] = tuple(res)
if k is not None: p[k] = dict(kwds)
k1 = (p.get(k, None) for k in kargs)
k2 = ((n(p[o]) if callable(n) else getattr(p[o], n, None)) for o, n in c_attribute)
return tuple(itertools.chain(k1, [None], k2))
def callee(*args, **kwds):
res = key(*args, **kwds)
try: return cache[res] if res in cache else cache.setdefault(res, fn(*args, **kwds))
except TypeError: return fn(*args, **kwds)
def force(*args, **kwds):
res = key(*args, **kwds)
cache[res] = fn(*args, **kwds)
return cache[res]
# set some utilies on the memoized function
callee.memoize_key = lambda *args, **kwargs: key(*args, **kwargs)
callee.memoize_key.__doc__ = """Generate a unique key based on the provided arguments."""
callee.memoize_cache = lambda: cache
callee.memoize_cache.__doc__ = """Return the current memoize cache."""
callee.memoize_clear = lambda: cache.clear()
callee.memoize_clear.__doc__ = """Empty the current memoize cache."""
callee.force = lambda *args, **kwargs: force(*args, **kwargs)
callee.force.__doc__ = """Force calling the function whilst updating the memoize cache."""
callee.__name__ = fn.__name__
callee.__doc__ = fn.__doc__
callee.callable = fn
return callee if isinstance(callee, types.FunctionType) else types.FunctionType(callee)
return prepare_callable(kargs.pop(0)) if not kattrs and len(kargs) == 1 and callable(kargs[0]) else prepare_callable
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