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Running a sub-process asynchronously and receiving a callback when any output is ready
# Wrappers if you want to use gevent for light-weight threading #
if 'gevent' not in sys.modules:
raise ImportError
import gevent
# wrapper around greenlet since my instance of gevent.threading doesn't include a Thread class for some reason.
class Thread(object):
def __init__(self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs=None, verbose=None):
if group is not None:
raise AssertionError
f = target or (lambda *a,**k:None)
self.__greenlet = res = gevent.spawn(f, *args, **(kwargs or {}))
self.__name = name or "greenlet_{identity:x}({name:s}".format(name=f.__name__, identity=id(res))
self.__daemonic = False
self.__verbose = True
def start(self):
return self.__greenlet.start()
def stop(self):
return self.__greenlet.stop()
def join(self, timeout=None):
return self.__greenlet.join(timeout)
is_alive = isAlive = lambda self: self.__greenlet.started and not self.__greenlet.ready()
isDaemon = lambda self: self.__daemon
setDaemon = lambda self, daemonic: setattr(self, '__daemonic', daemonic)
getName = lambda self: self.__name
setName = lambda self, name: setattr(self, '__name', name)
daemon = property(fget=isDaemon, fset=setDaemon)
ident = name = property(fget=setName, fset=setName)
class Asynchronous:
import gevent.queue, gevent.event, gevent.subprocess
Thread, Queue, Event = map(staticmethod, (Thread, gevent.queue.Queue, gevent.event.Event))
spawn, spawn_options = map(staticmethod, (gevent.subprocess.Popen, gevent.subprocess))
# Wrappers if you want to use regular heavy-weight (BGL) threading #
except ImportError:
class Asynchronous:
import threading
Thread, Event = map(staticmethod, (threading.Thread, threading.Event))
import subprocess
spawn, spawn_options = map(staticmethod, (subprocess.Popen, subprocess))
# Try importing with Python3's name first
import queue as Queue
# Otherwise we'll try Python2's name
except ImportError:
import Queue
Queue, QueueEmptyException = map(staticmethod, (Queue.Queue, Queue.Empty))
# subprocess-like wrapper for asynchronous interaction with process #
import sys, os, weakref, time, itertools, shlex
# monitoring an external process' i/o via threads/queues
class process(object):
"""Spawns a program along with a few monitoring threads for allowing asynchronous(heh) interaction with a subprocess.
mutable properties:
program -- Asynchronous.spawn result
commandline -- Asynchronous.spawn commandline
eventWorking -- Asynchronous.Event() instance for signalling task status to monitor threads
stdout,stderr -- callables that are used to process available work in the taskQueue
id -- subprocess pid
running -- returns true if process is running and monitor threads are workingj
working -- returns true if monitor threads are working
threads -- list of threads that are monitoring subprocess pipes
taskQueue -- Asynchronous.Queue() instance that contains work to be processed
exceptionQueue -- Asynchronous.Queue() instance containing exceptions generated during processing
(process.stdout, process.stderr)<Queue> -- Queues containing output from the spawned process.
program = None # Asynchronous.spawn result
id = property(fget=lambda self: self.program and or -1)
running = property(fget=lambda self: False if self.program is None else self.program.poll() is None)
working = property(fget=lambda self: self.running and not self.eventWorking.is_set())
threads = property(fget=lambda self: list(self.__threads__))
updater = property(fget=lambda self: self.__updater__)
taskQueue = property(fget=lambda self: self.__taskQueue)
exceptionQueue = property(fget=lambda self: self.__exceptionQueue)
encoding = property(fget=lambda self:
def __init__(self, command, **kwds):
"""Creates a new instance that monitors Asynchronous.spawn(`command`), the created process starts in a paused state.
Keyword options:
env<dict> = os.environ -- environment to execute program with
cwd<str> = os.getcwd() -- directory to execute program in
shell<bool> = True -- whether to treat program as an argument to a shell, or a path to an executable
show<bool> = False -- if within a windowed environment, open up a console for the process.
paused<bool> = False -- if enabled, then don't start the process until .start() is called
timeout<float> = -1 -- if positive, then raise a Asynchronous.Empty exception at the specified interval.
## default properties
self.__updater__ = None
self.__threads__ = weakref.WeakSet()
self.__kwds = kwds
args = shlex.split(command) if isinstance(command, six.string_types) else command[:]
command = args.pop(0)
self.command = command, args[:]
self.eventWorking = Asynchronous.Event()
self.__taskQueue = Asynchronous.Queue()
self.__exceptionQueue = Asynchronous.Queue()
self.codec = codecs.lookup(kwds.get('encoding', 'iso8859-1' if sys.getdefaultencoding() == 'ascii' else sys.getdefaultencoding()))
self.stdout = kwds.pop('stdout')
self.stderr = kwds.pop('stderr')
## start the process
not kwds.get('paused', False) and self.start()
def start(self, **options):
'''Start the command with the requested `options`.'''
if self.running:
raise OSError("Process {:d} is still running.".format(
if self.updater or len(self.threads):
raise OSError("Process {:d} management threads are still running.".format(
## copy our default options into a dictionary
kwds = self.__kwds.copy()
env = kwds.get('env', os.environ)
cwd = kwds.get('cwd', os.getcwd())
shell = kwds.get('shell', False)
stdout, stderr = options.pop('stdout', self.stdout), options.pop('stderr', self.stderr)
## spawn our subprocess using our new outputs
self.program = process.subprocess([self.command[0]] + self.command[1], cwd, env, joined=(stderr is None) or stdout == stderr, shell=shell, show=kwds.get('show', False))
## monitor program's i/o
self.__start_monitoring(stdout, stderr)
self.__start_updater(timeout=kwds.get('timeout', -1))
## start monitoring
return self
def __start_updater(self, daemon=True, timeout=0):
'''Start the updater thread. **used internally**'''
## define the closure that wraps our co-routines
def task_exec(emit, data):
if hasattr(emit, 'send'):
res = emit.send(data)
res and P.write(res)
else: emit(data)
## define the closures that block on the specified timeout
def task_get_timeout(P, timeout):
emit, data = P.taskQueue.get(block=True, timeout=timeout)
except Asynchronous.QueueEmptyException:
_, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
P.exceptionQueue.put(StopIteration, StopIteration(), tb)
return ()
return emit, data
def task_get_notimeout(P, timeout):
return P.taskQueue.get(block=True)
task_get = task_get_timeout if timeout > 0 else task_get_notimeout
## define the closure that updates our queues and results
def update(P, timeout):
while P.eventWorking.is_set():
res = task_get(P, timeout)
if not res: continue
emit, data = res
task_exec(emit, data)
except StopIteration:
hasattr(P.taskQueue, 'task_done') and P.taskQueue.task_done()
## actually create and start our update threads
self.__updater__ = updater = Asynchronous.Thread(target=update, name="thread-{:x}.update".format(, args=(self, timeout))
updater.daemon = daemon
return updater
def __make_reader(self, pipe, **parameters):
'''Return an iterator that decodes data from pipe using the current encoding.'''
decoder = self.codec.incrementaldecoder(**parameters)
# keep processing bytes and feeding them to our decoder. if the pipe
# is closed during this process, then that's ok and we can just leave.
bytereader = iter(functools.partial(, 1), b'')
while not pipe.closed:
result = decoder.decode(next(bytereader))
if result:
yield result
def __start_monitoring(self, stdout, stderr=None):
'''Start monitoring threads. **used internally**'''
name = "thread-{:x}".format(
## create monitoring threads (coroutines)
params = dict(errors='replace')
if stderr:
out_pair = stdout, self.__make_reader(self.program.stdout, **params)
err_pair = stderr, self.__make_reader(self.program.stderr, **params)
res = process.monitorGenerator(self.taskQueue, out_pair, err_pair, name=name)
out_pair = stdout, self.__make_reader(self.program.stdout, **params)
res = process.monitorGenerator(self.taskQueue, out_pair, name=name)
## attach a friendly method that allows injection of data into the monitor
res = list(res)
for t, q in res: t.send = q.send
threads, senders = zip(*res)
## update our set of threads for destruction later
## set everything off
for t in threads: t.start()
def subprocess(program, cwd, environment, joined, shell=( == 'nt'), show=False):
'''Create a subprocess using Asynchronous.spawn.'''
stderr = Asynchronous.spawn_options.STDOUT if joined else Asynchronous.spawn_options.PIPE
## collect our default options for calling Asynchronous.spawn (subprocess.Popen)
options = dict(stdin=Asynchronous.spawn_options.PIPE, stdout=Asynchronous.spawn_options.PIPE, stderr=stderr)
options.update(dict(universal_newlines=False) if sys.version_info.major < 3 else dict(text=False))
if == 'nt':
options['startupinfo'] = si = Asynchronous.spawn_options.STARTUPINFO()
si.dwFlags = Asynchronous.spawn_options.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
si.wShowWindow = 0 if show else Asynchronous.spawn_options.SW_HIDE
options['creationflags'] = cf = Asynchronous.spawn_options.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE if show else 0
options['close_fds'] = False
options.update(dict(close_fds=False, startupinfo=si, creationflags=cf))
options['close_fds'] = True
options['bufsize'] = 0
options['cwd'] = cwd
options['env'] = environment
options['shell'] = shell
## split our arguments out if necessary
command = shlex.split(program) if isinstance(program, six.string_types) else program[:]
## finally hand it off to subprocess.Popen
try: return Asynchronous.spawn(command, **options)
except OSError: raise OSError("Unable to execute command: {!r}".format(command))
def monitorPipe(q, target, *more, **options):
"""Attach a coroutine to a monitoring thread for stuffing queue `q` with data read from `target`.
The tuple `target` is composed of two values, `id` and `pipe`.
Yields a list of (thread, coro) tuples given the arguments provided.
Each thread will read from `pipe`, and stuff the value combined with `id` into `q`.
def stuff(q, *key):
while True:
item = (yield),
q.put(key + item)
for id, pipe in itertools.chain([target], more):
res, name = stuff(q, id), "{:s}<{!r}>".format(options.get('name', ''), id)
yield process.monitor( or res.send, pipe, name=name), res
def monitorGenerator(q, target, *more, **options):
"""Attach a coroutine to a monitoring thread for stuffing queue `q` with data read from `target`.
The tuple `target` is composed of two values, `id` and `generator`.
Yields a list of (thread, coro) tuples given the arguments provided.
Each thread will consume `generator`, and stuff the result paired with `id` into `q`.
def stuff(q, *key):
while True:
item = (yield),
q.put(key + item)
for id, reader in itertools.chain([target], more):
res, name = stuff(q, id), "{:s}<{!r}>".format(options.get('name', ''), id)
yield process.monitor_reader( or res.send, reader, name=name), res
def monitor(send, pipe, blocksize=1, daemon=True, name=None):
"""Spawn a thread that reads `blocksize` bytes from `pipe` and dispatches it to `send`
For every single byte, `send` is called. The thread is named according to
the `name` parameter.
Returns the monitoring Asynchronous.Thread instance
# FIXME: if we can make this asychronous on windows, then we can
# probably improve this significantly by either watching for
# a newline (newline buffering), or timing out if no data was
# received after a set period of time. so this way we can
# implement this in a lwt, and simply swap into and out-of
# shuffling mode.
def shuffle(send, pipe):
while not pipe.closed:
# FIXME: would be nice if python devers implemented support for
# reading asynchronously or a from an anonymous pipe.
data =
if len(data) == 0:
# syscall was interrupted. so since we can't really
# determine why (cause...y'know..python), stop dancing so
# the parent will actually be able to terminate us
[ send(item) for item in data ]
## create our shuffling thread
if name:
truffle = Asynchronous.Thread(target=shuffle, name=name, args=(send, pipe))
truffle = Asynchronous.Thread(target=shuffle, args=(send, pipe))
## ..and set its daemonicity
truffle.daemon = daemon
return truffle
def monitor_reader(sender, reader, daemon=True, name=None):
"""Spawn a thread that reads `blocksize` bytes from `pipe` and dispatches it to `send`
For every single byte, `send` is called. The thread is named according to
the `name` parameter.
Returns the monitoring Asynchronous.Thread instance
def shuffle(sender, reader):
for block in reader:
[ sender(item) for item in block ]
## create our shuffling thread
if name:
truffle = Asynchronous.Thread(target=shuffle, name=name, args=(sender, reader))
truffle = Asynchronous.Thread(target=shuffle, args=(sender, reader))
## ..and set its daemonicity
truffle.daemon = daemon
return truffle
def __format_process_state(self):
if self.program is None:
return "Process \"{!r}\" {:s}.".format(self.command[0], 'was never started')
res = self.program.poll()
return "Process {:d} {:s}".format(, 'is still running' if res is None else "has terminated with code {:d}".format(res))
def write(self, data):
'''Write `data` directly to program's stdin.'''
if self.running and not self.program.stdin.closed:
if self.updater and self.updater.is_alive():
encoded, count = self.codec.encode(data)
return self.program.stdin.write(encoded)
raise IOError("Unable to write to stdin for process {:d}. Updater thread has prematurely terminated.".format(
raise IOError("Unable to write to stdin for process. {:s}.".format(self.__format_process_state()))
def close(self):
'''Closes stdin of the program.'''
if self.running and not self.program.stdin.closed:
return self.program.stdin.close()
raise IOError("Unable to close stdin for process. {:s}.".format(self.__format_process_state()))
def signal(self, signal):
'''Raise a signal to the program.'''
if self.running:
return self.program.send_signal(signal)
raise IOError("Unable to raise signal {!r} to process. {:s}.".format(signal, self.__format_process_state()))
def exception(self):
'''Grab an exception if there's any in the queue.'''
if self.exceptionQueue.empty(): return
res = self.exceptionQueue.get()
hasattr(self.exceptionQueue, 'task_done') and self.exceptionQueue.task_done()
return res
def wait(self, timeout=0.0):
'''Wait a given amount of time for the process to terminate.'''
if self.program is None:
raise RuntimeError("Program {!r} is not running.".format(self.command[0]))
## if we're not running, then return the result that we already received
if not self.running:
return self.program.returncode
self.updater.is_alive() and self.eventWorking.wait()
## spin the cpu until we timeout
if timeout:
t = time.time()
while self.running and self.eventWorking.is_set() and time.time() - t < timeout:
if not self.exceptionQueue.empty():
res = self.exception()
six.reraise(res[0], res[1], res[2])
return self.program.returncode if self.eventWorking.is_set() else self.__terminate()
## return the program's result
# XXX: doesn't work correctly with PIPEs due to pythonic programmers' inability to understand os semantics
while self.running and self.eventWorking.is_set():
if not self.exceptionQueue.empty():
res = self.exception()
six.reraise(res[0], res[1], res[2])
continue # ugh...poll-forever (and kill-cpu) until program terminates...
if not self.eventWorking.is_set():
return self.__terminate()
return self.program.returncode
def stop(self):
return self.__terminate()
def __terminate(self):
'''Sends a SIGKILL signal and then waits for program to complete.'''
pid =
except OSError as e:
logger.fatal("{:s}.__terminate : Exception {!r} was raised while trying to kill process {:d}. Terminating its management threads regardless.".format('.'.join((__name__, self.__class__.__name__)), e, pid), exc_info=True)
while self.running: continue
if self.exceptionQueue.empty():
return self.program.returncode
res = self.exception()
six.reraise(res[0], res[1], res[2])
def __stop_monitoring(self):
'''Cleanup monitoring threads.'''
P = self.program
if P.poll() is None:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to stop monitoring while process {!r} is still running.".format(P))
## stop the update thread
## forcefully close pipes that still open (this should terminate the monitor threads)
# also, this fixes a resource leak since python doesn't do this on subprocess death
for p in (P.stdin, P.stdout, P.stderr):
while p and not p.closed:
try: p.close()
except: pass
## join all monitoring threads
# XXX: when cleaning up, this module disappears despite there still
# being a reference for some reason
import operator
# XXX: there should be a better way to block until all threads have joined
[ th.join() for th in self.threads ]
# now spin until none of them are alive
while len(self.threads) > 0:
for th in self.threads[:]:
if not th.is_alive(): self.__threads__.discard(th)
## join the updater thread, and then remove it
if self.updater.is_alive():
raise AssertionError
self.__updater__ = None
def __repr__(self):
ok = self.exceptionQueue.empty()
state = "running pid:{:d}".format( if self.running else "stopped cmd:{!r}".format(self.command[0])
threads = [
('updater', 0 if self.updater is None else self.updater.is_alive()),
('input/output', len(self.threads))
return "<process {:s}{:s} threads{{{:s}}}>".format(state, (' !exception!' if not ok else ''), ' '.join("{:s}:{:d}".format(n, v) for n, v in threads))
# friendlier interface for spawning a process and capturing its output #
def spawn(stdout, command, **options):
"""Spawn `command` with the specified `**options`.
If program writes anything to stdout, dispatch it to the `stdout` callable.
If `stderr` is defined, call `stderr` with anything written to the program's stderr.
# grab arguments that we care about
stderr = options.pop('stderr', None)
daemon = options.pop('daemon', True)
# empty out the first generator result if a coroutine is passed
if hasattr(stdout, 'send'):
res =
res and P.write(res)
if hasattr(stderr, 'send'):
res =
res and P.write(res)
# spawn the sub-process
return process(command, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, **options)
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