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Created September 23, 2020 18:23
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  • Save arizvisa/a3ab31ba1cb71b2d7acc1206bc08512b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Developer Console Extensions (greasemonkey)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Developer Console Extensions
// @description This adds a number of utilities to the developer console object
// @version 1
// @noframes
// @run-at document-end
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
Most of the logic/methodology used in this script was either inspired or ripped from the following sources:
const $DEBUG = false;
const private = (() => {
const owner =;
const uuid =;
let id = uuid.replace(/\W/g, '$');
let name = `${owner}\$${id}`;
let variable = 0;
return {
id: () => uuid,
owner: () => owner,
name: () => name,
new: () => `\$${name}\$${variable++}`,
/** main code **/
function main() {
let items = [];
// load a number of attributes that we want attached to the console
items.push({name: "save", closure: DownloadJSONBlob});
items.push({name: "export", closure: DownloadJSONBlob});
items.push({name: "download", closure: DownloadJSONBlob});
if ($DEBUG)
items.push({name: "test", closure: TestAttributeAssignment});
// aggregate an array of the necessary chunks, and escape them to solid text
let res = [];
for (let item of items)
res = res.concat(setattr_console(, item.closure));
let chunks = => new Text(item));
// create a script object and append all of our text items
const script = document.createElement('script', { type: "text/javascript" });
script.dataset.creator = private.owner();
script.dataset.owner =;
if ($DEBUG) {`Created ${script.toString()} with creator "${script.dataset.creator}" owned by ${script.dataset.owner}`);
for (let index = 0; index < chunks.length; index++)
console.debug(`Line #${index}: ${chunks[index].wholeText}`);
chunks.forEach(chunk => script.appendChild(chunk));
// inject the closure to remove our script element when we're done
const Fcleanup = (creator, owner) => document.querySelectorAll(`script[data-creator="${creator}"][data-owner="${owner}"]`).forEach(E => E.remove());
let closures = inject_closure(Fcleanup, script.dataset.creator, script.dataset.owner);
if ($DEBUG) {`Injecting cleanup closure for ${script.toString()} with selector: ${script.nodeName}[data-creator="${script.dataset.creator}"][data-owner="${script.dataset.owner}"]`);
for (let index = 0; index < closures.length; index++)
console.debug(`Line #${index}: ${closures[index]}`);
closures.forEach(chunk => script.appendChild(new Text(chunk)));
// finally we can attach it
(document.body || document.head || document.documentElement).appendChild(script);
function setattr_console(attribute, closure) {
const varname =;
let setattribute = (attribute, value) => { window.console[attribute] = value; };
let res = [];
res.push(`${varname} = ${toSource(closure)};`);
res.push(`(${setattribute.toString()})(${toSource(attribute)}, ${varname});`);
return res;
function inject_closure(closure, ...parameters) {
const varname =;
let res = [];
res.push(`${varname} = ${toSource(closure)};`);
res.push(`${varname}.apply(${undefined}, ${toSource(parameters)});`);
return res;
/** functions to load into the document **/
const TestAttributeAssignment = () => {
console.warn('Successfully assigned the defined attributes!');
// collect all of the attributes currently assigned to the console
let res = [];
for (let item in console)
res.push(item);`The console object has the following ${res.length} attributes:`);
console.debug(res.join(', '));
const DownloadJSONBlob = (object, filename) => {
const DefaultTabSize = 4;
const DefaultMimeType = "text/json";
const DefaultFilename = "console.json";
// check parameters
if (object === undefined) {
console.error(`DownloadJSONBlob: refusing to encode undefined value (${object})`);
return false;
if (!filename) {
console.warn(`DownloadJSONBlob: using default filename ${DefaultFilename}`);
filename = DefaultFilename;
} else {`DownloadJSONBlob: using specified filename ${filename}`);
// encode the object into a json blob
var encoded = JSON.stringify(object, undefined, DefaultTabSize);
const blob = new Blob([encoded], { type: DefaultMimeType });`DownloadJSONBlob: successfully encoded object into ${blob.size} bytes`);
// create a fake link that we can simulate a click with
const anchor = document.createElement('a');
anchor.dataset.url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
anchor.dataset.filename = filename;
anchor.dataset.mimetype = blob.type;
anchor.href = anchor.dataset.url; = anchor.dataset.filename;
// create the event representing the click, and dispatch it
const ev = new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: 0, button: 0 });
return true;
// because apparently the Object.prototype.toSource method is fucking Firefox specific...
const toSource = (object) => {
switch (typeof(object)) {
case "undefined":
return "undefined";
case "string":
return "\"" + object.replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/\"/g, "\\\"") + "\"";
case "object":
if (object == null) {
return "null";
var a = [];
if (object instanceof Array) {
for (var i in object) {
return "[" + a.join(", ") + "]";
} else {
for (var key in object) {
if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
a.push(key + ": " + toSource(object[key]));
return "{" + a.join(", ") + "}";
return object.toString();
/** actually perform our injection **/
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