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Forked from einblicker/gist:1402318
Created February 9, 2012 12:07
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encoding data families by using dependent method types
trait GMap[+V] {
type P[+_]
val content: P[V]
trait GMapKey[K] {
type GM[+V] <: GMap[V]
def empty[V]: GM[V]
def lookup[V](k: K, m: GM[V]): Option[V]
def insert[V](k: K, v: V, m: GM[V]): GM[V]
case class GMapInt[+V](
override val content: Map[Int, V]
) extends GMap[V] {
type P[+A] = Map[Int,A]
implicit object GMapKeyInt extends GMapKey[Int] {
type GM[+V] = GMapInt[V]
def empty[V] = GMapInt[V](Map())
def lookup[V](k: Int, m: GMapInt[V]) = m.content.find{case (x, _) => k == x}.map(_._2)
def insert[V](k: Int, v: V, m: GMapInt[V]) = GMapInt(m.content + (k -> v))
case class GMapUnit[+V](
override val content: Option[V]
) extends GMap[V] {
type P[+A] = Option[A]
implicit object GMapKeyUnit extends GMapKey[Unit] {
type GM[+V] = GMapUnit[V]
def empty[V] = GMapUnit[V](None)
def lookup[V](k: Unit, m: GMapUnit[V]) = m.content
def insert[V](k: Unit, v: V, m: GMapUnit[V]) = GMapUnit(Some(v))
object GMapPair {
trait GMapPair[T[+_], +V] extends GMap[V] {
type P[+A] = T[A]
override def toString = "GMapPair(" + content.toString + ")"
def apply[A, B, V](
a: GMapKey[A],
b: GMapKey[B]
)(m: a.GM[b.GM[V]]): GMapPair[({type X[+A]=a.GM[b.GM[A]]})#X, V] =
new GMapPair[({type X[+A]=a.GM[b.GM[A]]})#X, V] {
val content = m
implicit def mkGMapKeyPair[A: GMapKey, B: GMapKey] = new GMapKey[(A, B)] {
val (a, b) = (implicitly[GMapKey[A]], implicitly[GMapKey[B]])
type GM[+V] = GMapPair.GMapPair[({type X[+A]=a.GM[b.GM[A]]})#X, V]
def empty[V] = GMapPair[A, B, V](a, b)(a.empty)
def lookup[V](p: (A, B), m: GM[V]) = for {
x <- a.lookup(p._1, m.content)
y <- b.lookup(p._2, x)
} yield y
def insert[V](p: (A, B), v: V, m: GM[V]) = {
GMapPair[A, B, V](a, b){
a.lookup(p._1, m.content) match {
case None =>
a.insert(p._1, b.insert(p._2, v, b.empty), m.content)
case Some(m1) =>
a.insert(p._1, b.insert(p._2, v, m1), m.content)
def mkGMap[K: GMapKey, V](k: K, v: V): GMapKey[K]#GM[V] = {
val gm = implicitly[GMapKey[K]]
gm.insert(k, v, gm.empty)
def lookup[K: GMapKey, V](k: K, m: GMapKey[K]#GM[V]) = {
val gm = implicitly[GMapKey[K]]
gm.lookup(k, m.asInstanceOf[gm.GM[V]])
val m = mkGMap((1, (2, (3, ()))), 3)
println(lookup((1, (2, (3, ()))), m))
def mkGMapBug[K, V](k: K, v: V)(implicit gm: GMapKey[K]): gm.GM[V] = {
gm.insert(k, v, gm.empty)
val m = mkGMapBug((1, (2, (3, ()))), 3)
println(lookup((1, (2, (3, ()))), m))
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