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Forked from SystemFw/example.scala
Created July 5, 2018 07:49
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Running fs2 streams in parallel and collect their result in sequence, with queues
object Example {
import cats._, implicits._
import cats.effect._
import fs2._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
// start N streams concurrently, and stream their results in order
// e.g. download a file from a server in N parts concurrently, and stream it
// this approach is good for showcasing usage of concurrent abstractions,
// but a lower level implementation using Pull is likely to be much more performant
abstract class Channel[F[_], A] {
def send: Sink[F, A]
def receive: Stream[F, A]
object Channel {
def create[F[_]: Effect, A](
implicit ec: ExecutionContext): F[Channel[F, A]] =
async.boundedQueue[F, Option[A]](1000) map { queue =>
new Channel[F, A] {
def send: Sink[F, A] =
.onError(_ => Stream.eval(queue.enqueue1(None)))
def receive: Stream[F, A] =
def orderedJoin[F[_]: Effect, A](streams: Stream[F, Stream[F, A]])(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Stream[F, A] = {
type State = (Stream[F, Channel[F,A]], Stream[F, Stream[F, Unit]])
def channelsAndProducers: Stream[F, State] =
streams.evalMap { producer =>
Channel.create[F, A] map { chan =>
Stream(chan).covary[F] -> Stream(producer to chan.send).covary[F]
def consumer(chans: Stream[F,Channel[F, A]]): Stream[F, A] =
channelsAndProducers flatMap { case (chans, producers) =>
consumer(chans) concurrently producers.join(Int.MaxValue)
object Test {
import cats._, implicits._
import cats.effect._
import fs2._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import example._
def stdOut[F[_], I](implicit F: Sync[F]): Sink[F, I] = => F.delay(Console.out.println(str))))
def producers = {
def init = Stream.eval(IO(println("Initiating producers")))
def prods = init >> Stream.range(0, 20).covary[IO]
def elems = Stream.range(0, 20).covary[IO]
def msg(p: Int, i: Int) = s"Producer no: $p, element no: $i" => => msg(p,i)).observe(stdOut))
def result =
orderedJoin(producers).map(s => "Received from" + s).observe(stdOut)
def run =
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