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Created September 29, 2013 01:12
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Typical CBV evaluator
module CBV where
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type Id = String
data Exp
= Id Id
| Fun Id Exp
| App Exp Exp
| Int Int
| Add Exp Exp
| Div Exp Exp
deriving (Show)
data Val
= FunV Env Id Exp
| IntV Int
deriving (Show)
type Env = Map.Map Id Val
data Result a
= OK a
| Error String
instance Monad Result where
return a = OK a
(OK a) >>= f = f a
(Error str) >>= _ = Error str
fail msg = Error msg
lookup :: Id -> Env -> Result Val
lookup x env = case Map.lookup x env of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> fail $ "free identifier " ++ x
bind :: Id -> Val -> Env -> Env
bind x v e = Map.insert x v e
emptyEnv :: Env
emptyEnv = Map.empty
eval :: Env -> Exp -> Result Val
eval env (Id x) = lookup x env
eval env (Fun x e) = return (FunV env x e)
eval env (App e1 e2) = do
v1 <- eval env e1
v2 <- eval env e2
case v1 of
FunV env' x e -> eval (bind x v2 env') e
IntV _ -> fail "expected function"
eval env (Int n) = return (IntV n)
eval env (Add e1 e2) = do
v1 <- eval env e1
v2 <- eval env e2
case (v1, v2) of
(IntV n1, IntV n2) -> return (IntV (n1 + n2))
_ -> fail "expected numbers"
eval env (Div e1 e2) = do
v1 <- eval env e1
v2 <- eval env e2
case (v1, v2) of
(IntV _, IntV 0) -> fail "division by zero"
(IntV n1, IntV n2) -> return (IntV (n1 `div` n2))
_ -> fail "expected numbers"
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