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Created October 25, 2013 14:20
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module Main where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type Id = String
data Typ
= TInt
| TFun Typ Typ
deriving (Eq)
data Exp
= Int Int
| Id Id
| Fun Id Exp
| App Exp Exp
| Add Exp Exp
| Typ Typ Exp
deriving (Eq)
type Env = Map.Map Id Typ
emptyEnv :: Env
emptyEnv = Map.empty
extendEnv :: Id -> Typ -> Env -> Env
extendEnv = Map.insert
lookupEnv :: Id -> Env -> Maybe Typ
lookupEnv = Map.lookup
synth :: Env -> Exp -> Typ
synth _ (Int _) = TInt
synth env (Id x) = case lookupEnv x env of
Just t -> t
Nothing -> error ("unbound identifier " ++ x)
synth _ (Fun x e) = error "cannot synthesize the type of a function"
synth env (App e1 e2) = case synth env e1 of
TFun t1 t2 -> if check env e2 t1 then t2 else error "invalid arg. type"
_ -> error "expected function"
synth env (Add e1 e2) =
if check env e1 TInt && check env e2 TInt then
error "something is not an integer in someone's Elm program"
synth env (Typ t e) =
if check env e t then t else error "incorrect type annotation"
check :: Env -> Exp -> Typ -> Bool
check _ (Int _) TInt = True
check _ (Int _) _ = False
check env (Id x) t = case lookupEnv x env of
Just s -> s == t
Nothing -> error ("unbound identifier " ++ x)
check env (Fun x e) (TFun t1 t2) =
check (extendEnv x t1 env) e t2
check _ (Fun _ _) _ =
error "bad error message this is"
check env (App e1 e2) t =
check env e1 (TFun (synth env e2) t)
check env (Add e1 e2) TInt =
check env e1 TInt && check env e2 TInt
check _ (Add _ _) _ =
check env (Typ t e) s =
s == t && check env e t
-- Examples that should work:
-- synth emptyEnv (Typ (TFun Int Int) (Fun "x" (Id "x")))
-- synth emptyEnv (Typ TInt (App (Fun "x" (Id "x")) (Int 10)))
-- AddEventListener :: (Event -> Void) -> Void is in my env.
-- synth addEventListener(function(evt) { ... })
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