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Created November 25, 2013 13:13
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package cs691f.parsers
package attempt0 {
class Parser[A](val parse : String => Option[A]) { self =>
def alt(other : Parser[A]) =
new Parser(str => self.parse(str) match {
case Some(x) => Some(x)
case None => other.parse(str)
// Sequencing cannot be defined. The parse function needs to return
// the remainder of the String. If Strings were mutable, sequencing might
// might work, but mutable strings would cause other problems.
// def seq ...
def | (other: Parser[A]) = self.alt(other)
object Parser {
def id[A](v : A) = new Parser[A](str => Some(v))
def fail[A] = new Parser[A](_ => None)
def char(ch : Char) =
new Parser[Char]({
case str if str.length > 0 && str(0) == ch => Some(ch)
case _ => None
object Examples {
import Parser._
def digit = char('0') | char('1') | char('2') | char('3') | char('4') |
char('5') | char('6') | char('7') | char('8') | char('9')
def main() = {
println(s"${Console.BLUE}Running attempt0 examples...${Console.RESET}")
assert(char('A').parse("A") == Some('A'))
assert(char('A').parse("Z") == None)
assert(digit.parse("100") == Some('1'))
// Non-backtracking parser
package attempt1 {
class Parser[A](val parse : String => Option[(A, String)]) { self =>
def alt(other : Parser[A]) =
new Parser(str => self.parse(str) match {
case Some((x, str)) => Some((x, str))
case None => other.parse(str)
def | (other: Parser[A]) = self.alt(other)
// This type would discard the A value:
// def seq[B](other : Parser[B]) : Parser[B]
// This type wouldn't allow B to depend on A:
// def seq[B](other : Parser[B]) : Parser[(A, B)]
def seq[B](other : A => Parser[B]) =
new Parser[B](str => self.parse(str) match {
case None => None
case Some((a,str)) => other(a).parse(str)
// Needed by for { } expressions
def flatMap[B](other : A => Parser[B]) = seq(other)
// Needed by for { } expressions
def map[B](f : A => B) =
new Parser[B](str => self.parse(str) match {
case None => None
case Some ((a, str)) => Some((f(a), str))
def withFilter(pred : A => Boolean) =
new Parser[A](str => self.parse(str) match {
case Some((a, str)) => if (pred(a)) Some((a, str)) else None
case None => None
def filter(pred : A => Boolean) = withFilter(pred)
object Parser {
def id[A](v : A) = new Parser[A](str => Some(v, str))
def fail[A] = new Parser[A](_ => None)
def char(ch : Char) =
new Parser[Char]({
case str if str.length > 0 && str(0) == ch => Some((ch, str.drop(1)))
case _ => None
def string(chs: String) : Parser[String] =
new Parser[String]({
case str if str.startsWith(chs) => Some((chs, str.drop(chs.length)))
case _ => None
def eof = new Parser[Unit]({
case "" => Some(((), ""))
case _ => None
// This is a greedy parser
def many_clunky[A](p : Parser[A]) : Parser[List[A]] =
(p.seq(a => many_clunky(p).seq(as => id (a::as)))) alt id(Nil)
def many[A](p : Parser[A]) : Parser[List[A]] =
(for { x <- p; xs <- many(p) } yield (x :: xs)) | id(Nil)
def many1[A](p : Parser[A]) : Parser[List[A]] = for {
x <- many(p)
if (!x.isEmpty)
} yield x
object Examples {
import Parser._
def digit = char('0') | char('1') | char('2') | char('3') | char('4') |
char('5') | char('6') | char('7') | char('8') | char('9')
def whitespace = many(char(' ') | char('\n') | char('\t'))
def number = for {
digits <- many1(digit)
_ <- whitespace
} yield (digits.mkString.toInt)
def token(str : String) = for {
_ <- string(str)
_ <- whitespace
} yield str
sealed abstract class Exp
case class Add(e1 : Exp, e2 : Exp) extends Exp
case class Mul(e1 : Exp, e2 : Exp) extends Exp
case class Num(n : Int) extends Exp
def paren : Parser[Exp] =
for { _ <- token("("); e <- exp; _ <- token(")") } yield e
def num : Parser[Exp] =
for { n <- number } yield Num(n)
def atom : Parser[Exp] =
paren | num
def mulRhs(e1 : Exp) : Parser[Exp] =
for { _ <- token("*"); e2 <- mul } yield Mul(e1, e2)
def mul : Parser[Exp] =
for { e1 <- atom; r <- mulRhs(e1) | id(e1) } yield r
def addRhs(e1 : Exp) : Parser[Exp] =
for { _ <- token("+"); e2 <- add } yield Add(e1, e2)
def add : Parser[Exp] =
for { e1 <- mul; r <- addRhs(e1) | id(e1) } yield r
def exp = add
def main() = {
println(s"${Console.BLUE}Running attempt1 examples...${Console.RESET}")
assert(char('A').parse("A") == Some('A', ""))
assert(char('A').parse("Z") == None)
assert(digit.parse("100") == Some('1', "00"))
assert(number.parse("100") == Some(100, ""))
assert(exp.parse("123") == Some(Num(123), ""))
assert(exp.parse("123 + 23") == Some(Add(Num(123), Num(23)), ""))
assert(exp.parse("4 * 5") == Some(Mul(Num(4), Num(5)), ""))
assert(exp.parse("4 * 5 + 3") ==
Some(Add(Mul(Num(4), Num(5)), Num(3)), ""))
assert(exp.parse("4 * 5 + 3 * 7") ==
Some(Add(Mul(Num(4), Num(5)), Mul(Num(3), Num(7))), ""))
assert(exp.parse("4 * (5 + 3) * 7") ==
Some(Mul(Num(4), Mul(Add(Num(5), Num(3)), Num(7))), ""))
package attempt3 {
class Parser[A](val parse : String => Stream[(A, String)]) { self =>
// Having a stream of possible parses allows the parser to backtrack.
// Try it yourself.
object Main extends App {
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