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Created December 11, 2013 14:38
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Save arjunguha/7911463 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Async In_thread in action.
OASISFormat: 0.3
Name: frenetic
Version: 1.0.2
Synopsis: The Frenetic Compiler and Runtime System
License: LGPL
Plugins: META (0.3), DevFiles (0.3)
Authors: Arjun Guha
Executable demo
Path: tool
Install: False
open Core.Std
open Async.Std
let rec interval_rec acc min max =
if min > max then acc else interval_rec (min :: acc) (succ min) max
let interval min max = List.rev (interval_rec [] min max)
let remove_multiples_of n lst =
List.filter lst (fun m -> m mod n <> 0)
(** Sieve of Eratosthenes, based on code found by Googling. Modified to use
tail-calls. For large N, this is a time-consuming computation, just as the
Frenetic compiler takes several seconds to compile Marco's policies. *)
let sieve max =
let rec filter_again acc = function
| [] -> acc
| n :: r as l ->
if n * n > max then l else filter_again (n :: acc) (remove_multiples_of n r)
filter_again [] (interval 2 max)
(** If we just invoke [sieve], we'll block the main OCaml thread. But, this
computation runs it in a different thread. *)
let primes_less_than (n: int): int list Deferred.t = (fun () -> sieve n)
>>= fun factors ->
printf "%d primes less than %d\n%!" (List.length factors) n;
return factors
(** [countdown n] sleep for a second and then wakes up to print. This is like
the thead that responds to ECHO_REQUESTs from a thread. A long running
computation, such as the Frenetic compiler, needs to not block it. *)
let rec countdown (n: int): unit Deferred.t =
printf "countdown %d\n%!" n;
after (sec 1.)
>>= fun () ->
if n = 0 then return () else countdown (n - 1)
(** Since the sieve runs in its own thread, we have concurrency. *)
let main () =
Deferred.both (countdown 10) (primes_less_than 2_000_000)
let _ =
main ();
never_returns (Scheduler.go ())
$ make && ./Main.byte
ocaml -build
Finished, 0 targets (0 cached) in 00:00:00.
+ ocamlfind ocamlc -c -g -package threads -package core -package async -thread -I tool -o tool/Main.cmo tool/
File "tool/", line 43, characters 2-9:
Warning 10: this expression should have type unit.
Finished, 3 targets (0 cached) in 00:00:01.
countdown 10
countdown 9
countdown 8
countdown 7
countdown 6
countdown 5
countdown 4
148710 primes less than 2000000
countdown 3
countdown 2
countdown 1
countdown 0
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