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Created December 12, 2013 05:05
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Typed_tcp for OpenFlow 1.0
open Core.Std
open Async.Std
open OpenFlow0x01
module OFMessage = struct
type t = (xid * Message.t) sexp_opaque with sexp
module OpenFlowArg = struct
module Client_message = OFMessage
module Server_message = OFMessage
module Transport = struct
type t = Reader.t * Writer.t
let create (r : Reader.t) (w : Writer.t) = return (r, w)
let close ((_, w) : t) = Writer.close w
let flushed_time ((_, w) : t) = Writer.flushed_time w
let read ((r, _) : t) =
let ofhdr_str = String.create Message.Header.size in
Reader.really_read r ofhdr_str >>= function
| `Eof _ -> return `Eof
| `Ok ->
let hdr = Message.Header.parse ofhdr_str in
let body_len = Message.Header.len hdr - Message.Header.size in
let body_buf = String.create body_len in
Reader.really_read r body_buf >>= function
| `Eof _ -> return `Eof
| `Ok -> return (`Ok (Message.parse hdr body_buf))
let write ((_, w) : t) (xid, msg) =
Writer.write w (Message.marshal xid msg)
module Tcp = Typed_tcp.Make (OpenFlowArg)
open Core.Std
open Async.Std
open OpenFlow0x01
module OFMessage : sig
type t = (xid * Message.t)
module Tcp : Typed_tcp.S with
module Client_message = OFMessage
and module Server_message = OFMessage
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