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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Given a binary search tree and a value k, please find a node in the binary search tree whose value is closest to k.
//Method 1:
public Node getClosestBSTNode( Node root, int k ){
if( root == null ){
return null;
return getClosestBSTNode( root, k, - k );
public Node getClosestBSTNode( Node node, int k, int parentDiff ){
if( parentDiff == 0 ){
return node;
Node closestLeftBSTNode = getClosestBSTNode( node.getLeft(), k, node.getData() - k );
Node closestRightBSTNode = getClosestBSTNode( node.getRight(), k, node.getData() - k );
if( parentDiff < ( closestLeftBSTNode.getData() - k) || parentDiff < ( closestRightBSTNode.getData() - k) ){
return node;
if( Math.abs (closestLeftBSTNode.getData() - k) <= Math.abs( closestRightBSTNode.getData() - k ) ){
return closestLeftBSTNode;
} else{
return closestRightBSTNode;
// Method 2:
public Node getClosestBSTNode( Node root ){
return getClosestBSTNode( root, k );
public Node getClosestBSTNode( Node node, int k, Node closestNode ){
if ( node == null ){
return null;
int currData =
if( currData == k ){
return node;
} else if( currData < k ){
int diff = Math.abs( currData - k );
int closestDiff = Math.abs( closestNode.getData() - k );
if( diff < closestDiff ){
if( node.getRight() != null ){
return getClosestBSTNode( node.getRight(), k, node );
} else{
return closestNode;
} else{
if( node.getRight() != null ){
return getClosestBSTNode( node.getRight(), k, closestNode );
} else{
return closestNode;
} else if ( currData > k ){
int diff = Math.abs( currData - k );
int closestDiff = Math.abs( closestNode.getData() - k );
if( diff < closestDiff ){
if( node.getLeft() != null ){
return getClosestBSTNode( node.getLeft(), k, node );
} else{
return closestNode;
} else{
if( node.getLeft() != null ){
return getClosestBSTNode( node.getLeft(), k, closestNode );
} else{
return closestNode;
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