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Created July 22, 2012 23:01
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LDN Coding Dojo: Groovy
class ArabicNumeralsTest extends GroovyTestCase {
def converter = new RomanNumerals()
void testOne() {
assert 1 == converter.toArabic("I")
void testDigit() {
assert 4 == converter.toArabic("IV")
assert 5 == converter.toArabic("V")
assert 9 == converter.toArabic("IX")
assert 10 == converter.toArabic("X")
assert 40 == converter.toArabic("XL")
assert 50 == converter.toArabic("L")
assert 90 == converter.toArabic("XC")
assert 100 == converter.toArabic("C")
assert 400 == converter.toArabic("CD")
assert 500 == converter.toArabic("D")
assert 900 == converter.toArabic("CM")
assert 1000 == converter.toArabic("M")
void test19() {
assert 19 == converter.toArabic("XIX")
void test999() {
assert 999 == converter.toArabic("CMXCIX")
void test99() {
assert 99 == converter.toArabic("XCIX")
void test1789() {
assert 1789 == converter.toArabic("MDCCLXXXIX")
void testIdiot() {
assert 0 == converter.toArabic("")
class RomanNumerals {
def romanDigits = [
1: 'I',
5: 'V',
10: 'X',
50: 'L',
100: 'C',
500: 'D',
1000: 'M',
4: 'IV',
9: 'IX',
40: 'XL',
90: 'XC',
400: 'CD',
900: 'CM'
def reverseRomanKeys = romanDigits.keySet().sort().reverse()
def arabicDigits = romanDigits.inject([:]) {map, entry ->
map[entry.value] = entry.key
def toRoman(arabic) {
def s = ''
reverseRomanKeys.every {key ->
while (arabic >= key) {
arabic = arabic - key
s += romanDigits[key]
def toArabic(String roman) {
def n = 0
while (roman.length()) {
for (i in 1..0) {
if (roman.length() > i && arabicDigits.containsKey(roman[0..i])) {
n += arabicDigits[roman[0..i]]
roman = roman.substring(1 + i)
class RomanNumeralsTest extends GroovyTestCase {
def converter = new RomanNumerals()
void testOne() {
assert "I" == converter.toRoman(1)
void testFive() {
assert "V" == converter.toRoman(5)
void testDigits() {
assert "X" == converter.toRoman(10)
assert "L" == converter.toRoman(50)
assert "C" == converter.toRoman(100)
assert "D" == converter.toRoman(500)
assert "M" == converter.toRoman(1000)
void testTwoDigits() {
assert 'VI' == converter.toRoman(6)
assert 'XI' == converter.toRoman(11)
void testTwoSimilarDigits() {
assert 'II' == converter.toRoman(2)
void testThreeSimilarDigits() {
assert 'III' == converter.toRoman(3)
void testSeven() {
assert 'VII' == converter.toRoman(7)
void test4() {
assert 'IV' == converter.toRoman(4)
void test40() {
assert 'XL' == converter.toRoman(40)
void test9() {
assert 'IX' == converter.toRoman(9)
void testFours() {
assert 'CD' == converter.toRoman(400)
assert 'CDXL' == converter.toRoman(440)
assert 'CDXLIV' == converter.toRoman(444)
void testNines() {
assert 'CM' == converter.toRoman(900)
assert 'CMXC' == converter.toRoman(990)
assert 'CMXCIX' == converter.toRoman(999)
void test1789() {
assert 'MDCCLXXXIX' == converter.toRoman(1789)
void test0() {
assert '' == converter.toRoman(0)
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