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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Fabric full cycle Groovy app deployment with process restart, pid file, apt, cron, tmux, credentials templating, groovy install.
import os
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.operations import run, sudo, get, put
from fabtools import require
from time import sleep
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
from StringIO import StringIO
# if passwordless sudo is required, please add
# /etc/sudoers.d/01-cloudf
env.user = 'cloudf'
env.hosts = ['']
sudo_user = 'admin'
app = 'containers'
pid_file = 'ws{}.pid'.format(app)
tmux_session = 'tmux new-session -d'
tmux_session_at_reboot = '@reboot ' + tmux_session
service = 'tmux new-window -d "exec bash -i -c \'cd $HOME/{} && /usr/local/groovy/bin/groovy wscontainers.groovy; echo ======= exit code \\\\$?; read\'"'.format(app)
service_at_reboot = '@reboot sleep 5 && ' + service
aws_config = '{}/.aws/config'.format(os.environ['HOME'])
csc_config = '_csc_credentials'
wscontainers = 'wscontainers.groovy'
files = ['cloudformation.json', 'cloud-config.yml', '']
groovy_version = '2.3.9'
def packages():
_user = env.user; env.user = sudo_user
require.deb.uptodate_index(max_age={'day': 1})
require.deb.packages(['openjdk-7-jdk', 'curl', 'unzip'])
env.user = _user
def groovy():
_user = env.user; env.user = sudo_user
with cd('/usr/local'):
zip_file = 'groovy-binary-{}.zip'.format(groovy_version)
sudo('curl -sSL --retry 5 --retry-delay 2 -O' + zip_file)
sudo('unzip -q ' + zip_file)
sudo('rm -rf groovy/ ' + zip_file)
sudo('mv groovy-{} groovy'.format(groovy_version))
env.user = _user
def upload():
aws = RawConfigParser()
with open(csc_config) as cscfile:
csc = [l.rstrip('\n') for l in cscfile]
with open(wscontainers) as wsfile:
script =
script = script.replace('{{ws_aws_access_key}}', aws.get('default', 'aws_access_key_id')) \
.replace('{{ws_aws_secret_key}}', aws.get('default', 'aws_secret_access_key')) \
.replace('{{ws_csc_user}}', csc[0]) \
.replace('{{ws_csc_password}}', csc[1])
put(StringIO(script), '{}/{}'.format(app, wscontainers))
for f in files:
put(f, app, mirror_local_mode=True)
def _tmux():
with settings(warn_only=True):
no_tmux_session = run('tmux list-sessions').failed
if no_tmux_session:
def terminate():
with cd(app):
with settings(warn_only=True):
do_pkill = True
pid = StringIO()
if get(pid_file, local_path=pid).succeeded:
pid = pid.getvalue()
if pid:
pid = pid.strip()
if pid.isdigit():
do_pkill = run('kill ' + pid).failed
if not do_pkill:
run('kill -9 ' + pid)
run('rm ' + pid_file)
if do_pkill:
run('pkill -f {0} && sleep 2 && pkill -9 -f {0}'.format('java.*ws{}\\\\.groovy'.format(app)))
def start():
# not using fabtools.cron, but user crontab instead
def _crontab(cmd, grep_not):
crontab = [line for line in run('crontab -l').splitlines() if grep_not not in line]
crontab.insert(0, cmd)
new = app + '/crontab.txt'
put(StringIO('\n'.join(crontab)), new)
run('crontab ' + new)
def crontab():
_crontab(service_at_reboot, 'groovy wscontainers')
_crontab(tmux_session_at_reboot, 'tmux new-session')
def deploy():
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