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Last active December 10, 2015 12:48
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TreSQL usage examples
transactional {
val delta = event.days // 7 days
val q =
|construction_merchants [status = :active] {id}
| construction_merchants merchant
|[merchant.prn_id = official_list.prn_id] official_list
|[official_list.child_id = member.prn_id] construction_merchants member
|[merchant.status = :active & member.status = :active & official_list.date_to = null & official_list.typ = :org]
| construction_merchants merchant
|[merchant.prn_id = official_list.prn_id] official_list
|[official_list.date_to = null & official_list.typ = :private]
| construction_merchants merchant
|[ = contract.cmt_id] specialist_contracts contract
|[ = contract_scope.sct_id] contract_scopes contract_scope
|[contract.prn_id = certificate.prn_id] certificates certificate
|[ = certified_scope.crt_id] certified_scopes certified_scope
|[ merchant.status = :active &
| certified_scope.cse_id = contract_scope.cse_id &
| contract.contract_date_from <= :now & (contract.contract_date_to = null | contract.contract_date_to + :delta >= :now) &
| contract_scope.date_from <= :now & (contract_scope.date_to = null | contract_scope.date_to + :delta >= :now) &
| certified_scope.date_from <= :now & (certified_scope.date_to = null | certified_scope.date_to + :delta >= :now)
Map("now" -> now, "active" -> model.ConstructionMerchant.ACTIVE, "delta" -> delta, "org" -> model.Person.ORG, "private" -> model.Person.PRIVATE))
.map(_.long(0)).foreach(id => {
val idS = id.toString
if (shouldNotify(BKRSpecialistsAndCertificates, idS, services.Cal.nowAdd(-2 * delta))) {
val merchant = from(Database.constructionMerchants)(m => where( === id) select(m)).head
val person = merchant.person.head
val processId = services.Workflow.createWorkflowInstance("BKR-verify",
person.code + " " + + " Reģ.Nr." + merchant.registerNumber, idS)
insertTaskNotificationHistory(BKRSpecialistsAndCertificates, idS, processId)
def _import(layer: Layer, table: String, docId: Int, codeMapSql: Option[String], columnsMap: Map[String, String]) {
val codeMap = => => (r.string(0),
log.finest("code map is " + codeMap)
Query(table + " - [document_id = ?]", docId)
val kods = "kods"
val codeColumnName = columnsMap.get(kods)
val columns = columnsMap.values.toList
val sql = table + " {document_id, uploaded_id, the_geom" +
columns.mkString(", ", ", ", "") +
"} + [:document_id, :uploaded_id, st_geomfromtext(:geom, 3059)" +":" + _).mkString(", ", ", ", "") +
log.fine("insert query: " + sql)
val stmt =
var feature = layer.GetNextFeature()
while (feature != null) {
val data =
"document_id" -> docId,
"uploaded_id" -> feature.GetFieldAsInteger("id"),
"geom" -> feature.GetGeometryRef.ExportToWkt
) ++
(columnsMap - kods).map({ case (k, v) => (v, feature.GetFieldAsString(k)) }).toMap ++
codeColumnName match {
case None => Map()
case Some(col) =>
val objectCode = feature.GetFieldAsString(kods)
codeMap.get.get(objectCode) match {
case Some(id) => Map(col -> id)
case None => throw new RuntimeException("kods = '" + objectCode + " not found for table " + table)
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST))
log.finest("insert data: " + data)
feature = layer.GetNextFeature()
private def removeProcess(pid: String, executionIdToPreserve: String): Unit = transactional {
val params = Map("pid" -> pid, "xid" -> executionIdToPreserve)
val q = """
act_ru_variable - [proc_inst_id_ = :pid],
act_ru_identitylink - [task_id_ in (act_ru_task [proc_inst_id_ = :pid] {id_})],
act_ru_task - [proc_inst_id_ = :pid & execution_id_ != :xid],
""" + (
if (pid == executionIdToPreserve)
// simple case when there are no other tasks
"act_ru_execution - [proc_inst_id_ = :pid & id_ != :pid]"
// make me the master execution to correctly exit process after task completion
act_ru_execution - [proc_inst_id_ = :pid & id_ != :pid & id_ != :xid],
act_ru_execution [:xid] {super_exec_, parent_id_, proc_inst_id_} = [(act_ru_execution [:pid] {super_exec_}), null, :xid],
act_ru_task [proc_inst_id_ = :pid] {proc_inst_id_} = [:xid],
act_ru_execution - [:pid]
log.trace("executing: {} {}", params, q)
Query(q, params)
private def removeProcesses(pids: List[String]): Unit = if (pids.nonEmpty) transactional {
val q = """
act_ru_variable - [%1$s],
act_ru_identitylink - [task_id_ in (act_ru_task [%1$s] {id_})],
act_ru_task - [%1$s],
act_ru_execution - [%1$s]
""".format(pids.mkString("proc_inst_id_ = '", "' | proc_inst_id_ = '", "'"))
log.trace("executing: {}", q)
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