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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Instagram real-time Tags and Geographies subscription via Groovy and Ratpack
import static
import static ratpack.groovy.Groovy.ratpack
import ratpack.http.client.HttpClient
String client = '' // obtain your own at
String secret = ''
String me = ''
String myUpdates = "$me/updates"
String auth = "client_secret=${secret}&client_id=${client}"
String api = ''
String apiSubs = "${api}/subscriptions"
URI instaSubs = new URI(apiSubs)
URI instaSubsAuth = new URI("${apiSubs}?${auth}")
URI instaSubsDel = new URI("${apiSubs}?${auth}&object=all")
Map pluralize = [ tag: 'tags', geography: 'geographies' ]
int count = 10 // count of tagged media to return
def instaRecent = { kind, oid -> "/${pluralize[kind]}/${oid}/media/recent?client_id=${client}&count=${count}" }
int radius = 5000 // meters, max allowed
String cities = 'cities15000.txt' //
String tags = 'love instagood me tbt cute follow followme photooftheday happy tagforlikes beautiful girl like selfie picoftheday summer fun smile friends like4like instadaily fashion igers instalike food'
int limit = 15 // {"meta":{"error_type":"APINotAllowedError","code":400,"error_message":"You may only create 30 subscriptions"}}
int update = 10l // sec
String myToken = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
def js = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper()
def H = HttpClient.class
String _file(String file) { new String(new File(file).readBytes(), 'UTF-8') }
def objects = actor {
def subscriptions = [:]
def images = [] as Set
loop {
react { msg ->
switch (msg.op) {
case 'subscription':
println msg
subscriptions[msg.oid] = msg.title
case 'media':
if (images.contains( {
//println "already saw ${subscriptions[msg.oid]} -> ${} ${msg.url}"
} else {
printf("%20s -> %-120s %s\n", subscriptions[msg.oid], msg.url, msg.location ?: '')
def updater = actor {
def pending = [] as Set
def instagram = new RESTClient(api)
loop {
react { msg ->
//println msg
switch (msg.op) {
case 'tick':
try {
pending.each { obj ->
//println obj
instagram.get(path: instaRecent(obj.kind, obj.oid)) { media ->
objects << [ op: 'media', oid: obj.oid, id:, url: media.images.thumbnail.url, location: media.location ]
} catch (Exception e) { println e.message }
case 'update':
groovyx.gpars.scheduler.Timer.timer.scheduleAtFixedRate({ updater << [ op: 'tick' ] }, update, update, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS)
ratpack {
handlers {
get('subscribe') {
def geographies = _file(cities).split('\n').collect { row ->
c = row.split('\t')
[ city: c[1], lat: c[4], lng: c[5], country: c[8], population: c[14] ]
} .sort { it.population as int } .reverse().take(limit).collect { p ->
[ title: "${} ${}", params: "&object=geography&lat=${}&lng=${p.lng}&radius=${radius}" ]
def tags_ = tags.split(' ').take(limit).collect { tag ->
[ title: "#$tag", params: "&object=tag&object_id=$tag" ]
println 'subscribing to:\n' + (geographies + tags_).join('\n')
def http = get(H)
def futures = (geographies + tags_).collect { sub ->
def resp = { req ->
req.body { body ->
} { r ->
def json = js.parseText(r.body.text)
if (json?.meta?.code == 200 && json?.data?.object_id)
objects << [ op: 'subscription', oid:, title: sub.title ]
"${sub.title}: ${r.body.text}"
} .mapError { ex -> "${sub.title}: ${ex.message}" }
render(futures.inject(blocking { 'subscribe:' }) { accf, subf -> accf.flatMap { acc -> { sub -> acc + "\n" + sub } } })
prefix('updates') {
handler {
byMethod {
post {
response.send 'great!'
//println '===== updates: ' + request.body.text
js.parseText(request.body.text).each { obj ->
updater << [ op: 'update', kind: obj.object, oid: obj.object_id ]
get {
def p = request.queryParams
if (p['hub.mode'] == 'subscribe' && p['hub.verify_token'] == myToken) {
println 'subscription confirmed'
response.send p['hub.challenge']
} else {
println "GET /updates: $p"
response.send 'what?'
get('list') {
render(get(H).get(instaSubsAuth).map { it.body.text })
get('unsubscribe') {
render(get(H).request(instaSubsDel) { it.method('DELETE') } .map { it.body.text })
get('oauth') {
post('ui') {
println 'ui: ' + request.body.text
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