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Last active July 12, 2018 17:58
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Interval Partitioning Problem - Pseudocode
Problem: Given intervals with finish and end times, partition the intervals into labels with minimum amount of labels so that no two intervals in any label overlap.
* Sort Intervals w.r.t. starting time, breaking tries arbitrarily.
* Let them be I1, I2, ... , In
* For j = 1:n
* For each (i<j && Ii,Ij overlap)
* Exclude the label of Ii from considering for Ij
* EndFor
* If (there exists any label not assigned from 1 to d) Assign that to Ij
* Else Leave Ij unlabeled
* EndFor
* None remained unlabeled if d is the maximum number of intervals that overlap together, proof by contradiction
* Hence d is the depth
* no algorithm can have better no. of labels than depth
* hence optimal
* O(n2)
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