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Last active November 28, 2023 14:39
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  • Save arkenidar/8a06a4dcf238fd3cfe1e81b580927362 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save arkenidar/8a06a4dcf238fd3cfe1e81b580927362 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. : spunti per lezioni, su questo editor come "lavagna"
<!-- -->
<!-- ------------------------------------------ -->
<!-- ------------------------------------------ -->
per andare
a capo
si usa &lt;br>
<!-- ------------------------------------------ -->
stili di testo: <em>parola1</em> <strong>parola2</strong>
<!-- ------------------------------------------ -->
immagine <img width="100px" src="">
<!-- ------------------------------------------ -->
link <a href="//">cliccando qui cambia pagina</a>
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<script> /* esempio di script */ alert("testo di messaggio alert")</script>
<!-- ------------------------------------------ -->
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<!-- show/hide contents.
(starts hidden or shown then alternates ) -->
onclick=' = (
( == "none" ) ?
"initial" : "none"
) '
<div id="menu_div" style="display: initial;">
text begins <br>
.... .... .... .... <br>
.... .... .... .... <br>
.... .... .... .... <br>
.... .... .... .... <br>
text end
<!-- --------------contatore------------------- -->
<button id=num onclick="this.textContent++">0</button>
#num{ width: 50px; height: 50px; font-size: 40px; }
<!-- ---------------somma---------------------- -->
<!-- interfaccia grafica in HTML -->
<input type="number" id="x" placeholder="numero x">
<input type="number" id="y" placeholder="numero y">
<div>il risultato è: <span id="risultato">0</span></div>
<!-- logica software in JavaScript -->
x.oninput=calc; y.oninput=calc
x.value=0; y.value=0
function calc(){ risultato.textContent = parseFloat(x.value) + parseFloat(y.value) }
<!-- ------------------percentuale------------- -->
<input type="number" id="numero" placeholder="numero in input">
<input type="number" id="percentuale" placeholder="percentuale">
percentuale applicata:
<span id="risultato"></span>
numero.oninput = applica
percentuale.oninput = applica
function applica() {
<!-- ------------------numeri circolari anche negativi------------- -->
<input type="range" min="-20" max="20" oninput="set_number(this.value)" >
<p>number: <span id="number_out"></span></p>
<p>modulo 5 (from 0 to 4): <span id="modulo_out"></span></p>
<p>note: this modulo operation is always non-negative in result</p>
function set_number(value){
number_out.textContent = value
modulo_out.textContent = modulo(value,5)
// note: this modulo operation is always non-negative in result
function modulo(a,b){
return ((a % b) + b) % b
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