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Created May 22, 2016 19:49
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Javascript examples (#ractivejs, #jquery)
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src=""></script>
<!-- ractive -->
<script src=""></script>
Ractive.DEBUG = false;
<!-- items example -->
<div id="container_for_items_example"></div>
<script id="template_for_items_example" type="text/ractive">
<h1>#ractive Items listing
(ported from a <a href="">ReactJS example</a>
<input id="items" placeholder="Search filter"><br>
<input type="checkbox" id="available">hide unavailable items<br>
{{#each items}}
{{.name}} {{#if !.available}} [unavailable]{{/if}}<br>
<script type="text/javascript">
// items example
// on init event
var ractive = new Ractive({
el: "#container_for_items_example",
template: "#template_for_items_example",
data: {
items: []
function update_items(){
var list=[];
var available_items=[
{name:"xxyy", available:true},
{name:"xxzz", available: true},
{name:"zzabc", available: false},
{name:"abc", available: true},
var query = $("#items").val();
var only_available = $("#available").is(":checked");
for(var i in available_items){
var item = available_items[i];
if(!==-1 && (only_available?item.available:true) ){
ractive.set("items", list);
return list;
// trigger update_items() in related situations
$("#items").change(update_items); $("#items").keyup(update_items);
<!-- customers example -->
<div id="container_for_customers_example"></div>
<script id="template_for_customers_example" type="text/ractive">
<h1>#ractive RactiveJS implementation of linked select</h1>
<span>Customers: </span>
<select id="_customers">
{{#each customers}}
</select> <br>
<span>Order ID: </span>
<select id="_orders">
{{#each orders}}
</select> <br>
<script type="text/javascript">
// customers example
// on init event
// customers
var customers_collection = {"Customer A": [1,2,3], "Customer B":[5,6,7]};
var ractive = new Ractive({
el: "#container_for_customers_example",
template: "#template_for_customers_example",
data: {
customers: Object.keys(customers_collection),
function update_customers(){
ractive.set("orders", customers_collection[$("#_customers").val()])
// trigger update_customers() in related situations
update_customers(); $("#_customers").change(update_customers);
<!-- 2way example -->
<div id="container_for_2way_example"></div>
<script id="template_for_2way_example" type="text/ractive">
<h1>#ractive Two way data binding</h1>
<input placeholder="Type your name" value="{{}}">
<input placeholder="Type your age" value="{{user.age}}">
<p>name: {{}}</p>
<p>age: {{user.age}}</p>
<button id="inc_age">set age</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
// 2way example
// on init event
var ractive = new Ractive({
el: "#container_for_2way_example",
template: "#template_for_2way_example",
data: {
user: {
name: "Peppe",
age: 45,
ractive.set("user.age", parseInt(ractive.get("user.age"))+1)
<!-- jquery -->
<h1>#jquery JQuery implementation of linked select</h1>
<span>Customers: </span><select id="customers"></select> <br>
<span>Order ID: </span><select id="orders"></select> <br>
// mocks the request/response of server data
function http_get(url, data, done){
var server_available = false;
jQuery.get(url, data).done(done);
var response;
var order = ["","1\n2\n3\n", "5\n6\n7\n"];
response = order[data.customer_id];
}else if(url=="customers.txt"){
response = "1, Customer A\n2, Customer B\n";
function customers_on_change(){
var customer_id_value = parseInt($("select#customers").val());
var select_orders = $("select#orders");
http_get("orders-mock.php", {customer_id:customer_id_value}, function(data){
var string = data;
var lines = string.split("\n");
for(line in lines){
var order_id = lines[line];
if(order_id=="") continue;
select_orders.append($("<option>", {value: order_id, text: order_id}));
var select_customers = $("select#customers");
select_customers.on("change", customers_on_change);
http_get("customers.txt", {}, function(data){
var string = data;
var lines = string.split("\n");
for(line in lines){
var fields = lines[line].split(",");
if(fields.length!=2) continue;
var customer_id = fields[0];
var name = fields[1];
select_customers.append($("<option>", {value: customer_id, text: name}));
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