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Last active November 21, 2022 21:12
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Get attestation report from SVSM VMPL0
use crate::bios::SnpSecrets;
use crate::util::locking::SpinLock;
use bindings::*;
use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
lazy_static! {
static ref SEQ_NUM: SpinLock<u64> = SpinLock::new(0);
pub fn get_attestation_report() {
prints!("Trying to get attestation report\n");
let seq_num = match SEQ_NUM.lock().checked_add(1) {
Some(n) => n,
None => 0,
let mut req = unsafe { MaybeUninit::<snp_report_req>::zeroed().assume_init() };
let mut msg = unsafe { MaybeUninit::<snp_guest_msg>::zeroed().assume_init() };
let mut msg_resp = unsafe { MaybeUninit::<snp_guest_msg>::zeroed().assume_init() };
// request for VMPL level
req.vmpl = 2;
let report_req_sz = core::mem::size_of::<snp_report_req>() as u16;
let mut hdr: &mut snp_guest_msg_hdr = &mut msg.hdr;
// Populate message headers
// - Table. 97
hdr.algo = aead_algo_SNP_AEAD_AES_256_GCM as u8;
hdr.hdr_version = MSG_HDR_VER as u8;
hdr.hdr_sz = core::mem::size_of::<snp_guest_msg_hdr>() as u16;
hdr.msg_type = msg_type_SNP_MSG_REPORT_REQ as u8;
hdr.msg_version = 1;
hdr.msg_seqno = seq_num;
hdr.msg_vmpck = 0;
hdr.msg_sz = report_req_sz;
unsafe {
let mut enc: Aes = MaybeUninit::zeroed().assume_init();
let mut ret = wc_AesInit(&mut enc, core::ptr::null_mut(), INVALID_DEVID);
assert_eq!(ret, 0, "Aes Init failed with ret {}", ret);
let svsm_secrets_va = pgtable_pa_to_va(PhysAddr::new(svsm_secrets_page));
let svsm_secrets: *const SnpSecrets = svsm_secrets_va.as_ptr();
let _vmpck0_key = *(&(*svsm_secrets).vmpck0 as *const [u8; 32]);
//prints!("{:#?}\n", vmpck0_key);
ret = wc_AesGcmSetKey(
&mut enc,
&(*svsm_secrets).vmpck0 as *const _ as *const u8,
assert_eq!(ret, 0, "AesGcmSetKey failed with ret {}", ret);
// 16 bytes IV
let mut iv = [0u64; 2];
iv[0] = seq_num;
let mut auth_tag = [0u8; AES_BLOCK_SIZE as usize];
let mut aad = [0u8; AAD_LEN as usize];
// We authenticate the header from algo
// AMD says from 0x20 to 0x5F ( Table 97
// The kernel authenticates from 0x30 to 0x5F
&hdr.algo as *const _ as *const u8,
&mut aad as *mut _ as *mut u8,
AAD_LEN as usize,
//prints!("AAD {:#?}\n", aad);
let ret = wc_AesGcmEncrypt(
&mut enc,
&mut msg.payload as *mut _ as *mut u8, // [out] cipher text
&req as *const _ as *const u8, // [in] plain text
report_req_sz as u32, // plain text size
&mut iv as *mut _ as *mut u8, // iv
core::mem::size_of::<[u64; 2]>() as u32, // sizeof(iv)
&mut auth_tag as *mut u8, // authtag
core::mem::size_of::<[u8; AES_BLOCK_SIZE as usize]>() as u32, // sizeof authtag
&mut aad as *const u8, // aad
core::mem::size_of::<[u8; AAD_LEN as usize]>() as u32, // sizeof(aad)
assert_eq!(ret, 0, "AesGcmEncrypt failed with {}", ret);
// copyt the authtag to header
&auth_tag as *const _ as *const u8,
&mut msg.hdr.authtag as *mut _ as *mut u8,
AES_BLOCK_SIZE as usize,
let hdr: &snp_guest_msg_hdr = &msg.hdr;
prints!("hdr {:#x?}\n", hdr);
let ghcb: *mut Ghcb = vc_get_ghcb();
let req_va: VirtAddr = VirtAddr::from_ptr::<snp_guest_msg>(&msg as *const _);
let resp_va: VirtAddr = VirtAddr::from_ptr::<snp_guest_msg>(&msg_resp as *const _);
let req_pa: PhysAddr = pgtable_va_to_pa(req_va);
let resp_pa: PhysAddr = pgtable_va_to_pa(resp_va);
// From §4.1.7,
// make both the request and response page as shared
pgtable_make_pages_shared(req_va, 4096);
pgtable_make_pages_shared(resp_va, 4096);
// perform guest request 0x80000011
vc_perform_vmgexit(ghcb, GHCB_GUEST_REQUEST, req_pa.as_u64(), resp_pa.as_u64());
// if sw_exit_info_2 is non-zero, interpret error code from
// Table 100
if !(*ghcb).is_sw_exit_info_2_valid() || (*ghcb).sw_exit_info_2() != 0 {
let ret = (*ghcb).sw_exit_info_2();
prints!("Failed! ret code {:x}\n", ret);
//prints!("resp {:#x?}\n", msg_resp);
// TODO:
// - Decrypt the payload
// - Parse the attestation report
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