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Last active February 15, 2022 10:28
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ISO/IEC 14496-3
#!/usr/bin/env python
# LATM decoder - ISO/IEC 14496-3
# E.g.:
# latm-decoder 47 FC 00 00 B0 ...
# latm-decoder 47FC0000B09080 ...
import base64
import io
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
AuEndFlag = {}
AudioObjectType = {}
CELPframeLengthTableIndex = {}
HVXCframeLengthTableIndex = {}
MuxSlotLengthBytes = {}
MuxSlotLengthCoded = {}
allStreamsSameTimeFraming = None
audioMuxVersion = None
audioMuxVersionA = None
audioObjectType = None
coreCoderDelay = None
coreFrameOffset = None
crcCheckSum = None
extensionSamplingFrequency = None
frameLength = {}
frameLengthFlag = None
frameLengthType = {}
latmBufferFullness = {}
layCIndx = {}
laySIndx = {}
numChunk = None
numLayer = None
numProgram = None
numSubFrames = None
otherDataLenBits = None
otherDataPresent = None
payload = defaultdict(list)
progCIndx = {}
progSIndx = {}
samplingFrequency = None
streamID = defaultdict(dict)
taraBufferFullness = None
useSameStreamMux = None
def AudioSpecificConfig():
global audioObjectType
global extensionSamplingFrequency
global samplingFrequency
bstart = reader.btotal
audioObjectType = GetAudioObjectType()
samplingFrequencyIndex = reader.readbits(4, "samplingFrequencyIndex")
if samplingFrequencyIndex == 0xF:
samplingFrequency = reader.readbits(24, "samplingFrequency")
channelConfiguration = reader.readbits(4, "channelConfiguration")
sbrPresentFlag = -1
if audioObjectType == 5:
extensionAudioObjectType = audioObjectType
sbrPresentFlag = 1
extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex = reader.readbits(4, "extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex")
if extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex == 0xF:
extensionSamplingFrequency = reader.readbits(24, "extensionSamplingFrequency")
audioObjectType = GetAudioObjectType()
extensionAudioObjectType = 0
if audioObjectType in [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]:
GASpecificConfig(samplingFrequencyIndex, channelConfiguration, audioObjectType)
elif audioObjectType in [8]:
elif audioObjectType in [9]:
elif audioObjectType in [12]:
elif audioObjectType in [13, 14, 15, 16]:
elif audioObjectType in [24]:
elif audioObjectType in [25]:
elif audioObjectType in [26, 27]:
elif audioObjectType in [28]:
elif audioObjectType in [32, 33, 34]:
elif audioObjectType in [35]:
raise ValueError("Reserved")
if audioObjectType in [17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]:
epConfig = reader.readbits(2, "epConfig")
if epConfig == 2 or epConfig == 3:
if epConfig == 3:
directMapping = reader.readbits(1, "directMapping")
if not directMapping:
raise ValueError("To Be Defined")
if extensionAudioObjectType != 5 and bits_to_decode() >= 16:
syncExtensionType = reader.readbits(11, "syncExtensionType")
if syncExtensionType == 0x2B7:
extensionAudioObjectType = GetAudioObjectType()
if extensionAudioObjectType == 5:
sbrPresentFlag = reader.readbits(1, "sbrPresentFlag")
if sbrPresentFlag == 1:
extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex = reader.readbits(4, "extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex")
if extensionSamplingFrequencyIndex == 0xF:
extensionSamplingFrequency = reader.readbits(24, "extensionSamplingFrequency")
return reader.btotal - bstart
def GetAudioObjectType():
audioObjectType = reader.readbits(5, "audioObjectType")
if audioObjectType == 31:
audioObjectType = 32 + reader.readbits(6, "audioObjectTypeExt")
return audioObjectType
def bits_to_decode():
return 0
def GASpecificConfig(samplingFrequencyIndex, channelConfiguration, audioObjectType):
global aacScalefactorDataResilienceFlag
global aacSectionDataResilienceFlag
global aacSpectralDataResilienceFlag
global coreCoderDelay
global frameLengthFlag
global layerNr
global layer_length
global numOfSubFrame
frameLengthFlag = reader.readbits(1, "frameLengthFlag")
dependsOnCoreCoder = reader.readbits(1, "dependsOnCoreCoder")
if dependsOnCoreCoder:
coreCoderDelay = reader.readbits(14, "coreCoderDelay")
extensionFlag = reader.readbits(1, "extensionFlag")
if not channelConfiguration:
if (audioObjectType == 6) or (audioObjectType == 20):
layerNr = reader.readbits(3, "layerNr")
if extensionFlag:
if audioObjectType == 22:
numOfSubFrame = reader.readbits(5, "numOfSubFrame")
layer_length = reader.readbits(11, "layer_length")
if audioObjectType in [17, 19, 20, 23]:
aacSectionDataResilienceFlag = reader.readbits(1, "aacSectionDataResilienceFlag")
aacScalefactorDataResilienceFlag = reader.readbits(1, "aacScalefactorDataResilienceFlag")
aacSpectralDataResilienceFlag = reader.readbits(1, "aacSpectralDataResilienceFlag")
extensionFlag3 = reader.readbits(1, "extensionFlag3")
if extensionFlag3:
raise ValueError("To Be Defined In Version 3")
def PayloadLengthInfo():
global numChunk
if allStreamsSameTimeFraming:
for prog in range(numProgram + 1):
for lay in range(numLayer + 1):
if frameLengthType[streamID[prog][lay]] == 0:
MuxSlotLengthBytes[streamID[prog][lay]] = 0
tmp = 255
while tmp == 255:
tmp = reader.readbits(8, "tmp")
MuxSlotLengthBytes[streamID[prog][lay]] += tmp
elif frameLengthType[streamID[prog][lay]] in [3, 5, 7]:
MuxSlotLengthCoded[streamID[prog][lay]] = reader.readbits(2, "MuxSlotLengthCoded")
numChunk = reader.readbits(4, "numChunk")
for chunkCnt in range(numChunk + 1):
streamIndx = reader.readbits(4, "streamIndx")
prog = progCIndx[chunkCnt] = progSIndx[streamIndx]
lay = layCIndx[chunkCnt] = laySIndx[streamIndx]
if frameLengthType[streamID[prog][lay]] == 0:
MuxSlotLengthBytes[streamID[prog][lay]] = 0
tmp = 255
while tmp == 255:
tmp = reader.readbits(8, "tmp")
MuxSlotLengthBytes[streamID[prog][lay]] += tmp
AuEndFlag[streamID[prog][lay]] = reader.readbits(1, "AuEndFlag")
elif frameLengthType[streamID[prog][lay]] in [3, 5, 7]:
MuxSlotLengthCoded[streamID[prog][lay]] = reader.readbits(2, "MuxSlotLengthCoded")
def PayloadMux():
if allStreamsSameTimeFraming:
for prog in range(numProgram + 1):
for lay in range(numLayer + 1):
for _ in range(MuxSlotLengthBytes[streamID[prog][lay]]):
payload[streamID[prog][lay]].append(reader.readbits(8, "payload"))
for chunkCnt in range(numChunk + 1):
prog = progCIndx[chunkCnt]
lay = layCIndx[chunkCnt]
for _ in range(MuxSlotLengthBytes[streamID[prog][lay]]):
payload[streamID[prog][lay]].append(reader.readbits(8, "payload"))
def ByteAlign():
reader.readbits(reader.bcount, "byteAlign")
def AudioMuxElement(muxConfigPresent):
global useSameStreamMux
if muxConfigPresent:
useSameStreamMux = reader.readbits(1, "useSameStreamMux")
if not useSameStreamMux:
if audioMuxVersionA == 0:
for _ in range(numSubFrames + 1):
if otherDataPresent:
for _ in range(otherDataLenBits):
reader.readbits(1, "otherDataBit")
raise ValueError("To Be Defined")
def StreamMuxConfig():
global allStreamsSameTimeFraming
global audioMuxVersion
global audioMuxVersionA
global coreFrameOffset
global crcCheckSum
global laySIndx
global numLayer
global numProgram
global numSubFrames
global progSIndx
global streamID
global taraBufferFullness
audioMuxVersion = reader.readbits(1, "audioMuxVersion")
if audioMuxVersion == 1:
audioMuxVersionA = reader.readbits(1, "audioMuxVersionA")
audioMuxVersionA = 0
if audioMuxVersionA == 0:
if audioMuxVersion == 1:
taraBufferFullness = LatmGetValue()
streamCnt = 0
allStreamsSameTimeFraming = reader.readbits(1, "allStreamsSameTimeFraming")
numSubFrames = reader.readbits(6, "numSubFrames")
numProgram = reader.readbits(4, "numProgram")
for prog in range(numProgram + 1):
numLayer = reader.readbits(3, "numLayer")
for lay in range(numLayer + 1):
progSIndx[streamCnt] = prog
laySIndx[streamCnt] = lay
streamID[prog][lay] = streamCnt
streamCnt += 1
if prog == 0 and lay == 0:
useSameConfig = 0
useSameConfig = reader.readbits(1, "useSameConfig")
if not useSameConfig:
if audioMuxVersion == 0:
ascLen = LatmGetValue()
ascLen -= AudioSpecificConfig()
reader.readbits(ascLen, "fillBits")
AudioObjectType[lay] = audioObjectType
frameLengthType[streamID[prog][lay]] = reader.readbits(3, "frameLengthType")
if frameLengthType[streamID[prog][lay]] == 0:
latmBufferFullness[streamID[prog][lay]] = reader.readbits(8, "latmBufferFullness")
if not allStreamsSameTimeFraming:
if AudioObjectType[lay] in [6, 20] and AudioObjectType[lay - 1] in [8, 24]:
coreFrameOffset = reader.readbits(6, "coreFrameOffset")
elif frameLengthType[streamID[prog][lay]] == 1:
frameLength[streamID[prog][lay]] = reader.readbits(9, "frameLength")
elif frameLengthType[streamID[prog][lay]] in [3, 4, 5]:
CELPframeLengthTableIndex[streamID[prog][lay]] = reader.readbits(6, "CELP")
elif frameLengthType[streamID[prog][lay]] in [6, 7]:
HVXCframeLengthTableIndex[streamID[prog][lay]] = reader.readbits(1, "HVXC")
otherDataPresent = reader.readbits(1, "otherDataPresent")
if otherDataPresent:
if audioMuxVersion == 1:
otherDataLenBits = LatmGetValue()
otherDataLenBits = 0
otherDataLenEsc = 1
while otherDataLenEsc:
otherDataLenBits *= 2 ** 8
otherDataLenEsc = reader.readbits(1, "otherDataLenEsc")
otherDataLenBits += reader.readbits(8, "otherDataLenTmp")
crcCheckPresent = reader.readbits(1, "crcCheckPresent")
if crcCheckPresent:
crcCheckSum = reader.readbits(8, "crcCheckSum")
raise ValueError("To Be Defined")
def LatmGetValue():
bytesForValue = reader.readbits(2, "bytesForValue")
value = 0
for _ in range(bytesForValue + 1):
value *= 2 ** 8
value += reader.readbits(8, "valueTmp")
return value
class BitReader:
def __init__(self, stream): = stream
self.accumulator = 0
self.bcount = 0
self.btotal = 0
def readbit(self):
if self.bcount == 0:
byte =
if not len(byte):
raise EOFError()
self.accumulator = ord(byte)
self.bcount = 8
self.bcount -= 1
self.btotal += 1
return (self.accumulator >> self.bcount) & 0x01
def readbits(self, n, name):
v = 0
bits = n
while bits > 0:
v = (v << 1) | self.readbit()
bits -= 1
print("{field}:{size}{pad} = {bits} => {value}".format(
pad=" " * (28 - len(name)),
return v
stream = base64.b16decode(''.join(sys.argv[1:]), True)
reader = BitReader(io.BytesIO(stream))
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