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Last active March 28, 2021 09:42
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Laravel: search for items and filter by any statement and dynamically add or remove them with depended conditions
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
class PostController extends Controller
//i recommend to use shortened version like sid, hid and tid
protected array $ids = [
protected array $bools = [
//don't use primary values, make references like integers and so on
protected array $sorts = [
1 => ['views', 'desc'],
2 => ['views', 'asc'],
3 => ['price', 'desc'],
4 => ['price', 'asc'],
public function index(): array
//this db comes from main Controller as included DI to construct
$posts = $this->db->table('posts');
foreach ($this->ids as $key => $id) {
if (is_numeric(request($key))) {
$posts->where($id, '=', request($key));
//predictive search with insensitive to upper & lower cases
if (request('q')) {
$posts->where('title', 'like', '%' . request('q') . '%');
//numeric because bool in db stores as tinyint, you can specify and change them with model's cast attribute
foreach ($this->bools as $bool) {
if (is_numeric(request($bool)) === true) {
$posts->where($bool, '=', true);
if (is_numeric(request('from'))) {
$posts->where('price', '>', request('from'));
if (is_numeric(request('to'))) {
$posts->where('price', '<', request('to'));
foreach ($this->sorts as $key => $sort) {
if (request('sort') === $key) {
$posts->orderBy($sort[0], $sort[1]);
//return as array with pagination
return $posts->paginate()->toArray();
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