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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Create nonstandard tableaux, filter by a predicate, and print french style
(********************************** Definitions. Don't change unless you know what you are doing. *)
* Map a function2 across a collection
* Are the elements of a list weakly decreasing (non-increasing) ordinally?
* Are the values of all rows of a tableau weakly increasing?
WeaklyIncreasingRows[t_]:=And @@ WeaklyIncreasingQ /@ t;
* Are the values of all columns of a tableau weakly increasing?
WeaklyIncreasingColumns[t_]:= WeaklyIncreasingRows[TransposeTableau[t]];
* Plot a tableau French style.
(******************************************************** Program parameters. Change as appropriate.*)
* What partition are we interested in?
λ = {3,2,3};
* What makes a single tableau "interesting"? Return True if it is interesting, False if boring.
InterestedIn[tableau_]:=WeaklyIncreasingRows[tableau] && WeaklyIncreasingColumns[tableau];
(*Perform calculations and filter results by interest. Don't change unless you know what you are doing*)
ranges = Map2[Range[#1+1,#2]&,Accumulate[Prepend[λ,0]]];
permutations = Permutations[Range[1,Total[λ]]];
f = Function[p,p[[#]]&/@ranges];
allTableaux = f/@ permutations;
(*select the interesting ones *)
results = Select[allTableaux,InterestedIn];
(*Plot the results*)
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