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Last active May 17, 2021 18:36
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  • Save arlimus/5883472 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save arlimus/5883472 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
my gitconfig configuration
# git config; arlimus, public domain
## Make your adjustments
name = Your Name
email =
# excludesfile = /home/xxx/.gitignore-global
pager = less -FRX
editor = vim
# # in case your firewall is blocking git://, use https:// instead
# [url "https://"]
# insteadOf = git://
# Example:
[url ""]
insteadOf =
## in case you push to unverifyable https, disable verification
# [http]
# sslVerify=false
## Global configuration
a = add --all
ap = add -p
au = add --update
b = branch
ba = branch -a
bi = bisect
cl = clone
co = checkout
com = !git checkout "$(git rev-list HEAD --max-count 1)" && git branch -d master && git checkout master
corm = !git checkout $1 && git rebase origin/master
cofm = !git fetch --all --prune && git checkout $1 && git rebase origin/master
codm = !NAME=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) && test -n "$NAME" && git fetch --all --prune && git checkout master && git pull && git branch -d "$NAME"
ccc = "!WORD=$(echo $1) && BRANCH=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) && git commit -m\"$BRANCH: $WORD\" #"
d = diff --color
dc = diff --color --cached
dd = difftool --dir-diff
f = fetch
fa = fetch --all --prune
# fetch a github branch; usage: git feb
feb = !REFI="$(echo $1)" && PULL_ID="$(echo $REFI | sed 's_.*/__' | tr -d '[[:space:]]')" && BRANCH="pr/$PULL_ID" && git fetch origin pull/$PULL_ID/head:$BRANCH && sleep 1 && git checkout $BRANCH && echo "You are on $BRANCH from "
# Not working, todo: ghco = "!f(){ URL=\"$1\"; NAME=\"$2\"; B=\"$(echo $URL | grep --color=never -o 'pull/[^/]*')/head:$NAME\"; git fetch origin $B; git checkout $NAME}; f"
c = commit -s
cc = commit --amend
cm = commit -m
ca = commit -a -s
cam = commit -a -s -m
cp = commit -s -p
cs = commit -s -m
# show commit graph
l = log --color --oneline --graph --decorate=short --all --simplify-by-decoration
ll = log --color --oneline --graph --decorate=short --all
# show merged commit graph
lm = log --color --format="%C(green)%s%C(yellow)%d%Creset%n%b" --graph --decorate=short --merges
lam = log --color --format="%C(green)%s%C(yellow)%d%Creset%n%b" --graph --decorate=short --merges --all
# show diffs and commit names
ld = log --color --decorate=short -p
lad = log --color --decorate=short -p --all
# show just the diffs for commits
lp = log --color --oneline --decorate=short -p
lap = log --color --oneline --decorate=short -p --all
# show commit graph with commit names and logs
lt = log --color --graph --decorate=short --all --simplify-by-decoration
llt = log --color --graph --decorate=short --all
lls = log --color --graph --decorate=short --all --stat
# show commit graph with files that were changed
lf = log --color --oneline --graph --decorate=short --name-only
laf = log --color --oneline --graph --decorate=short --name-only --all
m = merge --no-ff
mf = merge --ff-only
p = push
pa = push --all
pt = push --tags
po = push -u origin
pu = push -u origin --force-with-lease
pl = pull
pla= pull --all
rpa = remote prune --dry-run
rp = remote prune
r = reset
ri = rebase -i
rim= rebase -i master
rio= rebase -i origin/master
rsh= reset --soft HEAD
rhh= reset --hard HEAD
s = status --short
ss = status
t = tag
whitespace = fix
status = true
ff = only
default = matching
ui = auto
# For Linux:
main-window-maximized = true
main-window-geometry = 0x0+0+0
history-view-vpane-position = 293
main-window-view = HistoryView
file-view-vpane-position = 530
tool = meld
[mergetool "meld"]
trustExitCode = true
# Helpful to remember:
# * create a patch
# git format-patch origin/master..HEAD --stdout > update.patch
# * apply a patch
# git am --signoff < update.patch
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arlimus commented Apr 17, 2016

feb [github-pr-url]

Checkout someone's pull-request (e.g. on github). This will create a branch and switch to it:

> git feb
 * [new ref]         refs/pull/488/head -> pr/488
Switched to branch 'pr/488'
You are on pr/488 from

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arlimus commented May 17, 2021

updated to current version

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