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Last active March 31, 2020 10:43
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  • Save arlyon/2a146dd97976f3c9916c9fa258f28fb6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save arlyon/2a146dd97976f3c9916c9fa258f28fb6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
from itertools import cycle
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from sys import stdout
from subprocess import run
from time import sleep
SPINNER = cycle(["⠁", "⠂", "⠄", "⡀", "⢀", "⠠", "⠐", "⠈"])
DOCKER_IMAGES = ("arlyon/workout-server", "arlyon/workout-learn")
def main():
hash_proc = run(["git", "log", "--pretty=format:%h", "-n 1"], capture_output=True)
git_hash = hash_proc.stdout.decode()
results = {}
pool = ThreadPool(processes=len(DOCKER_IMAGES))
for image in DOCKER_IMAGES:
t = pool.apply_async(run,
args=(["docker", "pull", f"{image}:{git_hash}"],),
kwds={"capture_output": True}
results[f"fetching {image}:{git_hash}"] = t
print("") # the loop below moves up a line for every thread
while True:
symbol = next(SPINNER)
for _ in results:
for name, result in results.items():
print_status(symbol, name, result)
if all(result.ready() for result in results.values()):
def print_status(symbol, name, result):
if result.ready():
result = result.get()
if result.returncode == 0:
message = "success"
text = result.stdout.decode()
if "up to date" in text:
message = "found locally"
elif "newer image" in text:
message = "downloaded image"
print(f"\u001b[32m✔ {name} - {message}\u001b[0m")
print(f"\u001b[31m✗ {name} - image not available\u001b[0m")
print(f"{symbol} {name}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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