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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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import twitter
import json
import urllib2
from datetime import datetime
import re
from config import *
# Parser for tranforming Peduto schedule-speak into the lyric timbre of BillPedutoBot!
def writeTweet( event ):
keywords = {
# Food
"(?i)^(Coffee )?Meeting with ": "I'm meeting with %s",
"(?i) luncheon$": "I'm eating at a %s luncheon",
"(?i)^breakfast with ": "I'm having breakfast with %s",
"(?i)^lunch with ": "I'm having lunch with %s",
"(?i)^dinner with ": "I'm having dinner with %s",
# Meetings
"(?i)^standing meeting: ": "I have a regularly-scheduled meeting with %s",
"(?i)^(Standing )?Weekly meeting ": "I have my weekly meeting %s",
"(?i)^(conference call:|conference call) ": "I'll be on a conference call with %s",
"(?i)^Telephone call: ": "I'm on the phone with %s",
"(?i) meeting$": "I'm going to a %s meeting",
# Events
"(?i)^Attending ": "I'm attending %s",
"(?i) retreat$": "I'm holing up in a %s retreat",
"(?i) reception$": "I'm receptioning at a %s reception",
"(?i)^(Speaking at |Speaking: )": "I'm speaking at %s",
"(?i)^Visit from ": "I'm hosting a vist from %s",
"(?i)^Serve as": "I'm serving as %s",
# Press
"(?i)^(Telephone )?Interview with ": "I have an interview with %s",
"(?i)^(On air |Call-in |Call in )": "I'll be on air %s",
"(?i) taping$": "I'm taping \"%s\"",
"(?i)^Press conference: ": "I'm holding a press conference on %s",
"(?i)^Press conference with ": "I'm holding a press conference with %s",
# Travel
"(?i)^Return home ": "I'm going home to Pittsburgh%s! See see you soon.",
"(?i)^(Travel|Drive|Driving) to ": "I'm leaving for %s",
"(?i)^(Travel|Drive|Driving) from ": "I'm traveling from %s",
# Misc
"(?i)^Working in office": "%sI'm working in my office until",
message = ""
# Loop through keyword dictionary and find matching phrases
for keyword, template in keywords.iteritems():
search =, event["title"])
if search:
message = template % (re.sub(keyword, "", event["title"]))
# If nothing found, use the default message format.
message = "I'll be at \"" + event["title"] + "\""
# If length is longer than 100 characters, truncate to fit in tweet
if (len(message) > 100):
message = message[:100] + "..."
# Add time element
start = datetime.strptime(event["start"], "%H:%M:%S").strftime("%I:%M%p").lstrip("0")
end = datetime.strptime(event["end"], "%H:%M:%S").strftime("%I:%M%p").lstrip("0")
# If formatted message has "until" in it, print the end time, not the beginning.
if"until$", message):
message += " " + end + "."
message += " at " + start + "."
# Add link to Where's Bill
message += " (" + event["date"] + "&time=" + event["start"].replace(":","") + ")"
return message
# Build Twitter-Python object with BillPedutoBot credentials
api = twitter.Api(consumer_key=creds["consumer_key"],
# Get latest event from simple Where's Bill API
event = urllib2.urlopen('').read()
# Make sure there actually is an event.
if (event != "false"):
event = json.loads(event)
# Write and print tweet
status = api.PostUpdate(writeTweet(event))
print status.text
print "No new events."
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