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Last active August 23, 2022 18:45
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better-comments svelte support
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
const vscode = require("vscode");
class Parser {
constructor() {
this.tags = [];
this.expression = "";
this.delimiter = "";
this.blockCommentStart = "";
this.blockCommentEnd = "";
this.highlightSingleLineComments = true;
this.highlightMultilineComments = false;
this.highlightJSDoc = false;
// * this will allow plaintext files to show comment highlighting if switched on
this.isPlainText = false;
// * this is used to prevent the first line of the file (specifically python) from coloring like other comments
this.ignoreFirstLine = false;
// * this is used to trigger the events when a supported language code is found
this.supportedLanguage = true;
// Read from the package.json
this.contributions = vscode.workspace.getConfiguration('better-comments');
* Sets the regex to be used by the matcher based on the config specified in the package.json
* @param languageCode The short code of the current language
SetRegex(languageCode) {
// if the language isn't supported, we don't need to go any further
if (!this.supportedLanguage) {
let characters = [];
for (let commentTag of this.tags) {
if (this.isPlainText && this.contributions.highlightPlainText) {
// start by tying the regex to the first character in a line
this.expression = "(^)+([ \\t]*[ \\t]*)";
} else {
// start by finding the delimiter (//, --, #, ') with optional spaces or tabs
this.expression = "(" + this.delimiter.replace(/\//ig, "\\/") + ")+( |\t)*";
// Apply all configurable comment start tags
this.expression += "(";
this.expression += characters.join("|");
this.expression += ")+(.*)";
* Finds all single line comments delimited by a given delimiter and matching tags specified in package.json
* @param activeEditor The active text editor containing the code document
FindSingleLineComments(activeEditor) {
// If highlight single line comments is off, single line comments are not supported for this language
if (!this.highlightSingleLineComments)
let text = activeEditor.document.getText();
// if it's plain text, we have to do mutliline regex to catch the start of the line with ^
let regexFlags = (this.isPlainText) ? "igm" : "ig";
let regEx = new RegExp(this.expression, regexFlags);
let match;
while (match = regEx.exec(text)) {
let startPos = activeEditor.document.positionAt(match.index);
let endPos = activeEditor.document.positionAt(match.index + match[0].length);
let range = {
range: new vscode.Range(startPos, endPos)
// Required to ignore the first line of .py files (#61)
if (this.ignoreFirstLine && startPos.line === 0 && startPos.character === 0) {
// Find which custom delimiter was used in order to add it to the collection
let matchTag = this.tags.find(item => item.tag.toLowerCase() === match[3].toLowerCase());
if (matchTag) {
* Finds block comments as indicated by start and end delimiter
* @param activeEditor The active text editor containing the code document
FindBlockComments(activeEditor) {
// If highlight multiline is off in package.json or doesn't apply to his language, return
if (!this.highlightMultilineComments)
let text = activeEditor.document.getText();
// Build up regex matcher for custom delimiter tags
let characters = [];
for (let commentTag of this.tags) {
// Combine custom delimiters and the rest of the comment block matcher
let commentMatchString = "(^)+([ \\t]*[ \\t]*)(";
commentMatchString += characters.join("|");
commentMatchString += ")([ ]*|[:])+([^*/][^\\r\\n]*)";
// Use start and end delimiters to find block comments
let regexString = "(^|[ \\t])(";
regexString += this.blockCommentStart;
regexString += "[\\s])+([\\s\\S]*?)(";
regexString += this.blockCommentEnd;
regexString += ")";
let regEx = new RegExp(regexString, "gm");
let commentRegEx = new RegExp(commentMatchString, "igm");
// Find the multiline comment block
let match;
while (match = regEx.exec(text)) {
let commentBlock = match[0];
// Find the line
let line;
while (line = commentRegEx.exec(commentBlock)) {
let startPos = activeEditor.document.positionAt(match.index + line.index + line[2].length);
let endPos = activeEditor.document.positionAt(match.index + line.index + line[0].length);
let range = {
range: new vscode.Range(startPos, endPos)
// Find which custom delimiter was used in order to add it to the collection
let matchString = line[3];
let matchTag = this.tags.find(item => item.tag.toLowerCase() === matchString.toLowerCase());
if (matchTag) {
* Finds all multiline comments starting with "*"
* @param activeEditor The active text editor containing the code document
FindJSDocComments(activeEditor) {
// If highlight multiline is off in package.json or doesn't apply to his language, return
if (!this.highlightMultilineComments && !this.highlightJSDoc)
let text = activeEditor.document.getText();
// Build up regex matcher for custom delimiter tags
let characters = [];
for (let commentTag of this.tags) {
// Combine custom delimiters and the rest of the comment block matcher
let commentMatchString = "(^)+([ \\t]*\\*[ \\t]*)("; // Highlight after leading *
let regEx = /(^|[ \t])(\/\*\*)+([\s\S]*?)(\*\/)/gm; // Find rows of comments matching pattern /** */
commentMatchString += characters.join("|");
commentMatchString += ")([ ]*|[:])+([^*/][^\\r\\n]*)";
let commentRegEx = new RegExp(commentMatchString, "igm");
// Find the multiline comment block
let match;
while (match = regEx.exec(text)) {
let commentBlock = match[0];
// Find the line
let line;
while (line = commentRegEx.exec(commentBlock)) {
let startPos = activeEditor.document.positionAt(match.index + line.index + line[2].length);
let endPos = activeEditor.document.positionAt(match.index + line.index + line[0].length);
let range = {
range: new vscode.Range(startPos, endPos)
// Find which custom delimiter was used in order to add it to the collection
let matchString = line[3];
let matchTag = this.tags.find(item => item.tag.toLowerCase() === matchString.toLowerCase());
if (matchTag) {
* Apply decorations after finding all relevant comments
* @param activeEditor The active text editor containing the code document
ApplyDecorations(activeEditor) {
for (let tag of this.tags) {
activeEditor.setDecorations(tag.decoration, tag.ranges);
// clear the ranges for the next pass
tag.ranges.length = 0;
* Sets the comment delimiter [//, #, --, '] of a given language
* @param languageCode The short code of the current language
setDelimiter(languageCode) {
this.supportedLanguage = true;
this.ignoreFirstLine = false;
this.isPlainText = false;
switch (languageCode) {
case "asciidoc":
this.setCommentFormat("//", "////", "////");
case "svelte":
this.setCommentFormat("<!--|//|/* ", "<!--|/*", "-->|*/");
this.highlightJSDoc = true;
case "apex":
case "javascript":
case "javascriptreact":
case "typescript":
case "typescriptreact":
case "fql":
this.setCommentFormat("//", "/*", "*/");
this.highlightJSDoc = true;
case "al":
case "c":
case "cpp":
case "csharp":
case "dart":
case "flax":
case "fsharp":
case "go":
case "groovy":
case "haxe":
case "java":
case "jsonc":
case "kotlin":
case "less":
case "pascal":
case "objectpascal":
case "php":
case "rust":
case "scala":
case "sass":
case "scss":
case "shaderlab":
case "stylus":
case "swift":
case "verilog":
case "vue":
this.setCommentFormat("//", "/*", "*/");
case "css":
this.setCommentFormat("/*", "/*", "*/");
case "coffeescript":
case "dockerfile":
case "gdscript":
case "julia":
case "makefile":
case "perl":
case "perl6":
case "puppet":
case "r":
case "ruby":
case "shellscript":
case "tcl":
case "yaml":
this.delimiter = "#";
case "tcl":
this.delimiter = "#";
this.ignoreFirstLine = true;
case "graphql":
case "elixir":
case "python":
this.setCommentFormat("#", '"""', '"""');
this.ignoreFirstLine = true;
case "nim":
this.setCommentFormat("#", "#[", "]#");
case "powershell":
this.setCommentFormat("#", "<#", "#>");
case "ada":
case "hive-sql":
case "pig":
case "plsql":
case "sql":
this.delimiter = "--";
case "lua":
this.setCommentFormat("--", "--[[", "]]");
case "elm":
case "haskell":
this.setCommentFormat("--", "{-", "-}");
case "brightscript":
case "diagram": // ? PlantUML is recognized as Diagram (diagram)
case "vb":
this.delimiter = "'";
case "bibtex":
case "erlang":
case "latex":
case "matlab":
this.delimiter = "%";
case "clojure":
case "racket":
case "lisp":
this.delimiter = ";";
case "terraform":
this.setCommentFormat("#", "/*", "*/");
case "COBOL":
this.delimiter = this.escapeRegExp("*>");
case "fortran-modern":
this.delimiter = "c";
case "SAS":
case "stata":
this.setCommentFormat("*", "/*", "*/");
case "html":
case "markdown":
case "xml":
this.setCommentFormat("<!--", "<!--", "-->");
case "twig":
this.setCommentFormat("{#", "{#", "#}");
case "genstat":
this.setCommentFormat("\\", '"', '"');
case "cfml":
this.setCommentFormat("<!---", "<!---", "--->");
case "plaintext":
this.isPlainText = true;
// If highlight plaintext is enabeld, this is a supported language
this.supportedLanguage = this.contributions.highlightPlainText;
this.supportedLanguage = false;
* Sets the highlighting tags up for use by the parser
setTags() {
let items = this.contributions.tags;
for (let item of items) {
let options = {
color: item.color,
backgroundColor: item.backgroundColor
// ? the textDecoration is initialised to empty so we can concat a preceeding space on it
options.textDecoration = "";
if (item.strikethrough) {
options.textDecoration += "line-through";
if (item.underline) {
options.textDecoration += " underline";
if (item.bold) {
options.fontWeight = "bold";
if (item.italic) {
options.fontStyle = "italic";
let escapedSequence = item.tag.replace(/([()[{*+.$^\\|?])/g, '\\$1');
tag: item.tag,
escapedTag: escapedSequence.replace(/\//gi, "\\/"),
ranges: [],
decoration: vscode.window.createTextEditorDecorationType(options)
* Escapes a given string for use in a regular expression
* @param input The input string to be escaped
* @returns {string} The escaped string
escapeRegExp(input) {
return input.replace(/[.*+?^${}()[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); // $& means the whole matched string
* Set up the comment format for single and multiline highlighting
* @param singleLine The single line comment delimiter. If NULL, single line is not supported
* @param start The start delimiter for block comments
* @param end The end delimiter for block comments
setCommentFormat(singleLine, start, end) {
// If no single line comment delimiter is passed, single line comments are not supported
if (singleLine) {
this.delimiter = this.escapeRegExp(singleLine);
} else {
this.highlightSingleLineComments = false;
this.blockCommentStart = this.escapeRegExp(start);
this.blockCommentEnd = this.escapeRegExp(end);
this.highlightMultilineComments = this.contributions.multilineComments;
exports.Parser = Parser;
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armchair-traveller commented Sep 9, 2021

Instructions Place in %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions\aaron-bond.better-comments-2.1.0\out.



  • Added Fauna Query Language support (same as JS).


  • Remove delimiter escaping RegEx | operator (escapeRegExp())
  • Svelte script/markup/style support using | delimit case
  • GraphQL multiline comment support

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