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Created November 9, 2010 07:17
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package play.mvc
import scala.xml.NodeSeq
import java.util.concurrent.Future
import play.mvc.Http._
import play.mvc.Scope._
import play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesSupport
import play.classloading.enhancers.ControllersEnhancer.ControllerSupport
* utility class to provider an easier way to render argumetns
private[mvc] class RichRenderArgs(val renderArgs: RenderArgs) {
def +=(variable: Tuple2[String, Any]) {
renderArgs.put(variable._1, variable._2)
* utility class to provide some extra syntatic sugar while dealing with a session
private[mvc] class RichSession(val session: Session) {
def apply(key: String) = {
session.contains(key) match {
case true => Some(session.get(key))
case false => None
* Wrap a String as template name
private[mvc] class StringAsTemplate(val name: String) {
def asTemplate(args: Any*) = new results.ScalaRenderTemplate(name,ScalaController.argsToParams(args: _*))
def asTemplate = new results.ScalaRenderTemplate(name)
private[mvc] class OptionWithResults[T](val o: Option[T]) {
def getOrNotFound: T = {
o match {
case Some(x) => o.get.asInstanceOf[T]
case None => throw new results.NotFound("Not found")
* utility class to provide some extra syntatic sugar while dealing with Response objects
private[mvc] class RichResponse(val response: Response) {
val ContentTypeRE = """[-a-zA-Z]+/[-a-zA-Z]+""".r
def <<<(x: String) {
x match {
case ContentTypeRE() => response.contentType = x
case _ => response.print(x)
def <<<(header: Header) {
response.setHeader(, header.value())
def <<<(header: Tuple2[String, String]) {
response.setHeader(header._1, header._2)
def <<<(status: Int) {
response.status = status
def <<<(xml: scala.xml.NodeSeq) {
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