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Last active August 1, 2022 11:35
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  • Email:
  • Name: Artem
  • Lastname: Medeusheyev
  • Born: 1982
  • Location: Almaty, Kazakhstan (GMT +6)
  • Family: married, two kids
  • Last Company: VOIX (I'm cofounder, telco enterprise software)

English level

  • Writing - intermediate
  • Verbal - intermediate
  • Reading - intermediate+


Started working professionally in 2006

  • 2006-2008 (AGT local company in Almaty, has closed) .NET, C# - enterprise web apps (MySQL, Oracle DBs)
  • 2008-2010 (AGT) switched to Java EE 6 (apps for Glassfish App Server)
  • 2010-2013 (AGT) several backend apps using Go, Python, NodeJS
  • 2013-2014 (Voix) medium grade frontend app using Elm language
  • 2014-present (Voix) Clojure/Javascript(VUE)/ClojureScript(Reagent and ReFrame)
  • 2006-present In almost all projects JavaScript on frontend side and SQL as database query language

Why I use Clojure

  • Functional
  • Simple (just use maps)
  • LISP (clean syntax + homoiconic)
  • REPL - interactive programming, fast prototyping and data exploration
  • Dynamic + spec, schema or malli on app boundaries
  • Easy to maintain/understand codebase

Libs/tools I use for everyday Clojure


  • Idea + Cursive, VSCode + Calva
  • VSCode or WebStorm for frontend
  • deps tools (switched from lein)

Libs (frequent use)

  • hyperfiddle/rcf - testing
  • djblue/portal - data visialization (but mostly just repl)
  • metosin/malli - validation and domain shape
  • metosin/reitit - router
  • http-kit - http server
  • compojure - router
  • ring - http handlers
  • nrepl - remote app diagnostics
  • com.github.seancorfield/honeysql - SQL Generation
  • thheller/shadow-cljs - ClojureScript compilation
  • reagent+re-frame - frontend

Database Experience

  • Mostly using PostgreSQL, main + few replicas with failover deployment experience
  • Using ClickHouse for logging and analytics
  • Created authentication app (admin ui, users, roles etc) using Datomic on Prem
  • Want to try XTDB (former CruxDB) in future projects

Other experience

  • Shipped several enterprise/telco apps (back + front + db schema ~170-230k lines total)
  • GIS apps experience (interactive telco data on city map using Leaflet + PostGIS + tile server)
  • Primary OS is MacOS or Linux
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