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Last active March 9, 2021 14:29
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  • Save armiiller/72e4729372036cd43536f4f799dd2b22 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// Verify this actually came from our vendor
const signature = _.toString(req.headers['x-${BRAND}-signature']);
const timestamp = _.toString(req.headers['x-${BRAND}-timestamp']);
if(!signature || !timestamp || !_.parseInt(timestamp) || !moment.unix(_.parseInt(timestamp)).isBetween(moment().add(-5, 'm'), moment().add(1, 'm'))){
// The initial required fields are there and they are within the time flex range, compute the expected hash
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', config.SIGNING_SECRET);
const [version, hash] = signature.split('=');
// check the computed hash is what we expect
if(hmac.digest('hex') !== hash){
// Ok, looks like the vendor actually sent the request, lets try to process their request
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