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armiiller / stripe_subscription_update.rb
Created September 7, 2022 16:29 — forked from palkan/example.rb
require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/indifferent_access'
def send_admin_notification(changes = previous_changes)
case changes
in ends_at: [Time, _]
in ends_at: [nil, Time]
in processor_plan: [nil, String]
timezone: "America/Chicago"
format: "MM-DD"
- "01-01" # New Years
- "12-25" # Christmas
# ...
# A webhook signing algorythim, generally based off slacks
# I think I used this as the template:
# sign_and_send is what is being sent by the service providing the outgoing webhook service
# verify_and_process is what a recieving server would to to process the incoming webhook, you can also see a nodejs implementation here
BRAND = "acme-inc" # TODO, your brand
def sign_and_send
# sign the request with the customers auth token
# the customers auth token is a shared secret, you can use a has_secure_token on the model
// Verify this actually came from our vendor
const signature = _.toString(req.headers['x-${BRAND}-signature']);
const timestamp = _.toString(req.headers['x-${BRAND}-timestamp']);
if(!signature || !timestamp || !_.parseInt(timestamp) || !moment.unix(_.parseInt(timestamp)).isBetween(moment().add(-5, 'm'), moment().add(1, 'm'))){
// The initial required fields are there and they are within the time flex range, compute the expected hash
const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', config.SIGNING_SECRET);
# Each rule has a single match condition and an actions array. Only the first matching rule will be processed.
# match is an object with
# - key(s) - context property
# - value - operators
# operators: $in, $nin, $exists, $gte, $gt, $lte, $lt, $eq, $ne, $mod, $all, $and, $or, $nor, $not, $size, $type, $regex, $where, $elemMatch. (see
# You can match multiple properies on the alert.
- match:
# default syntax, assign to one value (user, team, router, schedule)
- type: assign
receiver: usr_xxxxxx1
# advanced syntax, assign to multiple values (only user or teams)
- type: assign
- usr_xxxxxx1
- tem_xxxxxx1
{{#if ctx.alert.meta.incident}}
[{{ctx.alert.meta.incident_severity}}] Incident #{{ctx.alert.tinyId}} - {{{ctx.alert.meta.incident_message}}} -{{{sanitize ctx.alert.title}}}
Alert #{{ctx.alert.tinyId}} {{{sanitize ctx.alert.title}}}
{{#if ctx.bridge}}
{{#if ctx.bridge.access_code}}{{}},,{{buckjoin ctx.bridge.access_code 3 "-"}}#{{/if}}
{{#if ctx.bridge.url}}{{{ctx.bridge.url}}}{{/if}} {{#if}}{{{}}}{{/if}}
{{#if ctx.alert.meta.incident}}
☢️ Incident #{{ctx.alert.tinyId}} [{{ctx.alert.meta.incident_severity}}] {{{sanitize ctx.alert.title}}}
� Alert #{{ctx.alert.tinyId}} {{{sanitize ctx.alert.title}}}
{{#if ctx.alert.meta.incident}}
☢️ Incident #{{ctx.alert.tinyId}} [{{ctx.alert.meta.incident_severity}}] {{{sanitize ctx.alert.title}}}
� Alert #{{ctx.alert.tinyId}} {{{sanitize ctx.alert.title}}}
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