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Serf Security Model

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The security model used by Serf is designed to provide confidentiality, integrity and authentication. Below is the threat model considered for the design of the model. The security model is built on around a symmetric key, or shared secret system. All members of the Serf cluster must be provided the shared secret ahead of time. This places the burden of key distribution on the user.

To support confidentiality, all messages are encrypted using the AES-128 standard. The AES standard is considered one of the most secure and modern encryption standards. Additionally, it is a fast algorithm, and modern CPUs provide hardware instructions to make encryption and decryption very lightweight. Because AES works on block sizes of 16 bytes, we make use of the PKCS7 padding algorithm.

AES is used with the Galois Counter Mode (GCM), using a randomly generated nonce. The use of GCM additionally provides message integrity, as the ciphertext is suffixed with a 'tag' that is used to verify message integrity before decryption.

Message Format

In the overview we describe the various crypto primitives that are used. In this section we cover how messages are framed on the wire and interpretted to ensure confidentiality, integrity and authentication are provided.

UDP Message Format

UDP messages do not require any framing since they are packet oriented. This allows the message to be somewhat simpler and saves some space. The format is as follows:

| Version (byte) | Nonce (12 bytes) | CipherText | Tag (16 bytes) |

The UDP message thus has a minimum overhead of 29 bytes, plus up to an additional 15 bytes of padding or 44 bytes. There is no length specified, since the UDP packet is already framed. Tampering or bit corruption of any of the packet will cause the GCM tag verification to fail.

Once we receive a packet, we first verify the GCM tag, and only on verification, continue to decrypt the payload. The version byte is provided to allow future versions to change the algorithm they use. It is currently always set to 0.

TCP Message Format

TCP provides a stream abstraction and therefor we must provide our own framing. This is trickey as it is a potential attack vector. We cannon verify the tag until the entire message is received, and we must be provided the length in plaintext. Our current approach is to limit the maximum size of a framed message to 10MB to prevent an enormous amount of data being sent causing a Denial of Service. The wire format is as follows:

| MsgType (byte) | Length (4 bytes) | Version (byte) | Nonce (12 bytes) | CipherText | Tag (16 bytes) |

The TCP format is very similar to the UDP format, but it prepends the message with a message type byte (similar to other Serf messages). It also adds a 4 byte length field, encoded in Big Endian format. This increases its maximum overhead to 49 bytes.

When we first receive a TCP encrypted message, we check the message type. If any party has encryption enabled, the other party must as well. Otherwise we are vulnerable to a downgrade attack where one side can force the other into a non-encrypted mode of operation.

Once this is verified, we determine the message length and if it is less than our 10MB limit, read in the rest of the message. The tag that is provided verifies the entire payload, including the message type and length, ensuring that nothing has been tampered with.

Threat Model

The following are the various aspects of our threat model:

  • Non-members getting access to events or membership information
  • Cluster state corruption due to malicious messages being processed
  • Fake event generation due to malicious messages
  • Tampering of messages causing state corruption
  • Denial of Service against a node

As with most security systems, no system is unbreakable. Our goal is not to protect top secret data but to provide a "reasonable" level of security that would require an attacker to commit a considerable amount of resources to defeat.

It is worth mentioning that we are specifically not concerned about replay attacks, as the gossip protocol is designed to handle that due to the nature of its broadcast mechanism.

Future Consideration

Some considerations for the future are:

  • Using the Version field to change the algorithm we use
  • Supporting different algorithms via configuration
  • Supporting key rotation
  • Cluster membership can be inferred by observing random probing


  • Node communication is modeled after the SWIM protocol
    • Periodic health probing over UDP of random nodes
    • Frequent gossip over UDP to random nodes
    • Infrequent state push/pull over TCP to random nodes
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armon commented Oct 25, 2013

@titanous I think AES-GCM is "strong enough", that we don't need secretbox for the V1. However because versioning will be built into the protocol, it can always be added as a configurable alternate. Again, on the key derivation front, "should be no situation" and what happens in practice is very different. I literally guarantee people will use simple english phrases and they simply cannot be trusted without a KDF. AFAIK there is no downside to using a KDF, and it just guards against bad inputs. I've modified our use to increase it to 4096 rounds using SHA256 so the keys will be very high quality. Lastly, because of the nature of the gossip protocol, it is already designed to handle packet replay, since this is an expected condition of the gossip based broadcast.

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@coda @titanous What is the hesitation against a KDF? From my experience, "trust the user" is not very reliable. The KDF seems to me to ensure that the key is cryptographically suitable. I agree they SHOULD give us some input from /dev/urandom, but I don't have faith they'll actually do that. In all likelihood they'll probably just say serf agent -secret=rainbows

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@armon Sure, AES-GCM is totally fine.

@mitchellh It's mostly gut reaction, I don't have any grounded justification for it. Adding moving parts to cryptosystems when they aren't required rubs me the wrong way. I'm unaware of any other uses of KDF in a similar context where the key is explicitly supposed to be random bytes of a specific length.

One approach would be to use the KDF only if the exact amount of required entropy is not provided.

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I'm not suggesting just using a password, I'm suggesting requiring the user to specify an AES key (i.e., 128 bits of whatever, base64 or hex-encoded to allow for all the bits to be specified in a config file or as a command line param). So if they try rainbows, bounce them out with an error. (Shit, you could even suggest a key for them.)

If you start with passwords—that is, if passwords are actually required because a human is going to have to remember the damn thing—then a KDF is certainly required. In this case, you're not necessarily starting with passwords.

Essentially, I don't think a KDF earns its keep here. If, at some point, you decide to change the parameters of the KDF, the wire format version has to change. That's an unfortunate bit of coupling, and all it gets you is 12 bits of resistance to offline attacks—and not a particularly hard 12 bits, given how easily optimized PBKDF2 is.

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armon commented Oct 26, 2013

I see what you are saying. If we mandate that we are provided with a key instead of a password, I think it is reasonable to dump PBKDF2, and instead provide links to help the user. (Or better yet, just add serf key-gen that will automatically generate a key using /dev/random or similar).

Lets just dump it, mandate a key is provided, and provide a CLI level tool to generate keys.

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armon commented Oct 26, 2013

Updated the Gist to reflect the latest protocol decisions

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Agreed. Makes total sense.

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sit commented Oct 26, 2013

The doc could use more description of the threat model and communication patterns (or links to where that is described). What sort of attacks and what strength of attacker should it defend against?

I would call out that authentication here is limited to the sense of "group membership". There is no sense of identity here and compromise of a single host will contaminate the entire cluster; there's no way to revoke membership or trace the provenance of messages.

A single secret is used for everything: integrity/confidentiality, and authentication. It may be worth separating this out so that they can be rotated independently. The doc mentions key rotation for the future; having some form of PFS and key rotation would definitely be useful. I'm not up-to-date on the literature but a search for "secure group communication" shows there is some research on systems that may provide some of these properties. Having a threat model will help decide how important this is.

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