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Created January 30, 2014 00:08
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package main
import (
func main() {
// Setup our service export
host, _ := os.Hostname()
service := &mdns.MDNSService{
Instance: host,
Service: "_foobar._tcp",
Addr: []byte{127, 0, 0, 1},
Port: 8000,
Info: "My awesome service",
// Create the mDNS server, defer shutdown
server, _ := mdns.NewServer(&mdns.Config{Zone: service})
defer server.Shutdown()
// Make a channel for results and start listening
entriesCh := make(chan *mdns.ServiceEntry, 4)
go func() {
for entry := range entriesCh {
fmt.Printf("Got new entry: %v\n", entry)
// Start the lookup
for {
fmt.Printf("Starting lookup...\n")
mdns.Lookup("_foobar._tcp", entriesCh)
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
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