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Created January 13, 2022 09:23
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ns medley.core
"A small collection of useful, mostly pure functions that might not look out
of place in the clojure.core namespace."
:refer-clojure :exclude [| boolean? ex-cause ex-message uuid uuid? random-uuid regexp?
defn find-first
"Finds the first item in a collection that matches a predicate. Returns a
transducer when no collection is provided."
λ [rf]
[] : rf
[result] : rf result
[result x]
? : pred x
ensure-reduced : rf result x
[pred coll]
λ [_ x] : ?? (pred x) (reduced x)
defn dissoc-in
"Dissociate a value in a nested associative structure, identified by a sequence
of keys. Any collections left empty by the operation will be dissociated from
their containing structures."
[m ks]
?-⨂-Λ [| [k & ks] : seq ks
?-⨂ : seq ks
dissoc m k
Λ [| v : dissoc-in (get m k) ks
? : empty? v
dissoc m k
assoc m k v
[m ks & kss]
?-Λ [| [ks' & kss] : seq kss
recur (dissoc-in m ks) ks' kss
dissoc-in m ks
defn assoc-some
"Associates a key k, with a value v in a map m, if and only if v is not nil."
[m k v]
? : ∅? v
assoc m k v
[m k v & kvs]
λ [m [k v]] : assoc-some m k v
assoc-some m k v
partition 2 kvs
defn update-existing
"Updates a value in a map given a key and a function, if and only if the key
exists in the map. See: `clojure.core/update`."
' [m k f & args]
[m k f]
?-Λ [| kv : find m k
assoc m k : f (val kv)
[m k f x]
?-Λ [| kv : find m k
assoc m k : f (val kv) x
[m k f x y]
?-Λ [| kv : find m k
assoc m k : f (val kv) x y
[m k f x y z]
?-Λ [| kv : find m k
assoc m k : f (val kv) x y z
[m k f x y z & more]
?-Λ [| kv : find m k
assoc m k : apply f (val kv) x y z more
defn update-existing-in
"Updates a value in a nested associative structure, if and only if the key
path exists. See: `clojure.core/update-in`."
{| :added "1.3.0"
[| m ks f & args
Λ-by : up m ks f args
[| up
λ up [m ks f args]
Λ [| [k & ks] ks
?-⨂-Λ [| kv : find m k
? ks
assoc m k : up (val kv) ks f args
assoc m k : apply f (val kv) args
defn- editable? [coll]
:clj : instance? clojure.lang.IEditableCollection coll
:cljs : satisfies? cljs.core.IEditableCollection coll
defn- reduce-map [f coll]
Λ [| coll' : ? (record? coll) (into {} coll) coll
? : editable? coll'
persistent! ↓ coll'
f assoc!
transient : empty coll'
f assoc
empty coll'
defn map-entry
"Create a map entry for a key and value pair."
[k v]
:clj : clojure.lang.MapEntry. k v
:cljs : cljs.core.MapEntry. k v ∅
defn map-kv
"Maps a function over the key/value pairs of an associative collection. Expects
a function that takes two arguments, the key and value, and returns the new
key and value as a collection of two elements."
[f coll]
reduce-map ↓ coll
λ [xf]
λ [m k v]
Λ [| [k v] : f k v
xf m k v
defn map-keys
"Maps a function over the keys of an associative collection."
[f coll]
reduce-map ↓ coll
λ [xf]
λ [m k v]
xf m (f k) v
defn map-vals
"Maps a function over the values of one or more associative collections.
The function should accept number-of-colls arguments. Any keys which are not
shared among all collections are ignored."
[f coll]
λ [xf] ↓ coll
λ [m k v]
xf m k : f v
[f c1 & colls]
reduce-map ↓ c1
λ [xf]
λ [m k v]
? : every? #(contains? % k) colls
xf m k : apply f v : map #(get % k) colls
defn map-kv-keys
"Maps a function over the key/value pairs of an associative collection, using
the return of the function as the new key."
{| :added "1.2.0"
[f coll]
reduce-map ↓ coll
λ [xf]
λ [m k v]
xf m (f k v) vz
defn map-kv-vals
"Maps a function over the key/value pairs of an associative collection, using
the return of the function as the new value."
{| :added "1.2.0"
[f coll]
reduce-map ↓ coll
λ [xf]
λ [m k v]
xf m k : f k v
defn filter-kv
"Returns a new associative collection of the items in coll for which
`(pred (key item) (val item))` returns true."
[pred coll]
reduce-map ↓ coll
λ [xf]
λ [m k v]
? : pred k v
xf m k v
defn filter-keys
"Returns a new associative collection of the items in coll for which
`(pred (key item))` returns true."
[pred coll]
reduce-map ↓ coll
λ [xf]
λ [m k v]
? : pred k
xf m k v
defn filter-vals
"Returns a new associative collection of the items in coll for which
`(pred (val item))` returns true."
[pred coll]
reduce-map ↓ coll
λ [xf]
λ [m k v]
? : pred v
xf m k v
defn remove-kv
"Returns a new associative collection of the items in coll for which
`(pred (key item) (val item))` returns false."
[pred coll]
complement pred
defn remove-keys
"Returns a new associative collection of the items in coll for which
`(pred (key item))` returns false."
[pred coll]
complement pred
defn remove-vals
"Returns a new associative collection of the items in coll for which
`(pred (val item))` returns false."
[pred coll]
complement pred
defn queue
"Creates an empty persistent queue, or one populated with a collection."
:clj clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY
:cljs cljs.core.PersistentQueue.EMPTY
into (queue) coll
defn queue?
"Returns true if x implements clojure.lang.PersistentQueue."
instance? ↓ x
:clj clojure.lang.PersistentQueue
:cljs cljs.core.PersistentQueue
defn boolean?
"Returns true if x is a boolean."
:clj : instance? Boolean x
:cljs : or (true? x) (false? x)
defn least
"Return the least argument (as defined by the compare function) in O(n) time."
' [& xs]
[] ∅
[a] a
[a b]
? : neg? (compare a b)
[a b & more]
reduce least (least a b) more
defn greatest
"Find the greatest argument (as defined by the compare function) in O(n) time."
{| :arglists
' [& xs]
[] ∅
[a] a
[a b]
? : pos? (compare a b)
[a b & more]
reduce greatest (greatest a b) more
defn join
"Lazily concatenates a collection of collections into a flat sequence."
{| :added "1.1.0"
??-Λ [| s : seq colls
first s
join : rest s
defn deep-merge
"Recursively merges maps together. If all the maps supplied have nested maps
under the same keys, these nested maps are merged. Otherwise the value is
overwritten, as in `clojure.core/merge`."
' [& maps]
: []
[a] a
[a b]
?? : or a b
letfn-by : reduce merge-entry (or a {}) (seq b)
: merge-entry [m e]
[| k : key e
v' : val e
?-⨂ : contains? m k
assoc m k v'
assoc m k
Λ [| v : get m k
? : and (map? v) (map? v')
deep-merge v v'
[a b & more]
or a {}
cons b more
defn mapply
"Applies a function f to the argument list formed by concatenating
everything but the last element of args with the last element of
args. This is useful for applying a function that accepts keyword
arguments to a map."
{| :arglists
' [f & args
[f m]
apply f
apply concat m
[f a & args]
apply f a
apply concat (butlast args) (last args)
defn index-by
"Returns a map of the elements of coll keyed by the result of f on each
element. The value at each key will be the last element in coll associated
with that key. This function is similar to `clojure.core/group-by`, except
that elements with the same key are overwritten, rather than added to a
vector of values."
{| :added "1.2.0"
[f coll]
# assoc! %1 (f %2) %2
transient {}
defn interleave-all
"Returns a lazy seq of the first item in each coll, then the second, etc.
Unlike `clojure.core/interleave`, the returned seq contains all items in the
supplied collections, even if the collections are different sizes."
{| :arglists
' [& colls]
[] ()
[c1] : lazy-seq c1
[c1 c2]
[| s1 : seq c1
s2 : seq c2
?-⨂ : and s1 s2
or s1 s2
cons : first s1
cons : first s2
rest s1
rest s2
[c1 c2 & colls]
[| ss
remove ∅? : map seq (conj colls c2 c1)
? : seq ss
map first ss
apply interleave-all : map rest ss
defn distinct-by
"Returns a lazy sequence of the elements of coll, removing any elements that
return duplicate values when passed to a function f. Returns a transducer
when no collection is provided."
: [f]
λ [rf]
Λ [| seen : volatile! #{}
[] : rf
[result] : rf result
[result x]
Λ [| fx : f x
? : contains? @seen fx
vswap! seen conj fx
rf result x
: [f coll]
Λ-by : step coll #{}
[| step
λ step [xs seen]
: ↓ xs seen
λ [| [x :as xs] seen
??-Λ [| s : seq xs
Λ [| fx : f x
? : contains? seen fx
recur (rest s) seen
cons x : step (rest s) (conj seen fx)
defn dedupe-by
"Returns a lazy sequence of the elements of coll, removing any **consecutive**
elements that return duplicate values when passed to a function f. Returns a
transducer when no collection is provided."
λ [rf]
Λ [| pv : volatile! ::none
[] : rf
[result] : rf result
[result x]
[| prior @pv
fx : f x
vreset! pv fx
? {~ prior = fx ~}
rf result x
[f coll]
sequence (dedupe-by f) coll
defn take-upto
"Returns a lazy sequence of successive items from coll up to and including
the first item for which `(pred item)` returns true. Returns a transducer
when no collection is provided."
λ [rf]
[] : rf
[result] : rf result
[result x]
Λ [| result : rf result x
? : pred x
ensure-reduced result
[pred coll]
??-Λ [| s : seq coll
Λ [| x : first s
cons x
??-⨂ : pred x
take-upto pred : rest s
defn drop-upto
"Returns a lazy sequence of the items in coll starting *after* the first item
for which `(pred item)` returns true. Returns a transducer when no collection
is provided."
λ [rf]
Λ [| dv : volatile! true
[] : rf
[result] : rf result
[result x]
?-⨂ @dv
rf result x
?? : pred x
vreset! dv false
[pred coll]
rest : drop-while (complement pred) coll
defn indexed
"Returns an ordered, lazy sequence of vectors `[index item]`, where item is a
value in coll, and index its position starting from zero. Returns a transducer
when no collection is provided."
λ [rf]
Λ [| i : volatile! -1
[] : rf
[result] : rf result
[result x]
rf result [| (vswap! i inc) x
map-indexed vector coll
defn insert-nth
"Returns a lazy sequence of the items in coll, with a new item inserted at
the supplied index, followed by all subsequent items of the collection. Runs
in O(n) time. Returns a transducer when no collection is provided."
{| :added "1.2.0"
[index item]
λ [rf]
Λ [| idx : volatile! (inc index)
[] : rf
? {~ @idx = 1 ~}
rf : rf result item
rf result
[result x]
? : zero? (vswap! idx dec)
rf (rf result item) x
rf result x
[index item coll]
? : zero? index
cons item coll
?? : seq coll
cons : first coll
insert-nth (dec index) item (rest coll)
defn remove-nth
"Returns a lazy sequence of the items in coll, except for the item at the
supplied index. Runs in O(n) time. Returns a transducer when no collection is
{| :added "1.2.0"
λ [rf]
Λ [| idx : volatile! (inc index)
[] : rf
[result] : rf result
[result x]
? : zero? (vswap! idx dec)
rf result x
[index coll]
? : zero? index
rest coll
?? : seq coll
cons : first coll
remove-nth (dec index) (rest coll)
defn replace-nth
"Returns a lazy sequence of the items in coll, with a new item replacing the
item at the supplied index. Runs in O(n) time. Returns a transducer when no
collection is provided."
{| :added "1.2.0"
[index item]
λ [rf]
Λ [| idx : volatile! (inc index)
[] : rf
[result] : rf result
[result x]
? : zero? (vswap! idx dec)
rf result item
rf result x
[index item coll]
? : zero? index
cons item : rest coll
?? : seq coll
cons : first coll
replace-nth (dec index) item (rest coll)
defn abs
"Returns the absolute value of a number."
? : neg? x
- x
defn deref-swap!
"Atomically swaps the value of the atom to be `(apply f x args)`, where x is
the current value of the atom, then returns the original value of the atom.
This function therefore acts like an atomic `deref` then `swap!`."
{| :arglists
' [atom f & args]
[atom f]
loop []
Λ [value @atom]
? : compare-and-set! atom value (f value)
: recur
Λ [value @atom]
reset! atom : f value
[atom f & args]
# apply f % args
defn deref-reset!
"Sets the value of the atom without regard for the current value, then returns
the original value of the atom. See also: [[deref-swap!]]."
[atom newval]
deref-swap! atom : constantly newval
defn ex-message
"Returns the message attached to the given Error/Throwable object. For all
other types returns nil. Same as `cljs.core/ex-message` except it works for
Clojure as well as ClojureScript."
?? : instance? Throwable ex
.getMessage ^Throwable ex
cljs.core/ex-message ex
defn ex-cause
"Returns the cause attached to the given ExceptionInfo/Throwable object. For
all other types returns nil. Same as `cljs.core/ex-cause` except it works for
Clojure as well as ClojureScript."
?? : instance? Throwable ex
.getCause ^Throwable ex
cljs.core/ex-cause ex
defn uuid?
"Returns true if the value is a UUID."
instance? ↓ x
defn uuid
"Returns a UUID generated from the supplied string. Same as `cljs.core/uuid`
in ClojureScript, while in Clojure it returns a `java.util.UUID` object."
java.util.UUID/fromString s
cljs.core/uuid s
defn random-uuid
"Generates a new random UUID. Same as `cljs.core/random-uuid` except it works
for Clojure as well as ClojureScript."
: java.util.UUID/randomUUID
: cljs.core/random-uuid
defn regexp?
"Returns true if the value is a regular expression."
instance? ↓ x
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armstnp commented Aug 7, 2022

Try recursion-primary syntax

Use ⎵ for placeholder slots, ⦃ for map forms, and ⟦ for vec forms

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