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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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The Murkden Assault

Shard Warband - The Murkden Assault



  • Legionnaire Traikill Stormshard
  • 'Breadvet' Soho Moonshard


  • Amana Firehide
  • Caesar Bullrush
  • Cinder Scarspiral
  • Domitus Shardspirit
  • Firiann Fellshard
  • Galeji Swiftshard
  • Grimm Coalheart
  • Kregga Shardtalon
  • Rakk Wraithstrike
  • Talis Stoneheart
  • Tosia Heartflame

In Absentia

  • Felix Shardblast (Manning the Legion long guns from a distance)
  • Treyo Razewinter (Assisted in the creation of a specialized artillery shell)

Preparatory Assault

12+ to Succeed an Opposed Action

  • Soho Moonshard and Friabos set up counter-sniper positions.
  • Grimm Coalheart and Rakk Wraithstrike prepare to assault the camp's artillery trench.
  • Soho and Friabos crack shots at the Flame sniper nest. (10+ difficulty from element of surprise)
    • Friabos' shot strikes, dropping one of the snipers. (13)
    • Soho's rifle jams, dramatically failing to fire. (1)
    • She attempts to recover by removing the jammed shell, but somehow grabs and loads an apple chunk instead of a replacement shell. (5)
  • Rakk and Grimm launch themselves at the mortar crew as they hear the first rifle shots go off.
    • Rakk drops one charr immediately with a vicious head blow. (17)
    • Grimm drops his weight onto one of the crew, and begins to swing at a second. (14)
    • The mortar crew is fully overwhelmed by the attack.
  • The mortar assault crew races away from the assault site as a dozen troops pour out of the Flame camp, adding distance before the next part of the plan kicks in. (2+ difficulty?)
    • Grimm (10, success, no description)
    • Rakk (20, no description)
  • Traikill radials in their ace in the hole: Felix Shardblast, launching specialized artillery shells from the Legion long guns.
  • The sniper team continues to fire.
    • One of the Flame spotters picks out the sniper team's position. (19)
    • Friabos splits the skull of another Flame sniper as he squeezes off another round. (13)
    • Soho pulls the apple out of the chamber with her mouth, chambering a proper round. (12)
    • She fires on the enemy at last, directing a few rounds after Friabos' shot and dropping another distracted sniper. (16)
  • The artillery shells begin landing:
    • The first dives straight through the roof of the target location, but fails to detonate. (?)
    • The second strikes and detonates in the shore near the volcano, sending water to douse the enemy troops. (?)
    • The third fails to detonate, but sends splinters of steel and rock into the enemy. (?)
    • The fourth lands in a burst of explosive flame, killing all within 20 yards. (?)
    • A short delay, then the fifth and final shell - enhanced by Treyo Razewinter - detonates in mid-air into snowflakes that quickly burst into harmless flame. (1)
  • Shard prepares to charge as Soho Moonshard prepares the last shot of their preparatory assault: an asura-customized "charr-booka" with a large custom shell.
  • Soho fires the shot, which spirals away and detonates with a blinding flash, sending a mushroom cloud into the air, followed by a devastating shockwave.
  • Immediately after, Shard charges towards the entrance, leaving Friabos and the heavy squad (Talis Stoneheart, Rakk Wraithstrike, Tosia Heartflame, and Caesar Bullrush) to hold the outside.
  • They reach the entrance, racing through a scorching tunnel over asuran technology pads, breaking through into the facility with fur singed and smoking.

The Centurion's Lair

15+ to Succeed an Opposed Action

  • The warband traces their way through the halls, breaking into a room lined with cages. The roof has been shattered by the first mortar shell, which is embedded in the floor. (Cue: "The Centurion's Lair" )
  • Murkden and Burntfur are in the room, along with several techs and soldiers. The cage next to Burntfur contains a battered and bloody Virris Searingshard, one set of ears and both paws wrapped in bandages.
  • Murkden commands the immediate execution of the infiltrators, casting a brief spell at Burntfur's command and ordering Virris to show his true allegiance. (Cue: "Virris' True Allegiance" )


Character Initiative Roll
Firiann Fellshard 20
Amana Firehide 19
Soho Moonshard 15
Cinder Scarspiral 12
Galeji Swiftshard 11
Domitus Shardspirit 10
Grimm Coalheart 7
Kregga Shardtalon ?
Traikill Stormshard 3

Round 1

Environmental Effects

  • The area is filled in smoke by Burntfur, blinding the room and making it difficult to see long distances.


  • Firiann looses an arrow at Burntfur, but it passes harmlessly through him as he puffs into smoke. (14)
  • Amana follows with a fireball that splashes harmlessly in front of where Burntfur had stood. (13)
  • (Soho AFK)
  • Cinder blasts away the smoke with a concussive burst of hot air from her flamethrower. (19)
  • Galeji attempts to keep clear of smoke with a personal bubble of air. (12)
  • Domitus fires an arrow of his own, and one of the spirits about him covers it in flame, sending it past any target. (11)
  • Grimm coats himself in a offsetting shadowy skin, left claws appearing abnormally long. (Preparatory Channel, no roll)
  • Traikill flings aside her malfunctioning pistol, taking out her wrench and charging the closest target - Virris - attempting to knock him unconscious. (18)
  • Kregga charges Burntfur, swinging at his knee with her hammer in an attempt to double him over. (15)

Shaman Triune

  • Burntfur puffs into smoke before Kregga can hit. He puffs back into existence in the middle of the group, casting many into their own personal nightmare (12+ to save) (20)
  • Virris partially sidesteps Traikill's wrench blow, taking a hit to the shoulder. (10)
  • His other paw attempts to jab a dagger into her gut, but it stops just short as he strains to resist Murkden's control. (17 save against mind control)
  • Murkden splits into clones, preparing to fire illusory blasts down on Shard. (Preparatory Channel, no roll)

Round 2

Environmental Effects

  • The smoke has been cleared away, leaving clearer line of sight for all.


  • Firiann avoids Burntfur's blast, rolling away from the group. (16 save against nightmare) She fires an arrow before she rolls, but it flies wild, missing any particular target. (11)
  • Amana throws herself back with a firey blast. (20 save against nightmare) She throws up a fire shield around herself. (10, defensive action)
  • Soho draws her bowie knife, only to find herself in an apple orchard, resting against her father, returned to a cub-like state of mind. (11 save against nightmare)
  • Cinder Scarspiral screams that Kralkatorrik is streaking a new brand across them; she fires towards the ceiling. (1 save against nightmare)
  • Galeji came prepared, and wards off the nightmares. (16 save against nightmare) He attempts to shatter some of the illusions with a shout, then ducks behind Virris in preparation to knock him out as he had once before. (12)
  • Domitus roars and pushes away the oncoming nightmare, but one of his spirits seems affected and implodes. (14 save against nightmare) He fires a vengeful arrow at Burntfur, which whizzes past his head. (13)
  • Grimm strides through the nightmare without effect. (13 save against nightmare) He walks in front of Virris, shoving his shadowy claws in to grip Virris' heart, and calling for someone to bring 'something alive'. (17)
  • Kregga slams her hammer to the ground, eyes shut with the impact. She opens them to see one of her cubs, crushed by her own hand. (11 save against nightmare)
  • Traikill attempts to distract Virris, talking to him as she sidesteps his dagger. She swings, but takes shrapnel across her shoulder from Cinder's wild shot, causing her to miss and stumble. (Unaffected by nightmare due to distance) (1)

Shaman Triune

  • Burntfur takes the opportunity to dissipate and reappear by Traikill, passing on a debilitating nightmare. (15)
  • Virris falls onto Grimm's shadowy claws with a choke, stunned.
  • Murkden attempts to fire at Soho with his three clones, but the struggle of keeping his hold on Virris causes him to miss entirely. (2)

Break - Continued during Next Session

Updated Roster


  • Ayda Griffinfeather
  • Shizue Shardmender
  • Treyo Razewinter


  • Amana Firehide (actions performed by Firiann Fellshard pro tempore, round 3 only)
  • Galeji Swiftshard (actions performed by Virris Searingshard/Friabos pro tempore)
  • Tosia Heartflame

Cue: "Last Time with the Shard Warband..."

Initiative Changes

Character Initiative Roll
Traikill Stormshard Moved to head
Firiann Fellshard 20
Amana Firehide 19
Soho Moonshard 15
Cinder Scarspiral 12
Galeji Swiftshard 11
Domitus Shardspirit 10
Grimm Coalheart 7
Kregga Shardtalon ?

Round 3


  • Traikill calls in the heavy squad via her radial as Burntfur dissipates, before he reappears once more to clutch her head. (16)
  • Firiann stumbles in her roll, tripping beside Amana and getting struck by one of Murkden's bolts. (1)
  • Amana (played by Firiann Fellshard pro tempore) sees the bolts and attempts to dodge, but only moves into their path, shattering her fire shield. (2)
  • Soho's bittersweet dream crumbles around her, leaving only the obsidian of the chamber about her once more. (? save against nightmare) She spots one of Murkden's clones, and immediately leaps at it, missing with her knife swipe. (7)
  • Cinder notices details of the Elder Dragon that don't seem quite right, and quickly shakes off the nightmare. (15 save against nightmare) She raises her rifle to fire a slug at one of the clones. (12)
  • Galeji pulls back from his blunt strike on Virris, leaping into a lightning bolt to seek out a source of life for Grimm to use. (17)
  • Domitus fires vengefully at Burntfur as he appears by Traikill, one of the spirits converting it to a spray of stone shrapnel in midflight; it flies harmlessly past both, however. (11)
  • Grimm's voice distorts eerily as he calls out for Traikill to help bring Virris back. (16 to maintain hold)
  • Kregga kneels to take the cub's body, but it melts away as the nightmare fades. (? save against nightmare) She turns to one of Murkden's clones as she readjusts, taking a warhammer to one of the clones. (4)

Shaman Triune

  • Burntfur looks Traikill in the eyes. "Let us be one," he intones as he drops her and puffs back into smoke. (20)
  • Virris struggles against the mind control, dagger slowly pushing forward to shank Grimm. (12)
  • Murkden struggles to maintain his hold on Virris, clones firing shots randomly and to no effect. (4)

The Heavy squad charges into battle:

  • Ayda Griffinfeather
  • Rakk Wraithstrike
  • Shizue Shardmender
  • Talis Stoneheart
  • Treyo Razewinter

Initiative Changes

Character Initiative Roll
Traikill Stormshard Moved to head
Firiann Fellshard 20
Amana Firehide 19
Soho Moonshard 15
Cinder Scarspiral 12
Galeji Swiftshard 11
Domitus Shardspirit 10
Grimm Coalheart 7
Kregga Shardtalon ?
Treyo Razewinter 18
Talis Stoneheart 17
Shizue Shardmender 11
Rakk Wraithstrike 9
Ayda Griffinfeather 7

Round 4


  • Traikill attempts to free her head from Burntfur's grasp, but freezes, eyes going wide as he invades her mind. (6)
  • Firiann picks herself up despite her wound, observing each of the clones and selecting one to target with a bolt from her bow. (20)
  • Amana vanishes in a puff of flame, reappearing behind one of Murkden's clones and slamming her firey palms into his back. (15)
  • Soho, still disoriented and recalling the orchard, gives a bellow into her father's warhorn, a familiar call for assistance. (7 - Buff all rolls until end of turn +1)
  • Cinder charges at one of the Murkden clones, slamming her rifle butt into his face. (20 [19 + 1])
  • Domitus seeks out Burntfur; unable to find him, he fires another arrow towards a clone, which bursts into stone shards once more, flying past harmlessly. (10)
  • Grimm takes Virris' dagger to his shoulder. (9 save against dagger) Seeing no assistance in sight, he begins to take Virris' wounds onto himself. (13 for sustained heal, self-inflicted wounds)
  • Kregga's previous strike slammed uselessly to the ground; she channels her rage into a
  • Treyo charges in, leading the heavy squad despite his wounds, adrenaline raging. He immediately blasts water at Virris' face, roaring in challenge. (15)
  • Talis lunges in towards the nearest clone with his axe and shield, but misses clumsily, axe clanging against the floor. (2)
  • Shizue follows, trailing a stream of water about her paws, preparing to intercept incoming attacks on allies. (14 to provide +5 to a block attempt)
  • Rakk rushes in, glowing with guardian magic and leaping towards one of the clones. His strike misses, but brings him face-to-face. (9)
  • Ayda seeks a better vantage point, siccing her raven 'Feather' on one of the clones. (7)

Shaman Triune

  • Virris twitches as his wounds heal, the splash to the face only causing irritation. He orders Grimm to stop his healing as he withdraws his dagger. (Murkden's control broken)
  • Murkden's gloating is cut short as Firiann's arrow takes him in the knee, and Cinder's rifle-butt in his face. He reflexively shatters his clones, stunning those nearby. (Cinder, Shizue, and Kregga stunned next round)

Round 5


  • Traikill staggers as Burntfur's nightmare consumes her. She sees her warband, dead or dying. Enraged, she attacks Soho, lashing out with her wrench to catch her in the waist. (18) (Cue: "The Legionnaire's Nightmare")
  • Firiann takes aim once more as Murkden's clones shatter, launching another bolt at his throat. (20)
  • Amana flashes into flame once more, appearing beside Grimm and Virris, gently pushing Grimm away and placing her own flame-wreathed hand on Virris'.
  • Soho sees the Legionnaire coming, shifting to a welcoming stance to greet the 'Lagoon' as the wrench collides. The strike audibly cracks bone, and she tumbles to the ground, apologizing for some perceived wrongdoing.
  • Cinder staggers under the psychic impact of a shattering clone. (Stunned)
  • Galeji flashes back in next to Grimm and Virris as well, a half-dead Flame soldier held alongside as he examines the situation. (10)
  • Domitus is surprised momentarily by the shattering clones, then sends another arrow streaking towards the real Murkden as the spirits about him chitter. The bolt fragments once more, this time racing in right on target. (18)
  • Grimm steps back, releasing his grip on Virris' heart and retracting his claws. Grimm takes the Flame soldier from Galeji, looking into his eyes. He begins draining the life force out of him as he holds him up before Virris. (12)
  • Kregga is stunned by the shattering of the clones.
  • Treyo witnesses Traikill's assault on Soho, pushing himself between the two and questioning the Legionnaire.
  • Talis taunts Murkden, sending a wall of foefire at him with a sweep of his greatsword. (19)
  • Shizue stumbles back as her concentration is broken by the shattering clones. The water she holds splashes to the ground as she regains her focus on Murkden. (Stunned)
  • Rakk is momentarily dazed by the clones' shattering, but quickly spots the real Murkden and charges him, sending flaming guardian chains to ring the centurion's waist. (16)
  • Ayda takes in the situation from her vantage point, closing in on Traikill and Soho. She draws out an opened bottle of troll unguent, and - stoppering the top with an apple - throws it to Soho. (16)

Shaman Triune

  • Murkden staggers under Firiann and Domitus' arrows. Unable to escape due to Rakk's chains, he is struck and slowly consumed by Talis' flames. At last, he collapses face-first onto the ground, unable to bring the power of his false gods to bear.


  • Traikill prepares for another wrench strike, face twisted in rage and sorrow, but halts as a blackness like smoke billows out of her, seeing what she had done. She arches her back as she struggles against Burnfur's last vestige of control, but fails, driving her own claws deep into her belly.
  • Burntfur's voice rings through the cavern, and rocky chunks of earth begin to fall about the warband. (Cue: "Opening the Flue")
  • The warband charges out of the chamber; some use abilities to slow the roof's collapse; some begin carrying out wounded allies; and Kregga, as she moves to return, picks up Murkden's body, impaling him on her shoulderpiece's spikes before making good her own escape.
  • Virris dives back into the tunnels as they begin to collapse, looking for the missing Treyo, but is forced to emerge once more as the cave-in completes.
  • Treyo communicates out to the warband with his radial, keeping himself alive with a domed shell of ice.
  • Ayda sends her pet devourer to burrow Treyo out, liberating him - as well as Soho's knife, dropped somewhere during the escape.
  • The warband rests outside, licking their wounds.

Final Report


  • Shard:
    • One of Domitus' spirit companions
    • Kregga's Warhammer
  • Shaman Triune:
    • Murkden - Killed
    • Virris - Freed
    • Anonymous Flame Legion Soldier - Sucked dry
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