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Created December 3, 2016 06:56
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A micro interpreter presuming error-free input, based on a community challenge from codingame.
(ns Solution
(:require [clojure.string :as str])
(defn parse-int
"Parses an integer from the beginning of the given string
(in lieu of Java's Integer class)"
(with-in-str s (read)))
(defn environment
"Creates a fresh environment with the given initial register states"
[a-val b-val c-val d-val]
{:a a-val
:b b-val
:c c-val
:d d-val
:instruction 0})
(def str->constant parse-int)
(def str->register keyword)
(defn gen-fetch-constant
"Returns a function that provides the constant value c given an environment."
(fn [env] (str->constant c)))
(defn gen-fetch-register
"Returns a function that provides the value of register r given an environment."
(fn [env] (get env (str->register r))))
(defn register?
"Returns whether the given symbol is a valid register symbol."
(re-matches #"[abcd]" sym))
(defn gen-fetch
"Returns a function that provides the value of symbol sym given an environment,
whether the symbol is a constant value or the name of a register."
(if (register? sym)
(gen-fetch-register sym)
(gen-fetch-constant sym)))
(defn gen-put
"Returns an environment transformer that accepts a value, and places it in the
register with the given symbolic name."
(let [register (str->register sym)]
(fn [env val] (assoc env register val))))
(defn inc-instruction
"Returns an environment with the instruction index incremented."
(assoc env :instruction (inc (get env :instruction))))
(def set-instruction (gen-put "instruction"))
(defn gen-mov
"Returns an environment transformer with the value of src placed
in the register with the symbolic name dest. Increments the
environment's instruction index."
[dest src]
(let [fetch-src (gen-fetch src)
put-dest (gen-put dest)]
(fn [env]
(-> env
(put-dest (fetch-src env))
(defn gen-binary
"Returns an environment transformer with the value of the given
operator op evaluated against the values of src-a and src-b
placed in the register with the symbolic name dest. Increments
the environment's instruction index."
[dest src-a src-b op]
(let [fetch-src-a (gen-fetch src-a)
fetch-src-b (gen-fetch src-b)
put-dest (gen-put dest)]
(fn [env]
(-> env
(put-dest (op (fetch-src-a env)
(fetch-src-b env)))
(defn gen-add
"Returns an environment transformer with the sum of the
values of src-a and src-b placed in the register with the
symbolic name dest. Increments the environment's instruction
[dest src-a src-b]
(gen-binary dest src-a src-b +))
(defn gen-sub
"Returns an environment transformer with the difference of the
values of src-a and src-b placed in the register with the
symbolic name dest. Increments the environment's instruction
[dest src-a src-b]
(gen-binary dest src-a src-b -))
(defn gen-jne
"Returns an environment transformer with the instruction index
set to inst if the values of src and compare are not equal, or
simply incremented if they are equal."
[inst src compare]
(let [instruction (str->constant inst)
fetch-src (gen-fetch-register src)
fetch-compare (gen-fetch compare)]
(fn [env] (if (not= (fetch-src env) (fetch-compare env))
(set-instruction env instruction)
(inc-instruction env)))))
(def instruction->gen
{"MOV" gen-mov
"ADD" gen-add
"SUB" gen-sub
"JNE" gen-jne})
(defn gen-instruction
"Takes an instruction as a sequence of strings and returns an
environment transformer function."
[[inst & args]]
(apply (instruction->gen inst) args))
(defn complete?
"Returns whether the given environment has been marked as
complete, i.e. can no longer run instructions."
(= (:instruction env) :complete))
(defn gen-instruction-list
"Returns a function that applies the current instruction
for the given environment and returns the resulting environment.
If the environment is complete, the returned function will simply
hand back the passed environment."
(let [total-inst (count instructions)]
(fn [env]
(let [current-inst (:instruction env)]
(if (and (not (complete? env))
(< current-inst total-inst))
((nth instructions current-inst) env)
(assoc env :instruction :complete))))))
(defn str->instruction-list
"Given a sequence of instruction strings, returns an
environment transformer that applies the current environment
instruction and returns the updated environment."
(->> lines
(map #(re-seq #"\S+" %))
(map gen-instruction)
(defn run-instructions
"Runs the instructions on the initial environment repeatedly until
the environment is complete, then returns the resulting environment."
[instructions init-env]
(first (filter complete? (iterate instructions init-env))))
(defn read-n-lines
"Reads a sequence of n lines from the current input stream."
(loop [n n
lines []]
(if (zero? n)
(recur (dec n) (conj lines (read-line))))))
(defn -main [& args]
(let [init-a (read)
init-b (read)
init-c (read)
init-d (read)
n (read)
_ (read-line)
raw-instructions (read-n-lines n)
instructions (str->instruction-list raw-instructions)
start-env (environment init-a init-b init-c init-d)
result-env (run-instructions instructions start-env)
{:keys [a b c d]} result-env]
(println (str/join " " [a b c d]))))
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