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Last active June 4, 2017 23:25
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Brainf*** Interpreter
(ns brainf
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(defn new-machine
"Creates a new untouched machine running the given instructions
and accepting the given input."
[instructions input]
{:data [0] ;; Data tape
:pos 0 ;; Data pointer index
:input input ;; Current input stream
:output [] ;; Current output stream
:instructions instructions ;; Instruction tape
:inst-pointer 0}) ;; Instruction pointer index
(defn curr-datum
"Retrieves the datum at the current cell of a machine."
[{:keys [data pos]}]
(nth data pos))
(defn byte-inc
"Increments a ubyte with wraparound overflow."
(if (= 255 n) 0 (inc n)))
(defn byte-dec
"Decrements a ubyte with wraparound underflow."
(if (= 0 n) 255 (dec n)))
(defn ensure-data-size
"Expands the given data vector with zeros until it
meets the given minimum size."
[data min-size]
(let [diff (- min-size (count data))]
(if (> diff 0)
(into data (repeat diff 0))
(defn inc-data-pointer
"Increments the data pointer of a machine."
[{:keys [data pos inst-pointer] :as machine}]
(let [new-pos (inc pos)]
(assoc machine
:pos new-pos
:data (ensure-data-size data (inc new-pos))
:inst-pointer (inc inst-pointer))))
(defn dec-data-pointer
"Decrements the data pointer of a machine."
[{:keys [pos inst-pointer] :as machine}]
(assoc machine
:pos (dec pos) ;; No negative bounds check...
:inst-pointer (inc inst-pointer)))
(defn inc-datum
"Increments the current datum cell of a machine."
[{:keys [data pos inst-pointer] :as machine}]
(-> machine
(update-in [:data pos] byte-inc)
(assoc :inst-pointer (inc inst-pointer))))
(defn dec-datum
"Decrements the current datum cell of a machine."
[{:keys [data pos inst-pointer] :as machine}]
(-> machine
(update-in [:data pos] byte-dec)
(assoc :inst-pointer (inc inst-pointer))))
(defn output-datum
"Sends the current datum cell of a machine to its output stream."
[{:keys [data pos output inst-pointer] :as machine}]
(let [curr-byte (curr-datum machine)
curr-char (char curr-byte)]
(assoc machine
:output (conj output curr-char)
:inst-pointer (inc inst-pointer))))
(defn input-datum
"Consumes the next input of a machine as an ASCII code and stores
it in the current datum cell."
[{:keys [data pos input inst-pointer] :as machine}]
(if-not (empty? input)
(let [[new-datum & rest-input] input]
(-> machine
(assoc-in [:data pos] (int new-datum))
:input rest-input
:inst-pointer (inc inst-pointer))))))
(defn seek-after-match
"Returns the pointer index of the next instruction following the
matching ']' instruction.
'Matching' here accounts for nesting, where a stack input of 1
will match the next ']' found, 2 will match the second ']', etc.,
and where '[' will increment the stack level as the search
[instructions pointer stack]
(let [next-step (inc pointer)]
(case (nth instructions pointer)
\[ (recur instructions next-step (inc stack))
\] (if (= 1 stack)
(recur instructions next-step (dec stack)))
(recur instructions next-step stack))))
(defn seek-before-match
"Returns the pointer index of the next instruction following the
matching '[' instruction (moving right-to-left along the tape).
'Matching' here accounts for nesting, where a stack input of 1
will match the next '[' found, 2 will match the second '[', etc.,
and where ']' will increment the stack level as the search
[instructions pointer stack]
(let [next-step (dec pointer)]
(case (nth instructions pointer)
\] (recur instructions next-step (inc stack))
\[ (if (= 1 stack)
(inc pointer)
(recur instructions next-step (dec stack)))
(recur instructions next-step stack))))
(defn branch
"Branches the machine to the instruction after the matching loop-back
(']') command if the current datum is zero, or does nothing otherwise."
[{:keys [data pos instructions inst-pointer] :as machine}]
(let [inc-inst (inc inst-pointer)
next-instruction (if (zero? (curr-datum machine))
(seek-after-match instructions inc-inst 1)
(assoc machine :inst-pointer next-instruction)))
(defn loop-back
"Branches the machine to the instruction after the matching branch
('[') command if the current datum is non-zero, or does nothing otherwise."
[{:keys [data pos instructions inst-pointer] :as machine}]
(let [next-instruction (if (zero? (curr-datum machine))
(inc inst-pointer)
(seek-before-match instructions (dec inst-pointer) 1))]
(assoc machine :inst-pointer next-instruction)))
(def commands
{\> inc-data-pointer
\< dec-data-pointer
\+ inc-datum
\- dec-datum
\. output-datum
\, input-datum
\[ branch
\] loop-back})
(defn machine-step
"Executes the current instruction of the machine, and returns the
subsequent machine state."
[{:keys [data pos input output instructions inst-pointer] :as machine}]
(let [command-fn (get commands (nth instructions inst-pointer))]
(command-fn machine)))
(defn machine-incomplete?
"Returns whether the machine is finished running, either by failure or
by running to the end of the tape."
[{:keys [instructions inst-pointer] :as machine}]
(and (not (nil? machine))
(< inst-pointer (count instructions))))
(defn run-machine
"Runs a machine until it has completed, returning the final machine
(->> machine
(iterate machine-step)
(drop-while machine-incomplete?)
(defn machine-output
"Returns the output of a machine as a string."
[{output :output :as machine}]
(if-not (nil? machine)
(str/join output)))
(defn execute-string
"Evaluate the Brainf*** source code in `source` using `input` as a source of
characters for the `,` input command.
Either returns a sequence of output characters, or `nil` if there was
insufficient input."
[source input]
(->> (new-machine source input)
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