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Created March 9, 2016 05:48
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Shard Warband - Battle on the Big Icy Bridge

Battle on the Big Icy Bridge


  • Traikill Stormshard (Legionnaire)
  • Soho Moonshard (Breadvet)
  • Tarveth Shardblade (Quaestor)
  • Bocifus Ironhorns (Vigil Warmaster)
  • Alku Grizzlysinner
  • Azykar Bloodshard
  • Domitus Shardspirit
  • Firiann Fellshard
  • Galeji Swiftshard
  • Grimm Shardheart (DM)
  • Klea Goldeneye


  • Tarveth: 🎲 20
  • Alku: 🎲 20
  • Galeji: 🎲 19
  • Azykar: 🎲 16
  • Flame bomb squad: 🎲 15
  • Bocifus: 🎲 12
  • Firiann: 🎲 9
  • Domitus: 🎲 8
  • Grimm: 🎲 8
  • Klea: 🎲 7
  • Flame rear squad: 🎲 7
  • Traikill: 🎲 4
  • Flame front squad: 🎲 2

Round 1

  • Tarveth leaps over the bridge to divebomb the bomb squad at the base of the bridge. He slows his descent just enough to prevent breaking his own limbs, crushing his target. (🎲 20)
  • Alku sends an arrow of blue fire streaking through the rear lines, taking out one of the incoming targets easily. (🎲 16)
  • Galeji dashes at lightning-speed into the front group, sending pillars of ice into the target before him. The target fails to block the spire with their shield, and they are thrown backward, not rising. (🎲 16)
  • Azykar rapidly fires a smoldering arrow to blind, followed by a firey one to set the group alight. He presses forward to take advantage of the blindness, barreling into the group. (🎲 17 - Three of the four lose their next action)
  • The second charr at the bridge's base carves some symbols in the air, aiming a spell at Tarveth. The flames in his paw fizzle, and he restarts the chant in desperation. (Tarveth has advantage of surprise)
  • Bocifus shouts encouragement, charging to the rear of the bridge to lay down a Ring of Warding, preventing more opponents from stepping onto the bridge. (🎲 17)
  • Firiann turns to aim a hurried bolt at the rear group, but her shot goes wild as she swerves to avoid hitting Bocifus. (🎲 10)
  • Domitus calls out to Soho on the radial as he guards the dolyaks, gesturing towards the rear of the bridge as he moves the dolyaks towards the end of the bridge. (No roll)
  • Grimm joins Bocifus at the rear, pulling out his axe and crippling the leg of a surprised opponent. (🎲 7 vs. 🎲 3)
  • Klea leaps away from the incoming dolyaks, selecting a nearby target in the front group and bellowing flame from her mouth. The unfortunate charr - the sole one not affected by Azkar's bolts - barely had time to see what was coming before receiving a blast of fire to the face. (🎲 13)
  • Three of the rear group attempt to press onto the bridge; two are rebounded by Bocifus' ward, but the third makes it through with the assistance of some glyph etched on his shield. This one lunges at Bo with his sword, but falls prey to Alku's paralyzing trap. (Two failed ward check; one passed ward check, but failed trap check.)
  • Traikill ducks and bull-rushes the group in front, taking a fierce 'n' mighty swing at the jaw of the closest Flame soldier. The blow glances off the charr's head, leaving it on its knees, dazed and still aflame. (🎲 13)
  • The three remaining charr try and compose themselves, beating out flames. One drops his sword as he sees the fight turning, and low-tails it. (Turns forfeited due to Azykar's attack.)
  • The bugle of Soho's warhorn peals through the mountains at the rear of the bridge, the Breadvet marching threateningly towards the enemy in hopes of shattering their nerve. The remaining two charr at the front flee at the sound, following their brother's footsteps. (🎲 8)

Round 2

  • Alku looses another dragonhunter's bolt at the charr she'd trapped: "When you finally ascend, tell whatever god you serve he's next." The bolt slams into the charr's shoulder, causing him to drop his sword. (🎲 7 vs. 🎲 11)
  • Tarveth springs up from his landing, taking quick action against the casting shaman by cracking his staff into his head. The shaman loses control of the spell, engulfing himself in flame. (🎲 19)
  • Galeji taunts the fleeing soldiers, bolting after them. He slams into the back of the nearest, a wave of charged power adding with the little charr's surprising mass to smash him into the ice. (🎲 12)
  • Azykar chases the other fleeing charr, bringing his greatsword up with intent to cleave. Though the charr attempts to bring up his shield in desperate defense, he soon finds himself no longer one, but rather now two mirrored halves as he is split in twain. (🎲 14)
  • Bocifus brings out his warhammer, attempting to dispatch the trapped charr once and for all (🎲 9) before moving in on one of the charr still standing (🎲 20). The trapped charr falls partially off the bridge, foot still caught in the trap. The standing charr's expression of fear is fulfilled, his raised axe failing to stop a hammer to the chest.
  • Firiann shifts her position, re-aiming and firing at the remaining soldiers to the rear. Her target leaps to the side in an effort to avoid Bo's hammer, the arrow passing harmlessly where he once stood. (🎲 5)
  • Domitus scoops up a pawful of snow, casting it towards the remaining soldier as he crystallizes it. He turns, scrambling to keep up with the dolyaks as the clod strikes home, catching the soldier in the maw and snapping his head sideways, teeth shattering. (🎲 14)
  • Grimm brings his frozen sword forth from shadows, smashing it into the crippled charr, who quickly begins to freeze, to Grimm's surprise. (No roll recorded)
  • Klea, disappointed, grabs the wrenched charr, taunting and threatening him before giving him over to the Legionnaire for judgment.

Battle End

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