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Last active March 7, 2019 20:55
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Zendesk Regular Email Formatting
{% capture newline %}
{% endcapture %}{% capture htmlemail %}{{ ticket.latest_comment_formatted | split:"<table" | size }}{% endcapture %}{% if htmlemail == '1' %}{{ ticket.latest_comment.value }}
{% else %}{{ ticket.latest_comment.formatted_value }}{% endif %}
{% for attachment in ticket.latest_comment.attachments %}
Attachment: {{attachment.filename}} {{attachment.url}}
{% endfor %}
{% if htmlemail == '1' %}
{% for comment in ticket.public_comments %}{% if forloop.index > 1 %}{% capture preline_prefix %}
{% for i in (3..forloop.index) %}>{% endfor %}{% if forloop.index > 2%} {% endif %}{% endcapture %}{{ preline_prefix }}On {{ comment.created_at_with_time | date:'%a, %B %-d, %Y at %-I:%M %p' }}, {{ }} <{{ }}> wrote:{{ preline_prefix }}{% capture line_prefix %}
{% for i in (2..forloop.index) %}>{% endfor %} {% endcapture %}{{ line_prefix }}{{ comment.value | split:newline | join:line_prefix }}{{ line_prefix }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% for comment in ticket.public_comments %}{% if forloop.index > 1 %}
On {{ comment.created_at_with_time | date:'%a, %B %-d, %Y at %-I:%M %p' }}, {{ }} <{{ }}> wrote:
<blockquote style="margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-left:1ex">{{ comment.formatted_value }}
{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% for comment in ticket.comments %}{% if forloop.index > 1 %}</blockquote></div>{% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% capture newline %}
{% endcapture %}{% capture htmlemail %}{{ ticket.latest_comment_formatted | split:"<table" | size }}{% endcapture %}{% if htmlemail == '1' %}{{ ticket.latest_comment.value }}
{% else %}{{ ticket.latest_comment.formatted_value }}
{% endif %}
{% for attachment in ticket.latest_comment.attachments %}
Attachment: {{attachment.filename}} {{attachment.url}}
{% endfor %}
<div dir="ltr">
<div style="color: #b5b5b5;">{{delimiter}}</div>
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moander commented Aug 24, 2015

Is this still valid? :)

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