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Created December 7, 2015 03:00
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ai::Agent::Action * Chan::Program(const ai::Agent::Percept * percept)
ai::CCheckers::Action *action = new ai::CCheckers::Action;
ai::CCheckers::MoveData move;
std::string board_str = percept->GetAtom("BASIC_BOARD").GetValue();
ai::CCheckers::BasicBoard board(board_str);
int player = atoi(percept->GetAtom("PLAYER_NUMBER").GetValue().c_str());
const std::vector<ai::CCheckers::MoveData> & moves = board.DetermineLegalMoves(player);
int best_forwardness = -1;
unsigned int best_move = 0;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<moves.size(); i++)
ai::CCheckers::BasicBoard b(board);
b.Move(player, move);
int forwardness = b.Forwardness(player);
std::cout << "forwardness: " << forwardness << ", i: " << i << std::endl;
bool chooseThisMove = false;
if (forwardness > best_forwardness)
chooseThisMove = true;
if (chooseThisMove)
best_forwardness = forwardness;
best_move = i;
if (moves.size() > 0)
move = moves[best_move];
return action;
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