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Created March 15, 2017 21:19
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Palindrome number finder up to 9999 in (linux) assembly.
OBJS = palindrome.s
ASM = nasm
FLAGS = -f elf -g
OBJ_NAME = palindrome.o
EXE_NAME = palindrome
LINK = ld -m elf_i386 -dynamic-linker /lib/ -o $(EXE_NAME) $(OBJ_NAME) -lc
rm $(OBJ_NAME)
rm $(EXE_NAME)
section .data
number db "%x", 10, 0 ; Declare variable for printing palindrome numbers.
section .text
global main
extern printf ; We are using printf to print numbers to stdout.
main: mov ecx, 9999 ; Move the number which the program will find palindromes
; up to, to ECX. Note that 9999 is the greatest number for
; this program to find palindromes up to.
start: push ecx ; Store the current number into the stack.
mov ax, cx ; Move the current number to AX.
mov bx, 10 ; Move 10 to BX in order to perform division.
mov cx, 0 ; Reset CX to 0 for the next operation.
pdigits: mov dx, 0 ; Reset DX to 0. We will use DX which will store the modulus
; value after the division.
div bx ; Perform AX / BX. Remember that AX holds the current number.
; Which we are testing its palindromity.
push dx ; Push DX, the rightmost digit of the number to the stack.
inc cx ; Increment CX. Which will eventually yield the digit count.
cmp ax, 0 ; If the division operation yielded 0, then we have reached
; the leftmost digit and that's enough.
je cont ; If so, jump to 'cont' label.
jmp pdigits ; Else, continue pushing the rightmost digit and incremening
; the counter.
cont: cmp cx, 4 ; Now, if the current number consists of 4 digits,
je four ; then, jump to 'four' label.
cmp cx, 3 ; Else if, it consists of 3 digits,
je three ; then, jump to 'three' label.
cmp cx, 2 ; Else if, it consists of 2 digits,
je two ; then, jump to 'two' label.
cmp cx, 1 ; Else if, it consists of 1 digit,
je one ; then, jump to 'one' label.
four: pop ax ; Now that the number has four digits,
pop bx ; Pop the (once pushed) four digits to AX, BX, CX and DX.
pop cx ; So, if the number was 1221, the registers would be like
pop dx ; this: AX->1, BX->2, CX->2 and DX->1.
cmp ax, dx ; In this case, if (AX == DX) and (BX == CX) then
jne nope ; the number is palindrome. Jump to yep. Else it isn't.
cmp bx, cx ; Jump to nope.
jne nope ; Same rules apply in 'three' and 'two' labels too...
je yep
three: pop ax
pop bx
pop cx
cmp ax, cx
jne nope
je yep
two: pop ax
pop bx
cmp ax, bx
jne nope
je yep
one: pop ax ; If the number consists of one digit, then pop stack once.
jmp yep ; No need to use the popped value, since all one digit num-
; bers considered palindrome, jump to 'yep'!
nope: pop ecx ; Get ECX its original value. (Which was the current number.)
dec ecx ; Decrement it. So we are continuing with the next number.
jnz start ; Jump to the very beginning, not palindrome at all.
yep: pop ecx ; If it is palindrome then, get ECX its original value.
push ecx ; Restore it again. To use it as a parameter of printf.
push number ; Push the other parameter which is our variable.
call printf ; Print it.
add sp, 4 ; Restore the stack pointer.
pop ecx ; The above call might manipulate ECX. So we are restoring it.
push ecx ; Push the palindrome number to store it in stack.
dec ecx ; Switch to the next number.
jnz start ; Continue with it.
exit: mov ax, 1 ; 'exit' system call.
mov bx, 0 ; Return 0.
int 80h ; Return to kernel.
; PS. Ah, yes. The program prints out numbers in hex, sorry. ^^;
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