package com.arnabchatterjee.core;
import com.arnabchatterjee.beans.KVPair;
import com.arnabchatterjee.beans.LeafNode;
import com.arnabchatterjee.beans.Node;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.bouncycastle.util.encoders.Hex;
I believe smart-contracts (chaincodes) are the heart of any Blockchain Network. Written correctly can yeild many benefits and truly bring out the best in a secure blockchain network and have distratous effects if written inefficiently. Although I will not discuss about any specific goods and bads of Chaincode design, I will touch down a few guidelines which I experienced while doing some POC applications during my work. Without further ado, let's start.
Below are a few general guidelines / caveats that can be adhered to (although there are exceptions) while writing chaincodes. These I have particularly written for chaincodes written for Hyperledger fabric v.1.0 network in golang. But, I believe they can be extrapolated to chaincodes written in any language for Hyperledger Fabric.
To kickoff your development process, use the DevMode. I cannot emphasise enough, how important it is to use dev mode and save time and eff