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Created May 13, 2014 12:08
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# script to merge several individual Tiffs (bands) into one multiband GeoTiff
# and potentially do calculations like NDVI, albedo, etc...
# from:
# import the GDAL and numpy libraries
from osgeo import gdal
from numpy import *
# ***************************************************************
# ok lets load in the first 4 bands of Landsat imagery into their own numpy arrays
# the numpy arrays are named band1, band2, etc.
# I'm using the Boulder images that I provided you, but -
# alternatively you could change these file names to be Landast imagery that you downloaded
g = gdal.Open("boulderBand1.tif") # blue band
band1 = g.ReadAsArray()
g = gdal.Open("boulderBand2.tif") # green band
band2 = g.ReadAsArray()
g = gdal.Open("boulderBand3.tif") # red band
band3 = g.ReadAsArray()
g = gdal.Open("boulderBand4.tif") # near infrared band
band4 = g.ReadAsArray()
# ****************************************************************
# Lets do an NDVI calc
# NDVI = (nearInfrared - Red) / (nearInfrared + Red)
band4 = array(band4, dtype = float) # change the array data type from integer to float to allow decimals
band3 = array(band3, dtype = float)
var1 = subtract(band4, band3)
var2 = add(band4, band3)
ndvi = divide(var1,var2)
# ****************************************************************
# these variables will get information about the input Tiff so we can
# write out our new Tiff into the correct geographic space and with correct row/column dimensions
geo = g.GetGeoTransform() # get the datum
proj = g.GetProjection() # get the projection
shape = band1.shape # get the image dimensions - format (row, col)
# ****************************************************************
# here we write out the new image, only one band to write out in this case
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
dst_ds = driver.Create( "ndvi.tif", shape[1], shape[0], 1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
# here we set the variable dst_ds with
# destination filename, number of columns and rows
# 1 is the number of bands we will write out
# gdal.GDT_Float32 is the data type - decimals
dst_ds.SetGeoTransform( geo ) # set the datum
dst_ds.SetProjection( proj ) # set the projection
dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray( ndvi) # write numpy array band1 as the first band of the multiTiff - this is the blue band
stat = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).GetStatistics(1,1) # get the band statistics (min, max, mean, standard deviation)
dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetStatistics(stat[0], stat[1], stat[2], stat[3]) # set the stats we just got to the band
# that's it, close Python and load your NDVI image into QGIS !!
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