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Created December 5, 2013 18:33
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A ruby class extracted from an internal lib that transforms UTM coords to Geodesic and from Asia coords to UTM. It's specific to deal with The City Council of Barcelona's opened data.
# encoding: utf-8
# Canonizes a geoposition as a geodesic coordinate.
# The “Asia” coords were created by the City Council of Barcelona
# and they are still used in some internal systems. The problem
# appears when opens data using this non
# standard system.
# @author Arnau Siches
class Coords
# @return [Array] the pair +[latitude, longitude]+.
attr_reader :value
attr_reader :latitude, :longitude
# @return [Hash] the original value (+:value+) Array and the original type
# (+:type+).
attr_reader :original
# @param [Array] coords The pair (x, y).
# @param [Symbol] type The type of the coords (:asia, :utm, :geo)
def initialize(coords, type)
@original = {
:value => coords,
:type => type
@type = type
@value = to_geo(coords)
@latitude = @value[0]
@longitude = @value[1]
# Converts Asia coords to UTM coords.
# @param [Array] The coords in Asia.
# @return [Array] The coords in UTM.
def asia_to_utm(coords)
x = (coords[0] + 400000000.0) / 1000
y = (coords[1] + 4500000000.0) / 1000
@type = :utm
return [x, y]
# Converts UTM or Asia coords to Geodesic coords.
# @param [Array] The coords in UTM or Asia.
# @return [Array] The coords in Geodesic.
def to_geo(coords)
case @type
when :asia
when :utm
# Converts UTM coords to Geodesic coords.
# @param [Array] The coords in UTM.
# @return [Array] The coords in Geodesic.
def utm_to_geo(coords)
x = coords[0]
y = coords[1]
tx = -131.250417839
ty = -206.9696618318
exy = (1.3219081270/1000000)
ang = (-1.6446198/3600) * Math::PI / 180
# Coords to UTM ETRS89
tmpx = tx + ((1 + exy) * ((x * Math.cos(ang)) - (y * Math.sin(ang))))
tmpy = ty + ((1 + exy) * ((x * Math.sin(ang)) + (y * Math.cos(ang))))
major_semiaxe = 6378137.0
minor_semiaxe = 6356752.31414035
second_excentricity = ((major_semiaxe**2 - minor_semiaxe**2)**0.5) / (minor_semiaxe)
second_excentricity_power_2 = second_excentricity**2
curvature_polar_radius = major_semiaxe**2 / minor_semiaxe
x_recoil = tmpx - 500000.0
decimal_longitude = (31 * 6) - 183.0
decimal_latitude = tmpy / (6366197.724 * 0.9996)
nu = curvature_polar_radius * 0.9996 / (1 + second_excentricity_power_2 * Math.cos(decimal_latitude)**2)**0.5
a = x_recoil / nu
a1 = Math.sin(2 * decimal_latitude)
a2 = a1 * Math.cos(decimal_latitude)**2
j2 = decimal_latitude + (a1 / 2)
j4 = ((3 * j2) + a2) / 4
j6 = ((5 * j4) + a2 * Math.cos(decimal_latitude)**2) / 3
alfa = 3 * second_excentricity_power_2 / 4
beta = 5 * alfa**2 / 3
gamma = 35 * alfa**3 / 27
bsubzeta = 0.9996 * curvature_polar_radius * (decimal_latitude - alfa * j2 + beta * j4 - gamma * j6)
b = (tmpy - bsubzeta) / nu
dseta = (second_excentricity_power_2 * a**2 * Math.cos(decimal_latitude)**2) / 2
xi = a * (1 - (dseta / 3))
eta = b * (1 - dseta) + decimal_latitude
ee = Math.exp(1.0)
sin_h_xi = (ee**xi - ee**-xi) / 2
delta_lambda = Math.atan(sin_h_xi / Math.cos(eta))
tau = Math.atan(Math.cos(delta_lambda) * Math.tan(eta))
longitude = ((delta_lambda / Math::PI) * 180) + decimal_longitude
latitude = ((decimal_latitude + (((1 + (second_excentricity_power_2 * Math.cos(decimal_latitude)**2) - (3 / 2 * second_excentricity_power_2 * Math.sin(decimal_latitude) * Math.cos(decimal_latitude) * (tau - decimal_latitude)))) * (tau - decimal_latitude))) / Math::PI) * 180
@type = :geo
return [latitude, longitude]
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