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Last active March 13, 2023 17:41
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(require '[ :as io])
(require '[ :as xml])
(require '[next.jdbc.sql :as sql])
(require '[next.jdbc.result-set :as rs])
(def db-spec
"Database connection"
{:dbtype "oracle:thin"
:host "localhost"
:user "system"
:password "oracle"
:dbname "xe"})
(defn query
"Execute an SQL query"
([sql] (query sql []))
([sql params]
(sql/query db-spec (cons sql params) {:builder-fn rs/as-unqualified-kebab-maps})))
(defn in
"in construction for SQL queries"
(let [marks (str/join ", " (take (count coll) (repeat "?")))]
(str "(" marks ")")))
(defn find-restaurants []
(query "SELECT * FROM Restaurants"))
(defn find-likes [restaurant-ids]
(query (str "SELECT * FROM Likes WHERE fk_rest IN" (in restaurant-ids)) restaurant-ids))
(defn to-xml [data]
(fn [[tag rows]]
(for [row rows]
;; ensure all attrs and tags are uppercased
(xml/sexp-as-element [(str/upper-case tag) (update-keys row (comp str/upper-case name))])))
(defn to-file [data filename]
(with-open [file (io/writer filename)]
(xml/emit data file)))
(let [restaurants (find-restaurants) ;; find all restaurants
restaurant-ids (mapv :numero restaurants) ;; extract the ids from the restaurants
likes (find-likes restaurant-ids)] ;; retrieve the likes based on the restaurant-ids
(-> [["RESTAURANTS" restaurants] ;; add metadata `RESTAURANTS` (XML Tag) to the `restaurants`
["LIKES" likes]] ;; add metadata `LIKES` (XML Tag) to the `likes`
(to-xml) ;; encode the data as XML
(to-file "/tmp/export.xml"))) ;; export to a file
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