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Created July 1, 2022 16:39
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Haskell Implementation of Interval Tree Clock
{- | Author: Arne Winter
| Date: 01/07/2022
| Description: Haskell implementation of interval tree clocks, as per the paper
Almeida, Paulo & Baquero, Carlos & Fonte, Victor. (2008). Interval Tree Clocks: A Logical Clock for Dynamic Systems. 5401. 259-274. 10.1007/978-3-540-92221-6_18.
module ITC (
Stamp (..),
ITCId (..),
ITCEvent (..),
StampComparison (..),
) where
data Stamp = Stamp ITCId ITCEvent deriving (Eq, Show)
data ITCId
| ITCId Bool
deriving (Eq, Show)
data ITCEvent
= ITCEventBranch Integer ITCEvent ITCEvent
| ITCEventLeaf Integer
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | pretty print a stamp, like in the original paper.
fmtStamp :: Stamp -> String
fmtStamp (Stamp i e) = "(" <> fmtId i <> ", " <> fmtEv e <> ")"
fmtId (ITCId False) = "0"
fmtId (ITCId True) = "1"
fmtId (ITCIdBranch l r) = "(" <> fmtId l <> ", " <> fmtId r <> ")"
fmtEv (ITCEventLeaf n) = show n
fmtEv (ITCEventBranch n l r) = "(" <> show n <> ", " <> fmtEv l <> ", " <> fmtEv r <> ")"
{- | The seed stamp.
The first peer is to use this, then fork others.
seed :: Stamp
seed = Stamp iT (ITCEventLeaf 0)
{- | use to register new peers.
one stamp must be consecutively owned be the forking peer.
the other stamp owned by host.
fork :: Stamp -> (Stamp, Stamp)
fork (Stamp i e) = let (i1, i2) = split i in (Stamp i1 e, Stamp i2 e)
-- | inverse of fork. s = uncurry join (fork s)
join :: Stamp -> Stamp -> Stamp
join (Stamp i1 e1) (Stamp i2 e2) = Stamp (sumId i1 i2) (joinEv e1 e2)
{- | Anonymizes this stamp.
Useful when sending messages or logging debug stamps.
peek :: Stamp -> Stamp
peek (Stamp _ e) = Stamp iF e
{- | when something happened on this peer.
use the new stamp afterwards.
event :: Stamp -> Stamp
event s@(Stamp i e) =
( Stamp i $
if fill' i e /= e
then fill' i e
else e'
(e', _) = grow' s
data StampComparison
= -- | A happened before B.
| -- | A happened after B.
| -- | A happened concurrent to B in logical time.
deriving (Eq, Show)
{- | Compare two stamps.
Note that stamp is not an instance of Ord because a <= b and b <= a does not imply a = b:
rather that a happened concurrent to b per logical time.
stampCompare :: Stamp -> Stamp -> StampComparison
stampCompare s1 s2
| happenedBefore s1 s2 = Before
| happenedBefore s2 s1 = After
| otherwise = Concurrent
-- | stamp comparison is just comparison of their event component.
happenedBefore :: Stamp -> Stamp -> Bool
(Stamp _ e1) `happenedBefore` (Stamp _ e2) = e1 `evLeq` e2
-- | some utility functions because the constructors are so verbose.
iF, iT :: ITCId
iF = ITCId False
iT = ITCId True
iB :: ITCId -> ITCId -> ITCId
iB = ITCIdBranch
normId :: ITCId -> ITCId
normId (ITCIdBranch (ITCId False) (ITCId False)) = iF
normId (ITCIdBranch (ITCId True) (ITCId True)) = iT
normId leaf = leaf
sumId :: ITCId -> ITCId -> ITCId
sumId (ITCId False) i = i
sumId i (ITCId False) = i
sumId (ITCIdBranch l1 r1) (ITCIdBranch l2 r2) = normId (ITCIdBranch (sumId l1 l2) (sumId r1 r2))
sumId _ _ = error "cannot sum with previos version of same stamp! Stamps must grow monotonically."
split :: ITCId -> (ITCId, ITCId)
split (ITCId False) = (iF, iF)
split (ITCId True) = (iB iT iF, iB iF iT)
split (ITCIdBranch (ITCId False) i) = (iB iF i1, iB iF i2) where (i1, i2) = split i
split (ITCIdBranch i (ITCId False)) = (iB i1 iF, iB i2 iF) where (i1, i2) = split i
split (ITCIdBranch l r) = (iB l iF, iB iF r)
fill' :: ITCId -> ITCEvent -> ITCEvent
fill' (ITCId False) e = e
fill' (ITCId True) e = evHeight e
fill' _ n@(ITCEventLeaf _) = n
fill' (ITCIdBranch (ITCId True) ir) (ITCEventBranch n l r) =
normEv $
(evMax (evHeight l) (base r'))
r' = fill' ir r
fill' (ITCIdBranch il (ITCId True)) (ITCEventBranch n l r) =
normEv $
(evMax (evHeight r) (base l'))
l' = fill' il l
fill' (ITCIdBranch il ir) (ITCEventBranch n l r) = normEv $ ITCEventBranch n (fill' il l) (fill' ir r)
newtype Cost = Cost Integer deriving (Eq, Ord)
ltCost :: Cost -> Cost -> Bool
ltCost (Cost c1) (Cost c2) = c1 < c2
addCost :: Cost -> Cost -> Cost
addCost (Cost c1) (Cost c2) = Cost $ c1 + c2
grow' :: Stamp -> (ITCEvent, Cost)
grow' (Stamp (ITCId True) (ITCEventLeaf n)) =
(ITCEventLeaf $ n + 1, Cost 0)
grow' (Stamp i (ITCEventLeaf n)) =
(e', c `addCost` largeCost)
largeCost = Cost 1000
(e', c) = grow' $ Stamp i (ITCEventBranch n (ITCEventLeaf 0) (ITCEventLeaf 0))
grow' (Stamp (ITCIdBranch (ITCId False) i) (ITCEventBranch n l r)) =
(ITCEventBranch n l r', cr `addCost` (Cost 1))
(r', cr) = grow' $ Stamp i r
grow' (Stamp (ITCIdBranch i (ITCId False)) (ITCEventBranch n l r)) =
((ITCEventBranch n l' r), cl `addCost` (Cost 1))
(l', cl) = grow' $ Stamp i l
grow' (Stamp (ITCIdBranch il ir) (ITCEventBranch n l r))
| costL `ltCost` costR = ((ITCEventBranch n l' r), costL `addCost` (Cost 1))
| otherwise = ((ITCEventBranch n l r'), costR `addCost` (Cost 1))
(l', costL) = grow' $ Stamp il l
(r', costR) = grow' $ Stamp ir r
evValue :: ITCEvent -> Integer
evValue (ITCEventLeaf n) = n
evValue (ITCEventBranch n _ _) = n
evHeight :: ITCEvent -> ITCEvent
evHeight n@(ITCEventLeaf _) = n
evHeight (ITCEventBranch n l r) = ITCEventLeaf $ n + (evValue $ evMax (evHeight l) (evHeight r))
evMax :: ITCEvent -> ITCEvent -> ITCEvent
evMax e1 e2
| e1 `evLeq` e2 = e2
| otherwise = e1
base :: ITCEvent -> ITCEvent
base (ITCEventBranch n _ _) = (ITCEventLeaf n)
base n@(ITCEventLeaf _) = n
-- | event comparison.
evLeq :: ITCEvent -> ITCEvent -> Bool
(ITCEventLeaf n1) `evLeq` (ITCEventLeaf n2) = n1 <= n2
(ITCEventLeaf n1) `evLeq` (ITCEventBranch n2 _ _) = n1 <= n2
(ITCEventBranch n1 l1 r1) `evLeq` (ITCEventLeaf n2) =
and $
[ n1 <= n2
, liftEv l1 n1 `evLeq` (ITCEventLeaf n2)
, liftEv r1 n1 `evLeq` (ITCEventLeaf n2)
(ITCEventBranch n1 l1 r1) `evLeq` (ITCEventBranch n2 l2 r2) =
and $
[ n1 <= n2
, liftEv l1 n1 `evLeq` liftEv l2 n2
, liftEv r1 n1 `evLeq` liftEv r2 n2
liftEv, sinkEv :: ITCEvent -> Integer -> ITCEvent
liftEv (ITCEventLeaf n) m = ITCEventLeaf $ n + m
liftEv (ITCEventBranch n e1 e2) m = ITCEventBranch (n + m) e1 e2
sinkEv e m = liftEv e (- m)
joinEv :: ITCEvent -> ITCEvent -> ITCEvent
joinEv n1@(ITCEventLeaf _) n2@(ITCEventLeaf _) = evMax n1 n2
joinEv (ITCEventLeaf n1) b@(ITCEventBranch _ _ _) = joinEv (ITCEventBranch n1 (ITCEventLeaf 0) (ITCEventLeaf 0)) b
joinEv b@(ITCEventBranch _ _ _) (ITCEventLeaf n1) = joinEv b (ITCEventBranch n1 (ITCEventLeaf 0) (ITCEventLeaf 0))
joinEv b1@(ITCEventBranch n1 _ _) b2@(ITCEventBranch n2 _ _) | n1 > n2 = joinEv b2 b1
joinEv (ITCEventBranch n1 l1 r1) (ITCEventBranch n2 l2 r2) =
normEv $
(joinEv l1 (liftEv l2 (n2 - n1)))
(joinEv r1 (liftEv r2 (n2 - n1)))
normEv :: ITCEvent -> ITCEvent
normEv n@(ITCEventLeaf _) = n
normEv (ITCEventBranch n e1 e2)
| evValue e1 == evValue e2 = ITCEventLeaf (n + evValue e1)
| otherwise = ITCEventBranch n (sinkEv e1 m) (sinkEv e2 m)
m = min (evValue e1) (evValue e2)
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