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Created December 25, 2021 18:34
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Haskell function to repeat an IO action repeatedly, analogous to javascript's setInterval, with the addition of receiving a time delta. Personally used for a game server's main tick-loop.
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (getPOSIXTime) -- from `time` package.
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
{- | Repeats IO action repeatedly on single thread, taking action running-time into account when waiting for next repetition.
secondsToMicros = (*) (10 ^ 6)
millisToMicros = (*) (10 ^ 3)
(secondsToMicros 1)
(\exc -> putStrLn $ "action took to long! exceeded by " <> show exc <> " micros!")
(\delta i -> putStrLn ("iteration " <> show i <> " delta is " <> show delta) >> threadDelay (millisToMicros 500) >> return (i + 1))
:: Int -- ^ the interval to repeat the action, in microseconds.
-> (Int -> IO ()) -- ^ in case the repeated action takes longer than the interval, this function receives the exceeded time in microseconds.
-> (Int -> a -> IO a) -- ^ the IO action to repeat.
-- It receives the time it took for the last repition in microseconds.
-- The first repition receives the interval as argument.
-- Further repitions time-delta is slightly higher though, as imposed by threadDelay.
-> a -- ^ the initial argument to invoke the function with.
-> IO () -- ^ loop indefinitely. Exceptions raised by either provided actions are bubbled.
recurseInterval intv0 exceeded0 act0 a0 = currentTimeMicros >>= \t -> go intv0 t intv0 exceeded0 act0 a0
go :: Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int -> IO ()) -> (Int -> a -> IO a) -> a -> IO ()
go prevDelta before intv exceeded act a = do
a' <- act prevDelta a
after <- currentTimeMicros
let offset = intv - (after - before)
if offset < 0 then exceeded (abs offset) else threadDelay offset
now <- currentTimeMicros
go (now - before) now intv exceeded act a'
currentTimeMicros :: IO Int
currentTimeMicros = round . (*) (10 ^ 6) <$> getPOSIXTime
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