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Last active March 5, 2016 18:58
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TSNE Plot of Yelp Reviews

An illustration of TSNE layout of word2vec output from a subset of Yelp reviews.

Use the mouse to click on a dot and see the word plotted. Click a label to hide it again.

Color indicates polarity based on simple word labeling from the AFINN wordlist. It may be that context in this dataset affects polarity :)

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<h2>Yelp Review Words</h2>
<p>This is the output of a word2vec python processing on a 229K sample of Yelp reviews.They were processed with gensim, then the most common 1500 words were plotted with TSNE in 2 dimensions. The color shows the sentiment polarity (red-blue, neg-pos) based on simple word sentiment from AFINN-111.txt. As you can see, more positive words (blue) appears in the reviews.</p>
<p>Click a dot to show the word associated with it; click the word to hide it again. Ask me for more info at @arnicas.</p>
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