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Created September 18, 2020 19:27
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document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = `
<h1>Hello Vanilla!</h1>
We use the same configuration as Parcel to bundle this sandbox, you can find more
info about Parcel
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">here</a>.
var marks = { physics: 98, maths: 95, chemistry: 91 };
// Create a new Object
var marks2 = {};
var marks3 = new Object();
// Parsing and stringifying
// returns "{"physics":98,"maths":95,"chemistry":91}"
JSON.stringify(marks); // Get object from string
// Iterating over an object
var highScore = 0;
for (i of Object.keys(marks)) {
if (marks[i] > highScore) highScore = marks[i];
// Return a list of values in Object
// Accessing protype methods
marks.hasOwnProperty("physics"); // returns true
marks.hasOwnProperty("greek"); // returns false
function Car(make, model, year) {
this.make = make;
this.model = model;
this.year = year;
var newCar = new Car("Honda", "City", 2007);
console.log(newCar instanceof Car); // returns true
// .freeze allows us to make sure properties can't be modified
var marks = { physics: 98, maths: 95, chemistry: 91 };
finalizedMarks = Object.freeze(marks);
finalizedMarks["physics"] = 86; // throws error in strict mode
console.log(marks); // {physics: 98, maths: 95, chemistry: 91}
// .seal allows us to make configurable properties
// but ensure no new properties are added
var marks = { physics: 98, maths: 95, chemistry: 91 };
delete marks.chemistry; // returns false as operation failed
marks.physics = 95; // Works!
marks.greek = 86; // Will not add a new property
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