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Created December 7, 2022 22:19
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Inferring lognormal error distributions from odds ratios and bayes rule
from typing import List, Tuple
from numba import jit, float64
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
def from_confidence_intervals(lower: float, upper: float, symbolic=False) -> (float, float):
"""Compute the mean and standard deviation of a lognormal distribution from the
confidence interval of the mean.
:param mu: the mean of the lognormal distribution
:param lower: the lower bound of the confidence interval
:param upper: the upper bound of the confidence interval
:return: the standard deviation of the lognormal distribution
if symbolic:
log = sp.log
sqrt = sp.sqrt
log = np.log
sqrt = np.sqrt
mean = (log(lower) + log(upper)) / 2.0
std = sqrt(log(upper) - log(lower) )/ (2.0 * 1.96)
return mean, std
def prod_lognormals_(
mu1: float, sigma1: float,
mu2: float, sigma2: float,
symbolic=False) -> (float, float):
"""Compute the mean and standard deviation of the product of two lognormal distributions.
:param mu1: the mean of the first lognormal distribution
:param sigma1: the standard deviation of the first lognormal distribution
:param mu2: the mean of the second lognormal distribution
:param sigma2: the standard deviation of the second lognormal distribution
:return: the mean and standard deviation of the sum of the two lognormal distributions
if symbolic:
sqrt = sp.sqrt
sqrt = np.sqrt
mu = mu1 + mu2
sigma = sp.sqrt(sigma1**2 + sigma2**2)
return mu, sigma
def sum_lognormals_(
mu1: float, sigma1: float,
mu2: float, sigma2: float,
symbolic = False) -> (float, float):
"""Compute the mean and standard deviation of the sum of two lognormal distributions.
:param mu1: the mean of the first lognormal distribution
:param sigma1: the standard deviation of the first lognormal distribution
:param mu2: the mean of the second lognormal distribution
:param sigma2: the standard deviation of the second lognormal distribution
:return: the mean and standard deviation of the sum of the two lognormal distributions
if symbolic:
exp = sp.exp
log = sp.log
sqrt = sp.sqrt
exp = np.exp
log = np.log
sqrt = np.sqrt
denom = exp(mu1 + 0.5 * sigma1**2) + exp(mu2 + 0.5 * sigma2**2)
var = (
exp(2 * mu1 + sigma1**2) * (exp(sigma1**2) - 1) +
exp(2 * mu2 + sigma2**2) * (exp(sigma2**2) - 1) + 1
) / denom
mu = log(denom) - 0.5 * var
return mu, sqrt(var)
def sum_lognormals(*params: List[Tuple[float]]) -> (float, float):
"""Compute the mean and standard deviation of the sum of multiple lognormal distributions.
:param params: a list of tuples of the form (mu, sigma) for each lognormal distribution
:return: the mean and standard deviation of the sum of the lognormal distributions
params = list(params)
mu, sigma = params.pop(0)
for mu_i, sigma_i in params:
mu, sigma = sum_lognormals_(mu, sigma, mu_i, sigma_i)
return mu, sigma
def prod_lognormals(*params: List[Tuple[float]]) -> (float, float):
"""Compute the mean and standard deviation of the product of multiple lognormal distributions.
params = list(params)
mu, sigma = params.pop(0)
for mu_i, sigma_i in params:
mu, sigma = prod_lognormals_(mu, sigma, mu_i, sigma_i)
return mu, sigma
def symbolic_guess_odds_ratio(
) -> sp.Symbol:
"""Compute the odds ratio of lognormal distributions.
If both p & q are lognormally distributed, then the odds ratio is given by
p/q ~ lognormal(mu_or, sigma_or)
in the special that p = prob(outcome|condition) and q = prob(outcome|~condition)
we can infer the distribution of both p and q from the odds ratio.
this assumes we know both the marginal distribution p(condition) and p(y)
this is because p(y) = p(y|condition) * p(condition) + p(y|~condition) * p(~condition)
which yields the following system of equations:
lognormal(mu_outcome, sigma_outcome) =
lognormal(mu_q, sigma_q) * lognormal(mu_or, sigma_or) * lognormal(mu_condition, sigma_condition) +
lognormal(mu_q, sigma_q) - lognormal(mu_q, sigma_q) * lognormal(mu_condition, sigma_condition)
which simplifies to
sum_lognormals(outcome, product_lognormals(q, condition)) =
sum_lognormals(q, product_lognormals(q, or, condition))
:param mu: the mean of the lognormal distribution
:param sigma: the standard deviation of the lognormal distribution
:return: the odds ratio of the lognormal distribution
mu_q, mu_outcome, mu_condition = sp.symbols('mu_q, mu_outcome, mu_condition')
sigma_q, sigma_outcome, sigma_condition = sp.symbols('sigma_q, sigma_outcome, sigma_condition', positive=True)
params_q = (mu_q, sigma_q)
params_outcome = (mu_outcome, sigma_outcome)
params_condition = (mu_condition, sigma_condition)
mu_lhs, sigma_lhs = sum_lognormals(params_outcome, prod_lognormals(params_q, params_condition))
mu_rhs, sigma_rhs = sum_lognormals(params_q, prod_lognormals(params_q, params_or, params_condition))
return sp.simplify(mu_lhs - mu_rhs), sp.simplify(sigma_lhs - sigma_rhs)
@jit((float64, float64, float64, float64, float64, float64), nopython=True)
def raw_guess_odds_ratio(
mu_q: float, sigma_q: float,
mu_outcome: float, sigma_outcome: float,
mu_condition: float, sigma_condition: float,
) -> (float, float):
"""Guess the odds ratio of a lognormal distribution."""
params_q = (mu_q, sigma_q)
params_outcome = (mu_outcome, sigma_outcome)
params_condition = (mu_condition, sigma_condition)
mu_expr = (
np.exp(mu_outcome + 0.5*sigma_outcome**2) +
np.exp(mu_condition + mu_q + 0.5*sigma_condition**2 + 0.5*sigma_q**2)
np.exp(mu_q + 0.5*sigma_q**2) + 5.56635651637762*np.exp(
mu_condition + mu_q + 0.5*sigma_condition**2 + 0.5*sigma_q**2)
5.56635651637762*np.exp(mu_condition + 0.5*sigma_condition**2) + 1.0
)*np.exp(mu_q + 0.5*sigma_q**2)) + np.log(
np.exp(mu_outcome + 0.5*sigma_outcome**2) + np.exp(
mu_condition + mu_q + 0.5*sigma_condition**2 + 0.5*sigma_q**2
) + (
np.exp(mu_outcome + 0.5*sigma_outcome**2) +
np.exp(mu_condition + mu_q + 0.5*sigma_condition**2 + 0.5*sigma_q**2)
-0.5*(1 - np.exp(sigma_q**2))*np.exp(2*mu_q + sigma_q**2) +
16.0819550303169*np.exp(sigma_condition**2 + sigma_q**2) - 15.4921624337098
)*np.exp(2*mu_condition + 2*mu_q + sigma_condition**2 + sigma_q**2) + 0.5
) + 0.5*(np.exp(mu_q + 0.5*sigma_q**2) + 5.56635651637762*np.exp(
mu_condition + mu_q + 0.5*sigma_condition**2 + 0.5*sigma_q**2
(1 - np.exp(sigma_outcome**2))*np.exp(2*mu_outcome + sigma_outcome**2) +
(1 - np.exp(sigma_condition**2 + sigma_q**2))*np.exp(2*mu_condition + 2*mu_q + sigma_condition**2 + sigma_q**2) - 1)
np.exp(mu_outcome + 0.5*sigma_outcome**2) +
np.exp(mu_condition + mu_q + 0.5*sigma_condition**2 + 0.5*sigma_q**2)
np.exp(mu_q + 0.5*sigma_q**2) + 5.56635651637762*np.exp(mu_condition + mu_q + 0.5*sigma_condition**2 + 0.5*sigma_q**2)
sigma_expr = np.sqrt(
-(1 - np.exp(sigma_outcome**2))*np.exp(2*mu_outcome + sigma_outcome**2) -
(1 - np.exp(sigma_condition**2 + sigma_q**2))*np.exp(
2*mu_condition + 2*mu_q + sigma_condition**2 + sigma_q**2
) + 1
np.exp(mu_outcome + 0.5*sigma_outcome**2) +
np.exp(mu_condition + mu_q + 0.5*sigma_condition**2 + 0.5*sigma_q**2)
) - np.sqrt(
-(1 - np.exp(sigma_q**2))*np.exp(2*mu_q + sigma_q**2) +
30.9843248674196*(1.03807038553403*np.exp(sigma_condition**2 + sigma_q**2) - 1)*np.exp(
2*mu_condition + 2*mu_q + sigma_condition**2 + sigma_q**2
) + 1
np.exp(mu_q + 0.5*sigma_q**2) +
5.56635651637762*np.exp(mu_condition + mu_q + 0.5*sigma_condition**2 + 0.5*sigma_q**2)
return mu_expr, sigma_expr
def solve_for_remaining_parameters(
mu_outcome: float, sigma_outcome: float,
mu_condition: float, sigma_condition: float,
mu0_q: float, sigma0_q: float,
"""Solve for the remaining parameters."""
def objective(params_array: np.ndarray):
delta_mu, delta_sigma = raw_guess_odds_ratio(
params_array[0], params_array[1],
mu_outcome, sigma_outcome,
mu_condition, sigma_condition
return (delta_mu)**2 + (delta_sigma)**2
result = opt.minimize(
x0=np.array([mu0_q, sigma0_q]),
options={'disp': True, 'maxiter': 1000, 'gtol': 1e-3},
# +inf > mu > -inf, +inf > sigma >= 0
A=np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]]),
lb=np.array([-np.inf, 0]),
ub=np.array([np.inf, np.inf])
return result.x
if __name__ == '__main__':
conf_interval_autism = (0.01, 0.02)
conf_interval_gender = (0.004, 0.013)
conf_interval_or = (4.1, 7.28)
params_autism = from_confidence_intervals(*conf_interval_autism)
params_gender = from_confidence_intervals(*conf_interval_gender)
params_or = from_confidence_intervals(*conf_interval_or)
mu_autism, sigma_autism = params_autism
mu_gender, sigma_gender = params_gender
# print(sp.pycode(mu_expr), end='\n\n')
# print(sp.pycode(sigma_expr))
mu0 = (mu_autism + mu_gender) / 2.0
s0 = np.sqrt(sigma_autism**2 + sigma_gender**2)
# fwd = raw_guess_odds_ratio(mu0, s0, mu_autism, sigma_autism, mu_gender, sigma_gender)
result = solve_for_remaining_parameters(mu_autism, sigma_autism, mu_gender, sigma_gender, mu0, s0)
# print(fwd)
# mu_q = -4.35836312, sigma_q =0.42120029
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